A spate of far-fetched legislative proposals has sparked a serious discussion about reforming California’s initiative process, which lets any registered voter with $200 and the time of day to propose a ballot measure.
Thousands of people packed the SAP Center on Thursday to mourn the death of Officer Michael Johnson, who on March 24 became the 12th officer in San Jose's 166-year history to be killed in the line of duty.
California Attorney General Kamala Harris approved the sale of six nonprofit Daughters of Charity Health System hospitals to a for-profit chain with austere conditions. The decree has somewhat calmed a battle that divided powerful unions, both of which have claimed victory.
The state attorney general's office will host public meetings this week on the contentious sale of six nonprofit hospitals—including two in Silicon Valley—to a multi-state, for-profit chain.
As Bay 101 floats plans to build a new casino with adjoining hotels closer to competitor Casino M8trix, our selfless public servants in Sacramento are trying to do the right thing by green-lighting the San Jose card club’s exit to Milpitas. At least that's one version of the story.
Casino M8trix owners are accused of operating a $119 million shell game to hide profits. While the key players have clammed up, there is an election at hand and political points to be won and lost.
A legal fight may keep San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed’s state public pension initiative off the November ballot now that proponents want to sue over the way California Attorney General Kamala Harris worded the ballot language.
Neither Mayor Chuck Reed nor his union opponents liked the way California Attorney General Kamala Harris worded the official description of a polarizing pension reform ballot measure, which on Monday was cleared for signature-gathering to place it on the November ballot.