Rants & Raves

SJI’s Rants & Raves has an open-door policy, especially in summertime: All opinions on any topic are welcome.


  1. How far the Mercury News has slipped!  At one time, it hypocritically promoted the view that labels like “you people” and “those people” were serious slurs, operating to divide society. 

    Now its shared IQ has shrunk so much that it is reduced to the dehumanizing tactic of using insect or animal names to slur.  It’s one thing, for example, to say that Editorial Page Editor Barbara Marshman shares characteristics with pigs, but it is another thing just to call her a pig. 

    Last Sunday (7/5/09), the Merc used “gadfly” (a kind of horsefly) to label & dehumanize the proprietor of a well known Santa Clara blog, and last Wednesday (7/8/09), the shallower end of the genetic pool at the Merc used “goat” to label & dehumanize the publisher of a magazine which is widely read for its essays.

    It isn’t true that a community gets the paper it deserves—we deserve a grown-up newspaper that avoids labeling & dehumanizing by insect and animal names.

  2. Will everyone who thinks it’s a good idea to enact a tax “surcharge” on the top 1% of tax payers to fund health insurance for the uninsured raise their hands?

  3. Due to hard times, people are dumping their animals left and right. If you can help by donating even $5.00, it would be greatly appreciated! Please pass this on to your friends~ Thanks!

    Animal shelter needs hay for horses (gilroy)

    The South County Animal Shelter is inundated with abandoned horses. We need quality hay of any kind to care for our equine friends until they are adopted. Donations can be dropped off any day between 12-4. The shelter is located on Murphy Ave. between Church and San Martin Ave. in San Martin. The horses thank you! http://www.southcountypets.com

    [email protected]

  4. Pulls hand down quickly… Pat, we all know how this sort of thing goes.  It gets an anchor-hold that affects “the other guy” – and then 1% becomes 10% and 20% and so on.

  5. This is absolutelty insane. We don’t have enough Police, Fire, and public services NOW! People are losing their jobs, their homes but yeah, let’s build more housing…Someone is smoking too much you know what. UGH~

    “The grants are meant to help cities build dense developments near transit hubs by paying for the costly infrastructure upgrades such projects often require. That aim dovetails with Reed’s stimulus plans for San Jose, including a push to sustain development downtown — and specifically high-rises counted on to lure thousands of new residents who would in turn bolster retail in the area.”


  6. Actually I think Joe Simitian is one of the brightest and most responsible members of the State Senate.

    It is good for him and others to among the people.  A gutsy thing on his part.

    State Senators like Simitian and Elaine Alquist are working hard for the community.

    Alquist’s bill SB 43 is meant to work to enhance the City of Santa Clara’s ability to to bring the 49ers to Santa Clara Good for her.

  7. Pat, your roundabout suggestion that socialized medicine’s a bad idea is very seductive. Even the richest Americans, though, realize it’s in their self interest, when pointed out, to make sure the prep cook who’s coughing on their salad has been tested for tuberculosis.

  8. Our health care “system” is far from perfect but I have full confidence that more government interference can make it worse.

    #11, Yes, it’s very important that chefs be tested for tuberculosis BEFORE they cough on our salad. Excellent point.

  9. 6, I think most people would dispute your assertion that the system is badly broken. Most Americans get good quality health care at a price that they are willing to pay. Some (mostly the young) choose not to have insurance, because they feel invincible, or something. Others, unfortunately, cannot get adequate insurance for a variety of reasons.

    Fixes…how about starting by eliminating insurance mandates. Let companies offer coverage for what they want, and let people choose what they care to cover. Second, how about eliminating state insurance exclusivity. Why shouldn’t I be able to buy coverage from Texas?

    I’m sure others have good ideas that don’t involve governmental takeover of our insurance system. Remember, MediCare started out as the solution for the uninsured. Is that the kind of “insurance” you want to live with?

  10. 12 – But you certainly wouldn’t want the government involved in that testing, would you? You just want it both ways. Who do you think will oversee the testing—an untrained restaurant manager?
    I would say our health care system could only improve under the government because it really stinks now.

  11. Hello P.O and other BSes (Big Shots).
    It ain’t easy to be “visionary” or “futurist”, but I’ll give it a try.

    San Jose town might earn some easy Ca$h.

    Don’t know who owns all that vacant empty land at both ends of SCJ airport, but some could be subdivided into 25×25 foot lots and auctioned off as garden plots for San Jose residents and current property owners.
    Many town folk would love to have a place to grow fresh flowers, organic vegetables, harvest a few fruit trees and raise some rabbits and chickens to consume fresh eggs (at least from the chickens).

