The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation announced it will provide the funds over a five-year period and work with the San Jose Downtown Association to build a downtown that is “innovative, vibrant, equitable and inclusive.”
Read More 2San Jose Inside (https://www.sanjoseinside.com)
San Jose businesses, like emerging butterflies, slowly began unfolding out of their cocoons this week. Like their fluttering counterparts, the retail, service and hospitality sectors have a new look and are still cautiously testing their wings. Some didn’t survive the metamorphosis, and various observers said it is too soon to tell what the pandemic’s final business survival rate might be in San Jose.
Read More 0Statistics show that the number of people under 25 who have drivers licenses has decreased steadily over the last 20 years. This may seem like random trivia on its face. But a closer look reveals a social trend that has significance to San Jose and other metropolitan areas across the country.
Read More 10After voting to raise taxes on pot clubs earlier this year, San Jose Councilman Sam Liccardo has found a new vice to tackle: nudie bars. Spurred by the imminent opening of a gentlemen’s club in downtown, Liccardo has asked the city to impose more restrictions on San Jose’s adult establishments. The city already bans nudity in downtown businesses, which leaves us to presume that the Gold Club, slated to open up Aug. 8 in the historic 81 W. Santa Clara St. building, will operate as a bikini bar.
Read More 13I often hear it said that San Jose lacks culture. I’d like to say that the speaker is invariably not from around these parts. But more often than not, I hear it from San Joseans. It’s reached the point where I’m not surprised anymore. In fact, I have a speech polished and ready to go for these very occasions. When you’re wearing an Arts Commissioner badge, it never hurts to be prepared. Thankfully, some news arrived at last week’s monthly commission meeting that will add some heft to my argument.
Read More 4San Jose needs to grow up more than out, according to city leaders who want to extend high-rise developer incentives another few years. Other items going before the Rules and Open Government Committee on Wednesday include budgeting, lowering traffic fees and a potential name change for the San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant.
Read More 7Santana Row will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary this year. It has provided a new destination for Bay Area residents as well as additional tax revenue for San Jose. On Tuesday, the City Council will consider approving a large office building at Santana Row instead of housing. This new 240,000 square foot office building will provide an attractive option to companies locating in San Jose.
Read More 11Downtown San Jose will be celebrating 22 years of the San Jose Jazz Festival over three days beginning this Friday. Music festivals are held all over the world and provide the unique experience of bringing musicians from across the globe to perform in one city. The San Jose Jazz Festival is one of the best outdoor events showcasing the Downtown.