Robert Braunstein would bring real-world experience to the San Jose City Council District 10 seat, which we think is important because that provides a reality check to an ingrown political culture. City Hall needs an outsider’s perspective to pry loose from the current malaise.
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Braunstein Gives Back Bumb Money
Robert Braunstein, a TV sports broadcaster and candidate for District 10’s City Council seat, returned a $500 contribution from Brian Bumb this week, after San Jose Inside notified his campaign that Bumb and his company, Bumb & Associates, hold a management stake in Bay 101 Casino. According to ethics provisions listed in Title 12.06 (Municipal Campaign and Officeholder Contributions) under the city’s code of ordinances, candidates for elected office are not allowed to accept money from San Jose’s card rooms, as well as anyone in a management role in those businesses or their spouses.
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