Chad Walsh

Takeaways from the 2012 Election

Billions spent nationally, two years of nonstop campaigning and essentially nothing changed. But the outcome of Tuesday’s election will help the economy. Gov. Jerry Brown reigns supreme. People voted to tax themselves and Democrats have super majorities in the legislature. Happy days are here again!


Fong and Games

Paul Fong may be chair of the state Elections and Redistricting Committee, but that didn’t do the state assemblymember any good over the summer. A citizen commission for the first time in 10 years redrew district lines, and Fong lost 75 percent of his real estate—as well as the leverage of incumbency. Fong’s district, which goes from being called the 22nd to the 28th starting next year, will no longer include Sunnyvale, Mountain View or Santa Clara, which were supplanted by the golden ghettos of Saratoga, Los Gatos, Campbell and south San Jose. All of this means Fong could face a tougher challenge than expected—and from a registered Republican no less.

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