    Many “farmers” will develop rainwater collection systems or use grey water, but most will have to purchase water.  This irrigation water will come from recycled water of the Waste Disposal Plant near the Bay via new pipeline along Guadalupe Creek.  Without tearing up streets this should be relatively inexpensive project.

    Garden plot owners could construct very small tool cottages, while central bathrooms (some with swimming pools for the kids) would supply potable drinking water.
    The town would collect lease and maintenance fees as well as taxes.  Gardeners with excess vegetables and fruits could sell them at 10×20 foot stands on West Hedding St.

    The rest of the land would be leased to local non-profit groups for developing orchards.  Most of the fruit trees will require little irrigation.  In lieu of small lease fees these non-profits will be required to hire local school kids for the summer harvest and on weekends, as well as provide volunteer opportunities for many seniors.  The harvest can also be sold on West Hedding St. and other selected locations to augment the non-profit revenue, thus expanding services without additional government support.

    Some parkland should be set aside for ball fields, picnic, playgrounds and communal gathering spots, perhaps a classroom facility for teaching crop cultivation. 
    Public transit access should also be provided.

    Most European cities have such small gardens available for their citizens along their outskirts, why not in San Jose, CA??

    The current empty ground near the airport is quite unattractive.  Rows of apple, pears, plum, peaches, cherry, citrus, nut trees would certainly improve the looks and put some life into the area, besides relentless traffic.  Some berry patches and table grapes would add variety.

    San Jose would again become “The Valley of Hearts Delight”.
    Why hasn’t something like this been developed when San Jose had oodles of money??


  12. #13- I can see it now. I received my coverage from Texas Health Insurance I.H.C.
    (I HATE cALIFORNIANS). My legs been hurting
    A BIT, SO after 6 months T.H.I. gives me the O.K. to see a local Dr.Sure glad I was able to choose what I was able to cover. The Doctor say`s that my right leg has to come off, oh shit, being a trucker driver, I figured if a leg was going to go bad it would be my clutch leg. Gee, maybe that nice Mr. Pat Waite will help feed my 5 kids and make a rent check to my landlord for me a few times a year. Pat, most people don`t choose their Health Ins. by a price they are willing to pay, instead they go by what they can afford. The way I see it we have 2 choices to fix Heath Ins.(#1) Regulate the hell and the profit out of all things Health related or (#2) Tax everyone on a progressive scale with regards to income.
      Oh and Pat when can I expect this months $2000.00 rent check.

  13. In today’s Merc:

    “A road to the past? Cash for straightening Julian Street boosts downtown S.J. project

    One of the last islands of blight in downtown San Jose could soon become the city’s next luxury neighborhood.

    And that future could hinge on bringing back a large part of the area’s past.

    As soon as this fall, crews will take apart the high-speed swoop of Julian Street as it heads southwest toward Highway 87. They’ll then begin restoring a pedestrian-friendly street grid that was erased 31 years ago to help shuttle cars to and from the freeway.”


    Is this the means by which historic Pellier Park is going to be gobbled up and handed over to some private developer?

    That’s the Pellier Park that Barry Swenson was permitted to demolish several years back during adjacent construction, on condition that it afterwards be restored, which hasn’t happened yet.

    How many years has it been since the name Pellier Park was printed in the Merc? Are they hoping we’ve forgotten about it?

  14. Why is a private entity, i.e., Bellarmine College Prep, permitted to obstruct pedestrian access to a public street, i.e., Emory Street at Laurel?  This also obstructs pedestrian access to the College Park Caltrain station.

    I’ll pass on discussing the wisdom of closing off a city street that’s immediately adjacent to a fire station.

    I’m sure if I went and built a fence across the street in front of my house it wouldn’t be there long, but of course I don’t have as many local politicos in my pocket as Bellarmine does.

    There seems to be an ongoing campaign to destroy the walkability of the city, and to hand over public spaces to private control.

    These are trends that have a destructive effect on the livability of San Jose.

  15. Growing food under the last part of flight path? Serious??? How does one deal with exhaust fallout from jet engines? Does not sound very healthy to me….

  16. #8 and any SJ Insiders interested in news about Pellier Park! There is a meeting tomorrow, Monday July 13th at 7:30PM specifically addressing Pellier Park and St. James Park. Sam Liccardo and RDA reps are supposed to be there.

    Meeting location: St James Senior Center (199 N 3rd St).

