Eddie Garcia

Liccardo Leans on Guardino for Mayoral Transition Team

San Jose Mayor-elect Sam Liccardo announced that an eight-person transition team will help him “identify key initiatives to focus on” during his first term. It appears Carl Guardino, his close friend and CEO of Silicon Valley Leadership Group, will have the loudest voice in the room.


Life after George Shirakawa Jr.

There is life after George Shirakawa Jr., as three men are proving with varying degrees of success. A former chief of staff to the incarcerated supervisor is rewriting history on his new blog, while a former county CFO has accepted a demotion after failing to catch Shirakawa’s crimes. Perhaps most interesting, though, is how the city’s acting police chief, Larry Esquivel, has managed to stay above the fray.

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County Launches ‘Reform Efforts’ Page

On Monday, a press release sent out by the Office of Pubic Affairs announced that County Executive Jeff Smith, “consistent with his word,” launched a webpage dedicated to “Reform Efforts.” This should solve everything.

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