Ivan Galicia Palalia, of San Jose, allegedly followed the woman and her friends as they left the city's downtown entertainment area. He is expected to enter a plea May 3,
Scott Shaw, 54, the former Director of Sports Medicine and athletic trainer at San Jose State University, was charged March 8 with civil rights violations for engaging in sexual misconduct with female student-athletes under the guise of treating them for their injuries
Prosecutors said Shannon O’Connor, 47, who now lives in Eagle, Idaho, bought liquor, provided condoms and watched instances of sexual assault involving 14- and 15-year-olds at multiple parties at her Los Gatos home over an 11-month period, beginning in June 2020.
Student reports of 30 sexual assaults in the first few days of classes at SCU dampened the optimism of a new school year in which the 8,500-student university reported a record number of first-year students.
A Santa Clara County pilot program for rape victims boasting 24-hour care falls short in fulfillng mission to ease wait times and improve exam privacy.