Liccardo Campaign Says Its Latest Poll Shows Continued Double-digit Lead over Low

A polling firm hired by the Sam Liccardo congressional campaign announced that results of a new poll shows the former San Jose Mayor with a more than 11% lead over Assemblyman Evan Low, his 16th Congressional District opponent.

The new results of the poll conducted by Lake Research Partners matched similar results from a previous poll that showed Liccardo with a more than 10% lead.

This new poll follows Liccardo reporting over $1.6 million raised in the second quarter.

The poll shows that Liccardo leads Low by more than 11% with 39% of the vote, followed by Low with 28% of likely voters in Silicon Valley’s prime congressional district. The poll showed 29% of likely voters still undecided.

In the poll, conducted June 24-27, the results showed Liccardo leading Low in every region of the district, in every major demographic group across the ideological spectrum, and with a solid lead across party lines.

“This new data confirms what our campaign has been hearing at the doors,” said Gil Rubinstein, spokesperson for the campaign. “Voters are hungry for an independent leader that delivers results. Sam Liccardo is that leader, and the voters in California’s 16th congressional district agree. He is the frontrunner in this campaign.”

The poll surveyed 600 likely general election voters in California’s 16th Congressional District.

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