Gov. Jerry Brown would do well to renew his commitment to uphold the values of our state and communities.
Read More 7San Jose Inside (https://www.sanjoseinside.com)
This Martin Luther King Jr. Day, as in every year for the past 30, hundreds of passengers boarded the Caltrain from San Jose to San Francisco to commemorate the legacy of the slain civil rights leader. The 54-mile journey marks the same distance King and thousands of activists marched in 1965 from Selma to the steps of the state capitol in Montgomery, Ala., where they campaigned for the voting rights. Nationwide, the federal holiday will be marked by volunteer work in celebration of the civil rights icon, who once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?’”
Read More 1Evan Low, mayor of Campbell, was recently asked by the Red Cross to host a blood drive in his city. The problem? Low is a gay, and gay men are banned from donating blood. The ban is an antiquated policy implemented in 1985 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But Low is having none of it.
Read More 7Washignton D.C. came to a halt today, but not because of the usual partisan gridlock. Along with almost every government worker in the nation getting the day off for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, President Barack Obama was also confirmed for his second term in the Oval Office. Enjoy the rest of the holiday and we’ll return Tuesday.—Editor
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