Possible three-day strike looms, as Mayor Mahan warns money is tight.
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The City of San Jose is facing a whopping $100 million deficit for fiscal year 2010-11. Something’s got to give. Actually, a lot more than “something” has got to give, be cut, and/or taxed.
The Wall Street Journal recently ran a front page story that questioned the way in which American cities will be run and defined in the future. In his piece, reporter Conor Dougherty raised a number of issues that need to be addressed here in San Jose. Dougherty highlighted the troubles and travails of Mesa, Arizona. He cited Mesa Mayor Scott Smith’s belief that city service levels for his city will not return to prerecession levels for a long time, “if ever.” In an effort to cut costs, the City of Mesa has gone as far as to hire civilian investigators to do some after-crime reports and investigations, tasks previously done exclusively by police officers. “‘We are redefining what cities are going to be,’ says Mayor Smith.”
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