Pierluigi Oliverio

District 4 Special Election Inspires Rush for Supporters

The special election to succeed former San Jose Councilman Kansen Chu—and by extension his temporarily appointed fill-in Margie Matthews—takes greater shape next week, when candidates must file their first campaign disclosure forms for 2015. But what have they been doing in the meantime?

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Does Mayor Sam Have the Votes?

People opposed to incoming Mayor-elect Sam Liccardo are also concerned with an interim appointment to the District 4 council seat, fearing it will give the mayor a governing majority. The truth is Liccardo already has a majority.


A Few Election Day Observations

Tuesday's primary election told us a number of things: Ro Khanna has more than an uphill fight against Mike Honda, spoilers altered the San Jose mayor's race and libertarians in Silicon Valley have disappeared.