Anthony Becker was found guilty of leaking a 2022 civil grand jury report to a reporter, and then lying about it under oath.
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The city of Santa Clara ended a lengthy search when it hired a new city manager this week. The City Council voted 4-1 to appoint Jovan Grogan to fill the vacancy left by the previous city manager, Deanna Santana, who was fired last year. Grogan, who is currently the city manager of San Bruno, will start his new position in Santa Clara on May 1.
Read More 2With few exceptions, the grand jury report’s observations, conclusions and recommendations landed squarely on one side of the city’s political divide–led by Mayor Lisa Gillmor–that was on the losing end of the 2020 council elections, promping the 49ers to call for an investigation of the grand jury for conflicts of interest. Today, the final version of the report revealed that two members had recused themselves because of possible conflicts.
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