Tom Campbell

Tom Campbell for President

Hard to believe that California’s Republicans selected Carly Fiorina over Tom Campbell to run against Barbara Boxer in the Fall.  Campbell had polled much better than Fiorina in a theoretical contest with Boxer.  Campbell was/is one of the very few California Republican politicians who has appeal among Democrats and Independents.  Tens of thousands of Democrats and Independents would likely have voted for Tom Campbell.  How many Democrats are going to vote for Carly Fiorina…twelve?


Camp Campbell

A thicket of extended TV truck antennas crowded the paseo between the two Fairmont towers, so we pulled up and asked the doorman which millionaire had rented the ballroom. Meg Whitman?

Steve Poizner? Actually, former Congressman Tom Campbell had secured a small room off the alley to put the best face possible on his noble but doomed U.S. Senate bid. As Carly Fiorina pulled ahead in the early returns, we asked Campbell about the influence of money in politics this year.

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Fiorina’s YouTube Vid Attacking Tom Campbell Goes Viral

You gotta hand it to Carly Fiorina. Love her or hate her, you can’t help watching her Internet-only ad, and that’s what campaign ads are all about—getting eyeballs. Described as everything from an SNL skit to what would happen if the kid from The Omen directed Teletubbies, it’s already gotten 375,000 hits in Youtube, and the number keeps going up and up.

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