In an email to constituents, Mayor Sam Liccardo summed up his first 100 days in office, which were marked by public ceremonies, new spending plans, partnerships and, just last month, a tragedy that shook the city.
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Silicon Valley Schools Fall behind in STEM Funding
Husband of County Supervisor Cindy Chavez Blasts Chamber PAC for Election Role
Mike Potter, husband of Santa Clara County Supervisor Cindy Chavez, appears neither ready to forgive nor forget slights real and imagined in the lead-up to last week’s election. At last week’s Democratic Central Committee meeting, Potter blasted the Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce for its efforts to help defeat his wife, and/or support her opponent, Teresa Alvarado—perspective dictates the distinction. There’s just one issue with this indignation—Potter’s job as a state and governmental affairs rep for Cisco, one of the largest members of the local Chamber, requires him to work directly with the Chamber and its policy makers.
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