    This is a good time for those who have voiced concern about the status of Pellier Park to show up and get information, ask questions, etc. Put your words into action and DO something (get involved!), and not just talk about OTHER PEOPLE who “should be” doing something. grin


  17. 19 – By your use of “quotes” around less fortunate folks are we to believe that you don’t think there are less fortunate folks? That seems to be the thinking of those opposed to improving our health care system. We certainly want less fortunate folks to benefit from an improved health care system would we?
    Your idea to let us choose what we want covered is novel and would be great for those of us who can predict the future. Do you know what your medical issues will be next year? Five years? I don’t and most others don’t either.
    If you think our current system works well for most people then either you or I live on a different planet. The system primarily works well for those who don’t need it. Try getting sick and see how well our system works then.

  18. #16, Dave G,you just described MediCare, our current government health plan for “less fortunate folks.”

    And the feds will be sending you your rent check eventually…

  19. #21

    Like it or not, SJC will be relocated.  As with anything, the sooner you do it, the less it will cost.

    So, you can write off the current airport expansion boondoggle, and move the airport now.  Or, do it later when the cost will be even greater to the taxpayers.

    I am sure the “brains” in San Jose will choose to do it later when the cost will be greater.

  20. #22-Just Wondering,
    You make some excellent points. The problem is that elderly, and low income folks DONOT get proper health, vision, or especially dental care now, nor will they ever because it isn’t “profitable.” You see wealthy individuals will never understand going without health care never mind anything else because as you aptly put it, they DO live on another planet! Do you honestly think if we had a Governor who was on Medicare or Medical waiting for heart surgery that he/she would cut those programs coming right out the gate during budget deficits? Hell no! He/she would work hard to improve it, not axe it.
    Why do you think Sotomayor’s comment that experience as a “wise Latina” might give her an advantage over white males got everyone in the Republican Party, and the Good Old Boy’s Society so pissed off? If you kick an injured hound it howls! It is hypocrisy and discrimination at its finest.

  21. Did anyone read the Murky News article on pensions in the 7/12/09 edition?  It says that SJ public safety workers get 90% of their highest 12 month earnings after 30 years on the job.  And there are COLAS, so after a few years in retirement,  some retirees get even more than they did while they were working!!!!!  They can retire in their 50’s.  They go to other jobs while still collecting the retirement benefit.

    One way to slow things down is to place a maximum earnings limit if you still want to collect your full govt. pension.  All us plebians on Social Security have maximums we can still earn while collecting social security.  Why can’t government workers who aren’t in social security (boy are they smart!) have the same double dipping restraints placed on them?

    They get FREE health care for life.

    Police Officers contribute up to 11.96% of their salary, and the city kicks in up to another 25.8%!!!  Firefighters put in up to 12.4% of salary and the city kicks in an additional 28.31%.  A police sargeant and an lower-ranking firefighter will get over $100k/year in retirement!!!

    Civilian workers get an even higher add-on from the city.  They contribute 8.93% and the city kicks in another 23.56%

    These figures were all arrived at through collective bargaining agreements.  So, it’s pretty damn clear that whoever negotiates on behalf of the city must be as inept as the RDA folks who subsidize all manner of national chains to get the to come to S-Jay.

    We need to get negotiators who actually have the taxpayers in mind to replace the inept negotiators who have “negotiated” the taxpayers into a deep fiscal hole.

    And with all the unfunded liability, we need to change all new hires from defined benefit plans to defined contribution plans—something private industry did a couple of decades ago.

  22. 22, does your government know what your medical issues will be next year? Five years?

    Shouldn’t we be able to choose whether or not we want coverage for acupuncture, chiropractic services, or podiatrists (all mandated by California)? Did you know that some states mandate coverage for hair prostheses (wigs!)?

    I’ve been sick and used our system quite satisfactorily. Many other people have, as well.

    And once more, I will point out that we have government provided health care…MediCare. Is that what you want for your health care?

  23. Just Wondering,
    Pat’s use of quotes for “less fortunate folks” is perfectly understandable. Every month for the past 20 years or so I’ve written a sizable check to Kaiser Permanente. It’s a choice and there’s always a temptation to just let it slide. Believe me, I’d rather keep the money. How easy it would be to simply declare, “I can’t afford this”, and not pay my health insurance. Then I would join the ranks of the “less fortunate folks” who “can’t afford health insurance”. You see the reason for the quotes?

    “Can’t afford health insurance.”
    For a large percentage of the uninsured this is code for “don’t CHOOSE to pay for health insurance”.

