It’s been called an attempted “coup,” a “hostile takeover” and an effort to “reshape the face of the organization.” What you ask? A democratic election, of course! Silicon Valley’s chapter for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) collected ballots last Saturday and Rev. Jethroe Moore retained his seat as president in a landslide victory, 149-47. But supporters of his, as well as opponent Chandra Lopez-Brooks, a longtime nonprofit maven, have each bristled at how the process was handled, with accusations of a stolen membership list and attempts to break NAACP bylaws being tossed around in the process. Rick Callender, former prez of the local chapter and now VP for the California/Hawaii branch, says Brooks attempted to jump back into the fold and take over the local chapter after taking a year off from being a member. (She was previously a member for three years, including one as VP.) But Brooks’ backers, which include former county supervisor candidate Teresa Alvarado, told Fly that Callender and others prevented some of Brooks’ supporters from joining the organization in an effort to keep Moore in power. Callender says it was a disingenuous tactic, as new members must be part of a local branch for 30 days before they can vote. There have also been allegations that someone may have secretly recorded Brooks when she was perusing a membership list for pre-election outreach efforts. Callender told Fly that rumor could have spawned from the fact that an investigation has been referred to national headquarters after a large chunk of the membership list went missing. Brooks’ defeat came just days before the announcement that Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the suspicious killing of African-American teenager Michael Brown. “Now is not the time to change (leadership),” Callender said. “We’ve got Ferguson going on.” Adding a little extra intrigue, both Callender and Alvarado work at the Santa Clara Valley Water District.
The Fly
Drama in Local NAACP Election
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Jethroe Moore, center, won re-election as president of the local NAACP chapter. Gov. Jerry Brown—not present at the election—was thrilled. (Photo via Facebook)
What in the world? I certainly have not made any comments about the election and do not claim to have any knowledge of NAACP’s election by laws or procedures. I was merely a voter like many other prominent local residents.
Well here you have it… a “prominent local citizen* appears to be telling us the “The Fly” is making something up.
There’s nothing suspicious in Ferguson; evidence presented in Grand Jury can be viewed here:
MB attacked a police officer. His accomplice in the strong-arm robbery lied initially which started the “Hands up Don’t Shoot” false narrative. Media perpetuated the nonsense. The accomplice, under oath with FBI, of course did not not have same story. Now we have riots and MB’s family advocating to burn down Ferguson.
SJI, like most media, is responsible for the misinformation being put out. They profit from both the initial lies and then the riots afterward- disgusting.
Nice shot of the Governor. Jerry looks like he just left the recovery room after a lobotomy.
Well Finfan…I guess that got it all off your chest. Time to cool down and re-enter reality.
Edward Justin,
Your insightful and persuasive counter has caused me to change my mind. I’ll be moving to one of the many housing bargains available in Oakland. Will you be joining me, or will you, like every other white liberal in the Bay Area, continue to pay a huge housing premium to avoid the vile and violent people you insistently defend?
I already live in the East Bay. Welcome! Average rent around here is about $2,000/mo. So, you can afford it if you make about $35/hr. But, you will need to be more understanding and tolerant of others.
Good news, you can cut your rent in half by moving to east Oakland and, at no extra cost, have your tolerance tested daily.
A very interesting read:
Mr. Finfan:
I think I counted twenty-six things in your essay that are controversial.
Are you sure you’re allowed to say them?
I’m worried that Rich Robinson or someone might feel uncomfortable.
Think of the consequences for the children and for society.
You probably should have just stuck with: “some of my best friends are black”.