According to a months-long investigation, the Rebuild North Bay Foundation functions more as a lobbying firm than disaster relief group.
Read More 0San Jose Inside (https://www.sanjoseinside.com)
Our local congressional delegation should vote against President Obama’s proposed strike in Syria. The administration’s policy does not provide a solution to the stated problem. It will hurt our image around the world, strengthen our enemies and it is antithetical to our purpose: weakening the Assad government. Most importantly, military action will result in many innocent lives lost.
Read More 17Silicon Valley attorney Ro Khanna raised more than $1 million in the second quarter of 2013, ending June with more than $1.7 million in the bank as he campaigns to unseat Rep. Mike Honda (D-San Jose) from California’s 17th District House seat. That means, to date, Khanna has raised $2 million, a stunning figure for an unproven congressional candidate.
Read More 14My last column described how luck, spunk and political ambition brought the 49ers to Santa Clara. Now it is time for San Jose to step to the plate and get the Oakland Athletics. Let’s start with the positives: A’s owner Lew Wolff wants the team in San Jose and the San Jose establishment wants the A’s in San Jose. So, what is the problem? Politics, pure and simple.
Read More 38House Speaker Nancy Pelosi covered a lot of territory in a brief visit to the San Jose Rotary’s weekly lunch meeting today—from the death of Sen. Edward Kennedy to the empowerment of young women (the subject of her book, “Know Your Power,” which she signed at the event). But she clearly wanted the audience to take home one message: “We must have health care reform.”