While taking responsibility for managing hazardous and biological waste, county officials today said private contractors – not hospital employees – had been hired to handle hazardous and medical waste identified by the DA.
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Cindy Chavez Selected as County Manager in New Mexico
FINAL Official Vote Count, All State, County, City Races
Here Are the Local Winners, Likely Winners and Likely Opponents from Primary Vote
East San Jose Poet Named New Santa Clara County Poet Laureate
Joe Simitian Makes It Official: He’s Running for Congress in 16th District
Madison Nguyen: It’s Time for Accountability
County Revives Grant Program to Build Playgrounds for Kids and Adults with Disabilities
Santa Clara County Supervisors Decide How to Spend $48M from Opioid Lawsuit Settlement
HUD Announces $11.1M Grant to Combat Homelessness in Santa Clara County
Cindy Chavez’ Appointment as Top San Diego County Exec Snagged in Partisan Squeeze
Supervisors Act on Affordable Housing, Confident of Progress
Santa Clara Supervisors Want Sheriff to Increase Gun Buyback Program
In the wake of recent gun violence, Santa Clara County leaders voted Tuesday to improve the county's gun buyback and relinquishment program. The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors is asking the sheriff's office to hold two regularly scheduled gun buybacks per year. County leaders said that previous gun buybacks have been successful, with several hundred weapons surrendered at each event.
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