green jobs

It’s Not Easy Being Greenest

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the greenest of them all? San Francisco claims it is, but so do Seattle, Portland, and even Detroit, home of the Big Three automakers. Since he came into office, Mayor Chuck Reed has been pitching San Jose is as the nation’s green capital, and he will prove it to anyone who doubts him.

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Moving Van

There’s been a lot of chatter about the reasons why Van Jones had to leave his position as the green-jobs czar for the White House. One theory has it that Fox’s Glen Beck is to blame for his constant hammering about Van Jones’ past controversial statements. The line advanced here was that Beck was seeking revenge for being made the target of a boycott by the group, Color For Change (co-founded by Jones). Color For Change lobbied a number of advertisers to stop sponsoring Beck’s show.

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