Polling by PAC for Sam Liccardo Shows He Has Solid Double-Digit Lead Over Evan Low

A new poll commissioned by a super PAC that supports the Sam Liccardo congressional campaign released this week shows the former San Jose mayor with a nearly insurmountable 14-point lead over Assemblymember Evan Low.  The survey was completed a month before early voting by mail begins on Oct. 8.

The poll was commissioned by Neighbors for Results, an independent political action committee that supports Liccardo, which is funded almost entirely by former New York mayor and former presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg.

The survey of likely voters in California’s 16th Congressional District by RG Strategies on their choice in the November general election was conducted from Sept. 4-7 2024, with a sample of 600 likely voters. Voters were contacted using a hybrid approach of text messages, telephone calls, and emails, administered in English. The margin of error is plus or minus 4%.

On the first survey question, Liccardo led Low 42% to 28%, according to a Sept. 16 memo from the pollsters. As voters learned more about both candidates’ biographies, accomplishments, and contrasts, Liccardo’s vote share increased and his lead over Low jumped to 52% to 24%. Twenty-one percent were completely undecided.

A poll conducted by a different polling firm in June showed Liccardo leading Low by more than 11%, with 39% of the vote, followed by Low with 28%. Poll results from a July survey released by Low in August called the race a “dead heat” with Liccardo at 30%, Low at 29% and undecided respondents at 41%, with a 4.38% margin of error.

In February, Bloomberg made an initial $500,000 donation to Neighbors for Results. On Aug. 30, the billionaire philanthropist contributed $1.5 million, bringing the total to $2 million, according to the Federal Election Commission.

Neighbors for Results reported expenditures of about $563,000 on Liccardo’s congressional campaign with $1.5 million in campaign cash on hand as of Aug. 31. At the last reporting date, Neighbors for Results listed two other donors: former NetApp CEO Daniel Warmenhoven, who has given $50,000, and Cypress Semiconductor founder John Thurman Rodgers, who has contributed $15,000.

According to the Sept. 16 memo from RG Strategies on the September poll, “Liccardo shows deep support across ideological and demographic groups,” outperforming Low among Democrats, Republicans, and No Party Preference voters. In the polling, Liccardo also tops Low with liberals, moderates, conservatives, and across all ages of voters, including young people under the age of 27.

The former mayor’s favorability rating tops Low 40% to 33% in the polls, according to the memo, especially among voters in the City of San Jose, which makes up over 30% of the 16th District.

The Liccardo campaign leads in overall fundraising and cash on hand, according to the most recent FEC reports, and touts endorsements from the Sierra Club, the Latino Victory Fund, Everytown for Gun Safety, J Street and the Northern California Carpenters Regional Council.

In the RG Strategies poll, when prospective voters were asked whom they would vote for Congress based only on name, ballot designation, and party affiliation, 42% of voters say they will vote for Liccardo, with 21% of voters saying they are certain they will vote for him. For Low, 27% say they will vote for him, with 15% of voters saying they are certain they will vote for him.

Matt Rodriguez, a Neighbors for Results spokesperson, “Sam Liccardo got fantastic results as one of the most innovative big city mayors in the United States with his innovative solutions on homelessness and crime; it’s only natural that somebody like Mike Bloomberg would appreciate a record like that.”

“We are especially glad that Sam is in such a commanding position in this race, with a 14-point lead over Evan now, a lead that only widens as people find out more about Sam’s record and Evan’s,” said Rodriguez.

Three decades of journalism experience, as a writer and editor with Gannett, Knight-Ridder and Lee newspapers, as a business journal editor and publisher and as a weekly newspaper editor in Scotts Valley and Gilroy; with the Weeklys group since 2017. Recipient of several first-place writing and editing awards, California News Publishers Association.


  1. Don Gagliardi

    The Real Person!

    Author Don Gagliardi acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    The Real Person!

    Author Don Gagliardi acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    Sam Liccardo is a sociopath.

    Reminder that he told everyone not to visit relatives to celebrate the holidays in 2020 and yet then himself visited his elderly mother for Thanksgiving.

    Rules for thee but not for me.

    It was not mere hypocrisy. It revealed either that he didn’t believe Covid was an actual threat but nonetheless was willing to compromise basic human liberties of his constituents (subjects? Serfs?), or, alternatively, that he indeed thought Covid was a grave threat but was willing to jeopardize the life of his own mother. Either way — a sociopath.

    Then, in 2021-22, Liccardo coerced everyone to take an experimental jab and also a booster just to participate in society. A crime against humanity under the Nuremberg Code.

  2. SJLost

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    The Real Person!

    Author SJLost acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    Sam Liccardo completely decimated the San Jose police department when he was mayor. In fact, he was Chuck Reed’s lapdog and major acrchitect of systematically pushing our officers out to other cities and even laying them off when he was on the city council. (I remember the news reports back in 2009 with a large line of officer turning in their badge and city equipment. Funny how that got squashed and forgotten about.) He shut down many of the city services and allowed the homeless problem to spread out of control to level of national, even global attention.
    Just takes a walk around downton San Jose with all the shuttered stores, restaurants and businesses. He was largely responsible for that.
    Sam was also caught using his private email account to discuss city matters, communicate with local nonprofits and strategize with lobbyists.
    Lord forbid if you confront him on any of his boo-boos on Twitter or other social media avenues, because he’ll block you. I had no idea that a public official was allowed to do that, but here we are!

  3. Jesus Zircon

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    The Real Person!

    Author Jesus Zircon acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    Matt Rodriguez, a Neighbors for Results spokesperson, “Sam Liccardo got fantastic results as one of the most innovative big city mayors in the United States with his innovative solutions on homelessness and crime…Innovation?…Let’s see, the biggest homeless community in the nation, “The Jungle” just moved into surrounding neighborhoods and further down the mighty Guadalupe River….he was innovative in gutting the police department with his legendary backing of illegal Measure B…..hooray!!!

  4. Don Gagliardi

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    Author Don Gagliardi acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    The Real Person!

    Author Don Gagliardi acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    Sam Liccardo’s “boo boo” about using his personal email to hide his communications regarding City of San Jose business cost municipal taxpayers a half million dollars in attorney fees. Liccardo has never offered to reimburse the City.

    Oh, and Liccardo tried to fire hundreds of San José cops as part of his virtue-signaling vax mandate.

  5. SJ Kulak

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    The Real Person!

    Author SJ Kulak acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    you’ll vote for who they tell you to vote for and think what they tell you to think

  6. Spencer Miller

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    Author Spencer Miller acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    The Real Person!

    Author Spencer Miller acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    Smells like BS. If Liccardo was up by 14 points, then why did his billionaire buddy Bloomberg just contribute another $1.5M last week (bringing his total to $2M in our California race)???? Liccardo is scared. Low is the better candidate and the voters know it.

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