As new figures show average rents in San Jose have soared 54 percent since 2010, city officials are moving forward with plans to bolster rent control and tenant rights.
In an email to constituents, Mayor Sam Liccardo summed up his first 100 days in office, which were marked by public ceremonies, new spending plans, partnerships and, just last month, a tragedy that shook the city.
In his budget message going before the City Council Tuesday, Mayor Sam Liccardo proposes opening libraries to six days a week, hiring more community service officers and having the Fire Department take over ambulance service.
San Jose is applying for a $3.3 million federal grant that would restore nearly a third of the firefighter positions lost in a round of layoffs in 2010.
In a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, an aviation expert calls San Jose’s airport curfew insulting, and wonders why city leaders can’t get residents to put up with the noise, like they do in Oakland and San Francisco.
City leaders will consider moving forward with a plan to create a security camera registry that would allow police to tap into surveillance footage from private citizens.
City leaders are demanding a public hearing on airport security after two widely publicized security breaches called into question the safety of the San Jose airport.
Changing flights is such a pain. So much so, my significant other and I contemplated curling up in a wheel well for a few hours. But who knew San Jose Mineta International Airport provided free flights?