Chuck Reed to Run Again

Chuck Reed is expected to announce today that he plans to run for a second term as mayor of San Jose. In a prepared statement Reed will announce that he plans to continue focusing on developing the city’s economy and promoting it as a center for clean tech development. He also intends to bring greater transparency to City Hall and overcome the achievement gap in the city’s schools.

In addition to Mayor Reed, City Council members in odd-numbered districts will also face reelection in 2010. These include Pete Constant, Sam Liccardo, and Madison Nguyen.
Read More at the Mercury News.


  1. > “. . . continue focusing on developing the city’s economy and promoting it as a center for clean tech development.”

    Hmmmm.  Just what the hell is “clean tech” anyway.

    It seems to be the fashionble buzzword of the moment among the self-congratulatory socially conscious doofustry, but what is it, actually?

    I would imagine that a tooth brush could be categorized as “clean tech”.

    And likewise, an ergonomically designed broomstick with a titanium handle and carbon nanotube bristles would be cutting edge “clean tech”.

    And, OH!  TOILET PAPER!  Certainly THAT would be “clean tech”.  I’m sure that there would be tremendous benefit for society in optimizing the ridges and crevices on a sheet of toilet paper to achieve maximum traction, retention—and dare I say—sensitivity.

    So is that the vision that the local political aristocrats have for our community, the vision that will create armies of “green jobs” and foster a new era of prosperity?

  2. I guess if Obama can get the Nobel Peace Prize for sending 30,000 troops to Afghanistan, then Reed ought to be a sure thing running AGAIN as San Jose’s Captain Sunshine and openness in spite of his secrecy.

  3. Note above, “He also intends to bring greater transparency to City Hall and overcome the achievement gap in the city’s schools.”

    Let’s not forget about the Mayor’s commitment to “overcome the achievement gap in the city’s schools” in the future.

    And this certainly sheds a great deal of light on the timing of the racially-charged roll-out of the joint Mayor-county office of education proposal, SJ2020, on November 3, 2009.

  4. Chuck Reed is a disaster to the downtown community because the whole downtown area is falling apart.  After 10 months from now, there will be only one business remained open on First st., tying 1975 low point.  The city moved too slowly on highrise development during the boom and forced so many locally owned businesses out!  The city is going to pay the piper for this, and most of this happened under Mayor Reed’s watch. We need Michael Mulcahy for mayor to bring us back from serious, serious downtown melt-down.

  5. We are honored to nominate Chuck Reed for the Nobel Peace Prize.  He has provided opportunities for Victor of Eagle Press to focus on political suicide belts, weapons of mayoral secrecy, improvised economic explosive devices, and Dando Hamas groups.

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