Story of the Week: Mayor Reed’s Traffic Ticket Goes Viral

San Jose Inside introduces a new feature called “Story of the Week.” Each week, we’ll pick out a news story that caught our eye, for better or worse.—Editor

Mayor Chuck Reed received a traffic ticket Tuesday morning for not using his turn signal. A photo of the ticket was then leaked to the media. Police Chief Chris Moore was not pleased, and he vowed to find those responsible and hand out some discipline. Let’s break this thing down.


Grudge Match: Shirakawa, Liccardo, Campos Fight It Out

County Supervisor George Shirakawa waded into the fight over who’s to blame for the rise in crime in San Jose Thursday afternoon, releasing a statement voicing his displeasure with comments San Jose Councilmember Sam Liccardo made to the media. In response, Liccardo shrugged before calling out Nora Campos for her letter to San Jose’s police chief. Go ahead and click through, because this gets good.


Graffiti-Gate: NBC, Xavier Campos Attack

Are San Jose’s graffiti clean up crews padding the stats to make more money? That’s the question our favorite investigative crew over at NBC is asking. Last June, the city laid off employees and outsourced its graffiti abatement program in an attempt to cut down on expenses to the General Fund. Graffiti Protective Coatings (GPC), a Los Angeles-based private contractor, signed a five-year contract with the city worth $3.1 million. But only nine months into that contract, GPC told the city that it has already exceeded its yearly quota.