Julie Constant, the wife of San Jose City Councilmember Pete Constant, officially entered the realm of local politics when she won a spot on the Campbell Union School District Board earlier this month. And already Fly is hearing rumblings that this could be a sign that the mother of five has aspirations for the District 1 seat that is now occupied by her husband’s newly slender derrière.
She seems like a very nice, very sincere person, but it’s difficult to imagine that the stay-at-home mom and former PTA president has the chops for higher office. Then again, as the District 5 race proved, possessing competency, charisma, the mayor’s endorsement and a honest desire to serve one’s community does not always a winning candidate make. Apparently, all someone really needs to make it in this town is a little nepotism, a sibling’s spin master and a big bear hug from Cindy Chavez. Fortunately, Julie has already had a lot of practice cuddling puffed-up politicians.
“She seems like a very nice, very sincere person, but it’s difficult to imagine that the stay-at-home mom and former PTA president has the chops for higher office. “
As you serious? That is the most mysogynistic statement I’ve read in a long while. Is your issue that she is a woman or a stay at home mom? The Valley is a vibrant, tolerant, and welcoming area but there’s no room for neanderthals Fly. (Disclosure I don’t know Mrs. Constant and am certainly not a fan of her husband’s politics).
> The Valley is a vibrant, tolerant, and welcoming area . . .
Dear Disappointed:
I’m disappointed that you used the word “vibrant”.
It’s wimpy and PC, and I have requested that it no longer be used in polite, adult discourse.
Other retired words include:
“smart”, as in “smart meter”, “smart growth”, “smart car” and “smart whatever” where “smart” means whatever agrees with what I think.
It’s OK to use “smart” meaning “sharp” or “stinging” as in “The council member deserves a smart whack on the butt with a riding crop for supporting a stupid ‘smart growth’ plan”.
Agreed Diappointed. Sexism is alive and well…
“She seems like a very nice, very sincere person, but it’s difficult to imagine that the stay-at-home mom and former PTA president has the chops for higher office. “
Calling this statement misogynistic is OVERKILL. All the Fly expressed was doubt that a stay at home parent, who is known to be a woman and thus referred to in the English language as a stay at home mom, and former PTA president has got what it takes to fill the vacancy of a higher office.
If the Fly is taking an issue, then the Fly is taking issue with stay at home parents. Which would be worthy of vilification. The only issue brought up was about qualifications of that individual not the gender.
Relax, put the cross down, and have a V8.
I don’t think its sexist, but I do think they are sort of implying that a home maker really isn’t as good as some career woman. It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to conclude a lot of journalists do seem to think that way. I’m not sure why holding some corporate paper shuffling job is considered a vast credential for public office, by comparison, however. A former PTA President elected to the local School Board would seem to be a solid background. I mean, let’s face it, contrary to popular media mythology about how “rewarding” a “career” is, most jobs that people actually have kinda suck, and we only do them for the money.
Any woman who could raise that many children, run a business, keep her shape/looks as well as she has, and put up with a massive ego like her husband has, could do just about anything and do it well.
Well perhaps it’s my youthful naivety or the generation gaps disconnection with one another. It just so happens I know several stay at home fathers.
“I don’t think its sexist, but I do think they are sort of implying that a home maker really isn’t as good as some career woman.” Just replace woman with a gender neutral article.
Career driven individual. yeah thats the stuff. I don’t expect a whole lot of objective reasoning from the Fly considering it unsuccessfully tried to derail my brothers campaign by crowning him the Karaoke King of D9 and presenting him as some sort of clown. It opted not to highlight any of his qualities that would certainly be of benefit to the city of San Jose.
I’m not going out of my way to defend it.
I just think misogynistic is overkill.
So just for the record BAD FLY don’t write with such avid condescension toward stay at home parents.
Write about what you know that’s what good writers do… oh wait I forgot what blog I was reading.
“I don’t expect a whole lot of objective reasoning from the Fly considering it unsuccessfully tried to derail my brothers campaign by crowning him the Karaoke King of D9 and presenting him as some sort of clown. It opted not to highlight any of his qualities that would certainly be of benefit to the city of San Jose.”
