Is this nuts or what? Even though Supervisor George Shirakawa is under criminal investigation for misconduct in office, he continues to serve as chair of the Public Safety and Justice Committee. The committee oversees the very agency that appears on track to prosecute him: the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s office. In a continuing example of the scofflaw’s colleagues’ inability to spot and take action on the Shirakawa problem, new board of supervisors chair Ken Yeager has given no indication that he’s thinking of reassigning the embattled politician to another portfolio. Shirakawa has chaired the Justice committee since he became a supervisor in 2009. County prosecutors are aware of the conflict of interest but have kept quiet about it while they prepare a criminal case. Shirakawa’s committee manages the flow of items for consideration from the District Attorney’s Office to the Board of Supervisors. Shirakawa has sole control over what goes on the Justice committee agenda, meaning he could hold up items meant to go to the board. To make matters worse, Shirakawa has his former campaign manager/policy aide/campaign-slushfund-recipient Gustavo Caraveo to advise him on what should go on the agenda. The committee’s vice chair, Supervisor Mike Wasserman, has kept quiet about his colleague’s improprieties and his office ignored Fly’s calls for comment. But Supervisor Yeager, recently installed as board president, could ask supervisors to vote on removing Shirakawa from his chair position. The committee chairmanship wasn’t on Yeager’s radar—but could be in the near future.
Conflict of Interest? Shirakawa Chairs Committee that Oversees District Attorney
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The office of Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen, center, continues to investigate county Supervisor George Shirakawa’s misuse of county funds.
I’ve noticed that the County has a lot of conflicts of interest that aren’t addressed, even when you tell them about it. Why is that?
Isnt that the same as Mayor Reed Chairing the rules and ethics committee ?? MASSIVE CONFLICT OF INTEREST !
“In a continuing example of the scofflaw’s colleagues’ inability to spot and take action on the Shirakawa problem”
Understatement of the year. Its painfully clear that Shirakawa has no respect for his office, for the county residents or his colleagues but what is also becoming clear is that his colleagues are all spineless and seemingly owned by him. What are you afraid of Supervisors? Why are you shielding this man who makes a mockery of your office and makes the public think you are all the same kind of crooks?
ACT NOW OR THE PUBLIC WILL BE FORCED TO ACT NEXT TIME YOUR NAMES ARE ON A BALLOT. You should all kiss your careers goodbye. Stop saying you are there to serve the public because NOTHING about your silence serves the tax paying, voting public! Shame on you all.
Aware D5
For a guy that hides under a rock, you sure have a lot to say about ethics! Remember, George will be left to earn a living writing his memours. he has seen them come and go. He must know where all the bodies are burid. I’d pay 75 bucks for his first edition signed copy. How many years in office? What a great book that would be!
Concider that since Georgie got cought with his hands in the cookie jar, it sure has made alot of people nervous. he has changed our village forever.
Line em up! Where do you want to start? I could tell you some stories that would make you stutter, and I’m just the guy behind this anvil, pounding away all day.
The Village Black Smith
Yes, Village Black Smith I have many opinions on ethics especially the lack of them shown by public elected officials who run afoul of the law again and again.
Here is yet another Gluttonous George mistep
Apparently the public can add Councilman Kansen Chu’s wife Daisy to the long list of Shirakawa co-conspirators.
I’ve read some posts you made in older articles that spoke of the old Alum Rock days and MACSA connections (I believe with Felix Alvarez’s ideas being basically appropriated by those powers that be) Interesting stuff indeed, I wish you’d write your book already so the sordid history of those self appointed Latino leaders can be told in full and the public can get out from under their spell.
Gluttonous George is but one in a long line of thieves.
Why no uproar over Mayor Reed Doing the same exact thing as George ???
Not exactly the same thing in Mayor’s case and George’s. George is now charged with felonies, resigned and will plead guilty. He stole the money for personal gambling debt. Thats VERY different.
There’s plenty to dislike Mayor Reed for but this shady dealing isn’t one of them, this is George’s shame to bear and all those around him (Like Frank Biehl, Eddie Garcia, Xavier Campos, Ash Kalra, Nora Campos, Joe Coto) all who call themselves friends as well as coworkers and never noticed he had a gambling problem where he was stealing from the funds they worked with too? They’re either co-conspirators or idiots either way they all should be thrown out too. The whole barrel of apples is bad.