Bud Selig

Giants, A’s Clash over Territorial Rights

The public relations war we’ve all been waiting for is finally here. In a recent article, New York Daily News columnist Bill Madden suggested that MLB was unlikely to grant the Oakland A’s permission to move to San Jose. Baseball officials responded by saying no decision had been made. Then the A’s and San Francisco Giants sparred with competing statements about who had rights to the South Bay territory.

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Baseball’s Hot Stove Rumors at Odds

The stove runs hot in the spring, and a fresh batch of baseball rumors about the Oakland A’s potential move to San Jose came pouring in this past weekend. Bill Madden, of the New York Daily News, tipped the first domino Saturday by reporting writing that MLB Commissioner Bud Selig will uphold the San Francisco Giant’s territorial claims over the South Bay, and prevent the Oakland A’s from relocating to San Jose. Henry Schulman, of the San Francisco Chronicle, begged to differ.

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Wolff Wants Land to Expedite MLB Decision

Oakland A’s co-owner Lew Wolff wants to get a stadium built in San Jose, and he’s ready to purchase land in an effort to force MLB Commissioner Bud Selig’s hand in deciding if the team can relocate. On Tuesday, the City Council is meeting in closed session to discuss the sale of six properties to Wolff. A deal with Wolff would only make up half of the 14 acres needed for the stadium’s construction.


Selig Talks About A’s Move to San Jose

Answering fans’ questions at an online town hall for the All-Star game, MLB Commissioner Bud Selig made a rare comment regarding the Oakland A’s potential relocation to San Jose. He was asked what is the latest news on San Jose becoming the new home for the A’s. At face value, Selig used 90 words to say absolutely nothing. But a closer inspection of his answer tells the whole story.


Stadium, Pension Cuts on Same Ballot?

Mayor Chuck Reed sent a letter to Bud Selig last week, once again urging the Major League Baseball commissioner to come to a decision that would grant the Oakland A’s permission to relocate to San Jose. A few days later, the mayor announced that San Jose was in a fiscal and public safety emergency, and he wants the city to move toward putting measures on a November ballot to slash public-employee retirement benefits. The timing of the two actions could be coincidental. But then again, maybe not.


City Protects Land in Hopes of Baseball Stadium

The future of professional sports in the nation’s 10th largest city is in limbo. In furious preparations for an opportunity that may never materialize—and to protect the land holdings that may one day house a ballpark—San Jose has taken extraordinary steps.