Yeah, that’s a fair criticism.
Hit pieces like this aren’t going to get people reading this blog.
Julie is GREAT!
You will not find a more committed, focused woman. She will certainly be an asset to any organization, be it PTA, School Board, or (hopefully) City Council.
This kind of stuff just makes me sick.
It’s not surprising at all given that this is a seat people running for higher office use to get there. A Council paycheck with benefits is another big income for a large family like theirs. Combine this with their photo business, Pete’s Disability check/benefits, and his salary as a Sheriff if he wins or is appointed by Sheriff Smith, that is, that is a pretty big haul for one family. Hundreds of thousands of dollars a year plus benefits. Hum…

Lets not overlook the fact that one of the benefits that the San Jose City Councilmembers UNION has is a Cal-PERS Pension paid for by the taxpayers. CalPERS vests participants in the plan after only 5 years of the taxpayer making the payment. Council Union members can retire anytime after age 50 with any number of years service as long as they are vested (as few as 5 years “service”) and can earn up to a 75% of their salary. Pretty good deal – especially since the plan is “portable” to whatever public office they move to after being term-limited out here. (a sheriff could kick that up to a 90% retirement based on his sheriff’s pay)
Contrast this to the City of SJ retirement system were members are vested after 10 years and must have a minimum of 20 years on to collect. City of SJ workers with 20 years on can’t collect anything unless they are at least 55 years old. If a City of SJ worker has 30 years they could retire at “any age.”
Regular San Jose city employees can retire after only 5 years of service and can start collection at 55 years old.Medical benefits are included after 15 years of service. They receive 2.5% of salary for every year of service.
Fire employees can retire after 10 years of service and can start collection as early as 50 years old. Medical benefits are included after 15 years of service. They receive essentially 2.5% of salary for every year of service if they up to 20 years of service, and at 20 years of service it retroactively boosts up to 3% of salary for every year of service, up to a max of 90%
Police employees can retire after 10 years of service and can start collection as early as 50 years old.Medical benefits are included after 15 years of service. They receive 2.5% of salary for every year of service for the first 25 years, then 4.5% of salary for each additional year, up to a max of 90% of salary.
The city council is in CalPERS and vests after 5 years and can start collecting at 55 years old. Their benefit is 2% per year of service. Therefor a councilmember who serves 2 terms can receive a max of 16% of salary and a councilmember for 2 terms who then becomes mayor for 2 terms would retire with a max of 32% of salary – not anywhere near the 75% you state. No retirement healthcare benefit at all.
For FY2010-11 the city contributes the following, as a percentage of pay, towards the employee’s retirement:
City Employees 23.18% (plus 6.41% for healthcare)
Police 38.32% (plus 6.26% for healthcare)
Fire 40.24% (plus 3.92% for healthcare)
Mayor/Council 7.5% (no healthcare contribution)
Just wanted to make sure everyone had the real facts – not Paul’s misleading version of the facts!
Not Really,
Thanks so much for posting this information. It sure does isolate the facts from the “mystery soup” that’s resulted from all of the misleading and partial data in the past.
Thank you Not Really Paul. It’s nice to know the truth and that City Employees, Police, and Fire haven’t been lying about the amounts they contribute, regardless of what the misinformed keep touting.
Really Not,
Very constructive of you to point out what you believe to be errors regarding federated employees. Instead of bitching about it, why don’t you tell us all what the truth is?
Pg 17 of the police and fire retirement handbook available online at the CSJ retirement board website confirms what Paul said. It references the sh mini code sections 3.36.800(B) and 3.36.810(E).
Police and fire can retire with 20years service at age 55, with 30 years service at any age, and with 20 years on less than 55 years old st “a reduced rate ”
I think Paul is also correct about CalPERS and the council. Sure they might only get 16% or 32% after 8 or 13 years if they never took another elected position anywhere , but these pols all have higher ambitions. After 16 years on the mayor could be elected to the assembly some other office andbe at 40%. Constant if elected sheriff might jump to a CalPERS public safety pension ( I believe that’s what the county has) still taping a few terms and get close to the 90% max.
