Waite Denied Commission Seat

It was a little surprising to learn that City Councilwoman Madison Nguyen was recommending Pat Waite for an open seat on the planning commission. Considering the fact that Waite, who lost the District 8 council race to Democrat Rose Herrera in November, had stood in front of a group of Vietnamese Americans before the election and told them he was looking forward to helping them with their effort to recall Ngyuen. (After the YouTube clip of Waite’s speech became Must-See-TV for local politicos, he immediately backpedaled, which probably explains why he and Madison are Facebook friends now.)

Word on the 18th floor is that Waite’s application for planning commission has made his former opponent Herrera a little insecure, considering the planning commission is a stepping stone onto council. “Some said she wasn’t really happy, but I don’t live my life to make Rose happy,” Waite said. Apparently, Herrera had been lobbying to keep him off the commission, city hall insiders say. Maybe that explains why Waite didn’t make the cut for planning commission interviews after all?

The Fly is the valley’s longest running political column, written by Metro Silicon Valley staff, to provide a behind-the-scenes look at local politics. Fly accepts anonymous tips.


  1. So as I understand things—when Madison Nguyen identifies someone who disagrees with or opposes her on something, she doesn’t then proceed to vilify them and spend every ounce of her energy to subsequently eradicate them from the face of the earth?

    That sounds like a rather healthy human approach towards politics and human relations. Perhaps something to emulate.

  2. #4-Kathleen,

    I never said that I was against the recall. I remain a proponent of the recall team’s right to exercise the process, although it is up to the voters of District 7 to determine the outcome.

    The correct, and full quote from the aforementioned clip is “I look forward to working with you on the recall election.” The recall team asked if I would help them figure out how to minimize the cost of the recall election, which seems like a reasonable request given the state of the city’s budget.

    I agree with Kenny’s conclusion, and applaud Councilwoman Nguyen for putting what she believes are the best interests of the city ahead of her own political interests. This could be a far better city if more of our leaders followed her example.

  3. #5- Pat,
    You and I have been down this slippery slope before; you know what I’m talking about. You wanted the Vietnamese vote and I think you misled them about the recall election and then back peddled when you were confronted just like the Metro says.
    As to the Fly’s claim that Rose “may have” blocked your seat on the Commission by lobbying against you, I highly doubt that. As I understand it, these applicants for Commissions go through a process that usually end up with people everyone knows and likes. It is not what I’d consider a fair process, but it is a process. Another words, no one person has the power to stop anyone from getting on a Commission, nor can they get someone ON the Commission. Hang in there and keep trying. If you care enough and work in the community, eventually you too can be Ed Rast.  wink

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