The first three months of electric service saw a 41% in ridership over the same three months in 2023, with Sunday ridership doubling.
Read More 0San Jose Inside (https://www.sanjoseinside.com)
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation in partnership with other Bay Area transit agencies, today announced 50% discounted fares for lower-income Bay Area residents. The “Clipper START” pilot program administered by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission aims to make public transportation more affordable. To participate in the “Clipper START” program, individuals must meet the following criteria:
Be a resident of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Read More 2Select students at San Jose State University, San Francisco State University and the University of California, Berkeley, as well as all students at Santa Rosa Junior College will have access to the new BayPass transit program.
The pilot will later expand to include residents of at least three housing developments run by MidPen Housing, transit officials said.
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