No need to address the federated employees you were mostly wrong on everything else and wrong on when they cam collect and at what age. You must work for Reed, Constant, or , Pier because they misrepresent what city workers benefits just the same way.
Have you ever been a PTA President? After a year in office, most PTA Presidents could make a positive contribution to resolving the Israeli settlement problem.
No way! PTA presidents have that kind of skill? How many have tried to negotiate a last peace over there when all we needed was a
PTA president to figure it out. Forget San Jose District1 Julie. Your country… no the world needs you!
“Then again, as the District 5 race proved, possessing competency, charisma, the mayor’s endorsement and a honest desire to serve one’s community does not always a winning candidate make. Apparently, all someone really needs to make it in this town is a little nepotism, a sibling’s spin master and a big bear hug from Cindy Chavez. Fortunately, Julie has already had a lot of practice cuddling puffed-up politicians.”
This would be funny if it weren’t true. There’s still hope if the D.A. does his job and pursues the criminal proceedings against the MACSA execs for the embezzlement of over a million dollars (most of it taxpayer money granted to MACSA for youth & senior programming) Baby Brother Campos should have a very short stay in City Hall and a very long on in jail.
I met Mrs Constant during this election season. She is very confident and extremely articulate. When the time comes I am sure her credentials & background will show whether or not she has the chops for higher office.
What’s this about Pete Constant and the Sheriff? Is he going to quadruple dip? He never worked for the Sheriff or is he thinking of running for Sheriff?
If he goes to the Sheriff’s Office for support, I think the DSA has his profile.
There has been some buzz. I can’t imagine PC having too much success in future political endeavors. He said one thing to the police officer’s union to get their endorsement and then stabbed them in the back from the day he got elected. He supported Pier who was caught red-handed stealing a campaign sign and later found to be in possession of more signs obtained from unknown locations. Law and Order Pete then suggested to the media that Citizens should follow Pier’s example and take campaign signs in the interest of keeping the city litter free.
I can’t wait until Pier Pete Julie or Chuck run for office. I’m sure there will be an army of folks out keeping the city clean.
Yes, you heard correctly. Pete said he would have run for Sheriff instead of a 2nd term Council seat had Smith not run again this year. I believe he will be running for Sheriff once he terms out or before, if Smith decides to leave early. In the DSA forum I attended this year, Smith said she’d be staying a few more years so Constant ran for Council.
There’s more to the story but I think I’ll let you learn about it as it unfolds.
How can he run to be a peace officer when he took a disability because he was no longer able to be a peace officer?
Good question and you aren’t alone in asking it. I am still stuck trying to figure out how he could be a Council Member, run a photo business, collect disability instead of taking a desk job at the PD after he was injured. I guess when you are PC, you don’t have to follow the same rules everyone else does.
Kathleen, what is ironic is I know many guys and gals at the PD who have had back discs fused, hips replaced, numerous surgeries etc due to work related injuries, and they are still dragging themselves into work at the police department. These include officers who are still working in full duty and not desk positions.
Pete Constant, who is young enough to easily live another 50 years, could collect millions of dollars from his somewhat bogus disability retirement, while he cries about the unfunded liabilities of government. Pete Constant is now a huge part of that unfunded liability. How funny that Mayor Reed and Pierluigi Oliverio turn a blind eye to Pete Constant. Pete Constant should immediately be reissued his police gear, shown to a police car, and given a beat assignment to work, alonside legitimately injured officers with too much pride to hide behind a disability retirement.
You’re not happy about Pete Constant collecting “millions of dollars from his somewhat bogus disability retirement”.
Frank isn’t happy about it.
Kathleen isn’t happy about it.
So why are all of you opposed to reforming the system that allows Pete to get away with it?
John Galt,
Your comment is like comparing apples to kumquats! There is no comparison between his actions and reforming the system others LEGALLY abide by! Nice try though.
