There are currently at least three efforts to change the landscape and ambiance of St. James Park.
Read More 10San Jose Inside (https://www.sanjoseinside.com)
Copper wire theft and other problems leave hundreds of streetlights dark, creating a public safety problem in several neighborhoods. But what if the city leases these poles to telecom companies as cell stations to expand their 4G network? Councilmembers Rose Herrera and Sam Liccardo proposed the idea, saying the lights get fixed, courtesy of Philips, and San Jose receives better cell phone service while residents aren’t left in the dark.
Read More 2Two minutes shy of deadline to place it on the Nov. 19 City Council agenda, Councilmember Pierluigi Oliverio logged a request for the city to revisit the discussion about where to place a softball complex paid for by the remaining balance of a $228 million pool of bond funds. That and more at Wednesday’s Rules and Open Government Committee.
Read More 4While it may not seem this way now, St. James Park has a truly bright future. There are several reasons for my optimism, but it starts with the people who are coming together for a common purpose. After that, the park’s history and design will be key components in reshaping what was once a key landmark in San Jose.
Read More 6Contemporary American cities are at a defining moment in many ways. Traditional, reliable sources of revenue have been reduced. Reductions in federal and state spending have added to the burden by cutting or removing direct funding for city programs. But I am optimistic about the future of San Jose’s parks system, and there are some very specific reasons why.
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