Reed Lashes Out at Stimulus Package

Mayor Chuck Reed is in Washington to tell the Administration what he thinks of the stimulus package. The feds probably wish he hadn’t come at all. When asked at a meeting at the Brookings Institute how $79 million in federal stimulus funding has helped San Jose deal with the recession, Reed answered, “It’s been a very minimal impact.” His sentiments were echoed by the other three panelists, the mayors of Philadelphia, PA, Mesa, AZ, and Bowling Green, KY.

Their greatest concern was that the funding they’ve received was used to resolve immediate problems, but had no long-lasting impact on their local economies. “The money you give us to put people to work is not creating long-term jobs,” Reed complained. “It’s creating jobs that last only as long as the federal government is willing to write the check.” Mayor Scott Smith of Mesa agreed, comparing the funding to a “sugar high.”

After the forum Reed headed to the White House to share his concerns directly with administration officials. San Jose is scheduled to receive $79 million in stimulus funding over the next two years, and has already spent about 10 percent of it.
Read More at The Mercury News.


  1. Analysis of San Jose stimulus plan

    Fallujah Printing Works.  0

    Valley Christian Legal Support for Reed Inc. 0

    Reed 5percent Support for Right Wing Supporters. 0

    yep. Reed finds nothing for it

  2. The Manhattan Declaration takes direct aim at the impotent management of Reed in San
    Jose.  It encourages good Christians to recall stateists like Reed and his minions from Nebraska who work with radicals in places who work against our country.

  3. Perhaps the mayor will now have a better understanding about the wisdom of Government stealing money from those who earn it and handing it out to those who don’t.
    I mean, like, this is totally what you can expect when you elect a socialist to be President.

  4. We need to get a mayoral aide to work on government efficiency.  Oh, I forgot Reed   hired Mr Eagle Press to use city money to harass minority groups.  Victor the Hater.

    • Since we haven’t had a Rants & Raves for a couple of weeks, I’ll post this here.

      The latest announcement re bridging the SJ budget gap was to eliminate positions in the building, planning, and code enforcement depts.

      Immediate effect—a contractor friend waited 3+ hours yesterday morning to have his number called in the building dept. just to pull a building permit for a 250 square foot addition to a home.  The permit fee was $5,300.00!!

      But we still have 15 people working in the Office of Cultural Affairs.

      Mr. Mayor, Councilmembers, Ms. Figone—GET REAL, WILLYA!!!!  We need to keep the economy going.  We’d like a little culture, but not at the expense of getting work done.

      • > Immediate effect—a contractor friend waited 3+ hours yesterday morning to have his number called in the building dept. just to pull a building permit for a 250 square foot addition to a home.  The permit fee was $5,300.00!!

        Maybe your contractor friend should have told the city that the addition was for a “domestic multiculturalism center”.

        Front of the line!  Cultural Outreach grant!

  5. I’d like to take the time to completely ignore this news item and devolve into ad hominem attacks against the Mayor that have zero correlation or relevance to the article.

    Oh wait—three people have already done that. Nevermind.

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