So I have it on your authority that Pete Constant is the ONLY former police officer taking advantage of the disability retirement system. Boy that’s a relief! How could I ever have imagined that the actions of one individual might be indicative of a greater problem? Silly me.
I felt that you were twisting what I said and meant. If I misunderstood the intent of your statement, I apologize.
I agree with you 100% that Pete’s abuse of the system is dead wrong and that something needs to be done to rectify it.
Happy Thanksgiving John.
The City of Santa Clara has an elected Chief of Police (Steve Lodge, currently midway through his third four-year term). I don’t know much about him, but I would suspect that if Laurie Smith doesn’t seek re-election in 2014, that Chief Lodge would likely be one of Constant’s principal opponents.
Is there some reason to suppose Sheriff Smith might leave office early?
You never know Kevin, it depends on who she endorses now doesn’t it.
Now that Moon Beam is back she probaly wont go anywhere, she was supposedly on Arnold’s short list – at one time – for CHP comissioner
Thanks for the heads up Kathleen. I don’t think Pete stands a snowballs chance in hell when it comes to the Sheriff’s Office.
An entirely different political structure. The DSA won’t fall for his lame tactic’s and the Aw Shucks “I used to be a cop” routine to gain sympathy votes.
I have been watching him and was fooled by him like many others were. After watching his metamorphosis from Fat’n Flabby to Arrogant Schmuck and the waste $30K of Workers Comp taxpayer money for his medical weight loss program, it’s clear to me that he is only out for one thing and that’s “Pete”.
My view is that Pete is following in the footsteps of the man who ruined San Jose, Chuck Greed-Aka-Mr. Know it ALL…
But hey I’m an “Old Man” what do I know?
“My view is that Pete is following in the footsteps of the man who ruined San Jose, Chuck Greed-Aka-Mr. Know it ALL”
Chuck Reed ruined San Jose? Has it really changed that much since 2007?
I’m not a huge Reed partisan (I’ve had three opportunities to vote for him, and only exercised the option once…although it was the one time that really counted, in his run-off with Chavez), and I have a lot of criticism of the ruling elite establishment here in San Jose, but he was certainly a better Mayor than Gonzales, and probably Hammer as well. Even if you don’t agree, the notion he “ruined” San Jose over the course of the last four years seems pretty ludicrous. San Jose hasn’t been ruined, and to the extent its gone downhill, the phenomenon is one measured in decades, not a four paltry years.
Well Kevin your entitled to your views and I respect them.
Fortunately I have never voted for Chuck, which is a smart thing for me.
Chuck is making the same mistakes as Gonzales and others. They become power hungry to the point they forget why the became Mayor and stop serving their constituents. The guy thinks he know everything.
In reality Chuck and his “Self Serving” Council HAS ruined San Jose.
Ask yourself this, WHY does San Jose need a Ball Park? According to the Mayor our City is in a deficit that is historic, and caused by the overpaid City Employees… So again we need a Ball Park, WHY?
Kevin, please start looking around and at the special interest groups,non profits like TEAM SAN JOSE who are under investigation regarding money issues and that Reed and Council are funneling taxpayer General Fund monies to them without blinking twice or asking what it will be spent on.
The City of San Jose is in a real bad place right now and will not get better as long as our City leaders continue to “GIVE” FREE taxpayer dollars to any shady local business that wants it.
Mean while the City will be laying off in a fourth round of layoffs of your loyal devoted city employees that include Police and Firefighters.
Old Frank.
Metro/San Jose Inside has wandered so far from any form of credible or respectable journalism. They used to feature articles that actually further the political discussion. Now, it’s just mindless, vengeful mudslinging.
Who is Elaine Alquist and how did she get elected to state office?
She was elected to take over her deceased husband’s job because widows of politicians are so very capable of stepping in, without missing a beat.
She was first elected to the State Assembly in 1996. Then the Senate in 2004. A little behind in your reading, are we?
She was an ambitious woman, registered Republican who married Al Alquist, a man like 40 years older than her and then ran for office as a Democrat, taking his name as political capital that paid off.
