City Hall

Open Letter to City Attorney Richard Doyle

Dear Mr. Doyle:
Several weeks ago, it was reported that the old city hall property site will be turned over to the Santa Clara County Government as part of a negotiated debt settlement between the San Jose Redevelopment Agency and the Santa Clara County Government.


Is City Hall Land Swap Legal?

Press reports indicate that San Jose’s old city hall property site, with an assigned value of $10 million, will be transferred to the Santa Clara County Government as part of a debt settlement between the county and the San Jose Redevelopment Agency.  But the old city hall property belonged to the city, not the RDA.  Is the plan to transfer the old city hall complex to the county government a lawful action?


City Employee: Move Back to Old City Hall!

By Mark Ruffing
In our new world of upside-down mortgages, the building of the new City Hall—and now the resulting debt service to pay for it—has become the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. Individual City departments are expected to pay approximately $1.1 million per year toward the debt service for the new City Hall. That’s $1.1 million per floor, multiplied by 18 floors at the City Tower, and additional floors at the City Hall Wing. Meanwhile, the old City Hall lays vacant.