The project serves as a reminder about how even in the most difficult circumstances, people are coming together to serve others in need.
Read More 3San Jose Inside (https://www.sanjoseinside.com)
In honor of Independence Day, we want readers to break free from their cyber shackles and light something on fire that seconds later shoots in the air and explodes without hurting anyone or setting fire to other things. We’ll be back Thursday. Until then, here’s a guide of local festivities for the 4th of July, including the San Jose Giants shooting off some fireworks, Santana Row hosting a barbecue and Camera 3 theater showing a campy movie. Get some.
Read More 29The territory war between San Jose and the San Francisco Giants got a bit more heated Thursday, with the minor league Giants caught in the fray. San Jose councilmembers Sam Liccardo and Pete Constant said in a memo that before the city spends $85,000 on maintenance for the San Jose Giants’ stadium, they would like to know how much Giants owners are spending to sue the city over land being saved for a potential move to San Jose by the Oakland A’s.