Just wanted to make an observation on dynastic/brand politics where having the right name (Kennedy, Brown) seems to go a long ways.
Don’t forget the local political dynasties: Diridon, Cortese and Shirakawa to name a few.
But that raises a question: Are any of the “Jrs” worth even half as much as their old man?
Shirakawa…didn’t know the father, but the son did something (like get elected twice and then run for higher office.) Does he have a good reputation?
Cortese…met and like Dom Cortese when he was a state legislator. Seemed like a nice guy who really cared about doing right by SJ. Met the current Cortese in office only in passing at some reception and he seemed to look like a distiguished guy. Does he have a good reputation and track record with the public offices he’s held?
Rod Diridon…met the dad and he’s still going strong on the issues he loves (transportation.) I thought it was tacky to name the train station after him, just like naming the convention center after McEnery was tacky. The son is a nice guy (was an undergrad with him at State) and he seems to be focused on just doing a job well (city clerk, which in Santa Clara is an elected position.) I don’t think he’s the politician his father was…but that’s okay because he seems like a good city clerk for his town.
Be that as it may, you’d think the 1996 Democratic primary voters could have found a better candidate than the wife of an outgoing state Senator (she beat Trixie Johnson 55-35 in the primary, for the record). I believe Ms. Johnson was a member of the San Jose City Council, which does seem a better qualification.
Buck has been on a secret mission for some time and has arrived back from the planet krogar. Buck has to agree with Kathleen and her synopsis of Mr.& Mrs Constant. How many paychecks can they collect on the backs of the tax payers. One check from the Police Department is 50% tax free due to an injury on duty (?)
If Mr. Constant should run for Sheriff what would he be able to do? He was retired because he could no longer full fill his position as a Police Officer. Last time Buck checked with the Sheriffs Department they are sworn Peace Officers. Buck has seen many miracles in his travels through time. This will be one of the best yet. Maybe an earthling slapped Pete in the head and said “You are cured!” Maybe Pete met a priest and got the blessing. Buck would prefer a slap to the head vs. the priest blessing.
Good point Buck. Even as the Sheriff, one has to be a “full functioning” Peace Officer, able to perform all the duties and physical requirements.
I think after all the special weight loss drugs and shakes, Pete deemed himself cured…
Hence the wrestling / body slam he took on camera from a kid onto his back and the fishing for a 250 pound Marlin in Mexico.
There must have been something in the Mexican water, my guess Montezuma’s Revenge? For Pete to be able to fight with a Huge Marlin in the open ocean and lift that huge fish over his head?
Pretty good “heroic activity” for a guy who claims to be disabled? and in PAIN all the time, hmmmm????
Makes you wonder if Pete ever was really injured? Well maybe in the head.
Speaking of Pete’s head, now that he’s lost all that weight “via drugs” that cost us taxpayers $30K, (not hard work at the gym) the only thing that is still Fat and BIG is Pete’s HEAD.
Buck, how could he be “cured” if he was never hurt?
Don’t be fooled by the younger “Goatee” version of Chuck Greed.
Old Frank
Great, just what our county needs another Constant on the public dole…
Nothing like having a family that has lived off the government for years demonizing government employees. Pete Constant is a disability cheat who should be kicked out on his ass, we don’t need his wife collecting yet another government check for his family. I always loved how Pete went after public safety workers when he’s been sucking on the City/County tit for years.
How’s your back Pete? Apparently healthy enough to wrestle and deep sea fish…
I’m all for fixing the cities pension and compensation problems, but Constant is a blight on our city.
All good questions. Buck thinks that Pete’s biggest fish was the city of San Jose pension system. One has to wonder how he is able to hold a job that pays him more than when he was a Police Officer. Buck’s “sources” says that Pete has a special agreement with the City of San Jose that allows him to circumvent the requirments that any other person who leaves “disabled” has to follow.
Will Mr Constant surrender his pension if he becomes the County Sheriff? That should be a Mercury News question. I might add Mercury the planet was first visited by Mariner 10. It was discivered then that Pete an Mercury are Cozy.