Police are pointing to the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino as proof that local law enforcement needs military tools and training.
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Public safety and the recruitment and retention of San Jose police officers dominated discussions during the campaign season. So, what's the right salary for a job in which men and women could very well have risk their life every day they put on a uniform? It's not supposed to be an easy question.
Read More 78San Jose Inside has learned that Kerry Hillis, a policy aide currently on leave from county Supervisor Cindy Chavez’ staff, purchased the anonymous attack blog The Daily Fetch from political consultant Jay Rosenthal in late 2012, according to a source. Hillis has also done work for San Jose's police union and mayoral candidate Dave Cortese.
Read More 65San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed on Wednesday called for a federal investigation into accusations that the police union president abused his authority by thwarting the city’s recruitment efforts. A day later, Reed and his political consultant found themselves on the receiving end of calls for an inquiry.
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