    I’m not unsympathetic to the plight of true hard luck stories- and there ARE systems in place for them, but I’m sick and tired of enabling and encouraging those who prefer to let the rest of us pay their way.

  24. #28-Just Wondering,
    I learned a long time ago that once someone like Pat thinks he is right, there is no sense in wasting my time trying to convince him otherwise.

    Secondly, John Galt is right, some folks chose not to pay for health care when they can afford it because they know there’s free aid. Now here comes the problem, how do you choose between paying an outrageous COBRA bill on unemployment? Many go without health care to pay the rent, feed their families, and pay their bills. That isn’t uncommon and quite frankly people do it all the time.

    Our health care system is based solely on profit. Nothing more and nothing less. These corporations own every one of our politicians. Let us not forget too that many of these politicians own stock and shares in these companies, and get huge donations from these profiteers. What on earth makes you think they’d give that up to help taxpayers get a fair shake?

    Until such time that we voters change that well I guess we toothless, blind, hard of hearing, and chronically ill tax payers will just have to deal with being ripped off by huge corporations who live on another planet.

  25. JMO (#25),

    I doubt whether our SJ politicians will ever listen to your message… sad but true.  I do know that I don’t want to be a resident of San Jose when the sh*t hits the fan and they figure out a way to extract yet higher taxes from us. 

    It’s my objective to “get out of Dodge” before that happens.  There a number of well-managed locales nearby: Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Campbell, etc.  Those who want to continue to foot the bill for outrageous pension benefits can stay and pay.

  26. #15 JMO,
    Thanks for your kind offer to open “youth hostel” on vacant land at end of SJC runway.

    It’ll be kind of expensive to construct this large building underground to shield it from the high-pitched jet engine noises and to protect our young international guests in case of a plane crash.

    How much money will you personally loan us to build it? However there are 17 Million square feet of empty or nearly vacant commercial building space available for lease just within San Jose proper. 

    You might be able to locate for us a better and more cost effective spot. As a non-profit the donor could write off the building since many will probably never again be leased for what they are worth.  The former occupants have relocated to less expensive areas of China, India, Mexico, Austin or North Carolina.

    I noticed on Google Earth that there a numerous gardens beyond the bare earth portion of the SJC runway approaches yet still in the landing path,including a “demonstration orchard” and some rose gardens. Pretty good.

    Being on a “visionary” track I suggest planting Christmas trees at the end of the runways.  They would absorb much of the noise from the jet engines above, cushion the aircraft if it comes down short of the runway while never getting to be too large to inflict damage to the errant airplane (since all the trees are harvested every few years).  Perhaps NASA Moffett could look into that prospect.

    As a lawyer you might answer the question who would receive the income from the carbon offsets when new forests are planted?  Can vegetable gardens receive carbon offsets, especially if no artificial nitrogen fertilizer is used and who will receive these funds, the grower or the property owner?

  27. Mr. O’Connor #25

    San Jose Police Officers do not get free health care for life. Their police union had agreed in the past for the officers to pay 5% of their gross salary while they are working to fund their medical insurance in retirement. In addition their monthly health insurance is not free. The lowest paid plan use to be free but it is not anymore and has not been for a long time. There are also the typical copayments and deductibles. Lastly, the officers contribute close to 13% of their gross salary towards their retirement. The 11.96 is an old figure.

  28. Frank #32: Thanks for correcting what I wrote, which was taken directly from the Murky News article.  Forward your comments to the person who wrote the story. 

    So, what is the new % contributed by the city?  What is the cost of the lifetime medical?  I’d wager few others get so much coverage for so little out of their own pockets/purses.

  29. I’m surprised everyone is falling into the Murk’s trap. Are you guys really going to buy into the BS that our City is in such dire straights because Police, Fire, and City employees are draining funds? One only has to look at the MILLIONS of dollars wasted on bad loans, forgiven loans, special interest handouts, golf courses, bad decision making, and our ugly City Hall to know where the drain really is.
    Other cities have the same benefits for the same employeees yet they aren’t going through this. I wonder why?

  30. Wouldn’t you think that a person who is paid to provide services to the San Jose community, such as your editor, would pay the company who provided services to his own family member?

    I would think that a person would, but doesn’t seem to care.

  31. Kathleen #34:  the few millions wasted on subsidies should never have happened, of course. And, they do contribute to our fiscal problems.  But with employee salaries and benefits making up 75% or so of the operating budget, that’s the place to look to cut back if one wants to eliminate the structural deficit.

    In hard times, EVERYONE has to cut back in order to right the ship.  NO-ONE can be exempt from sharing the hardship.

    Government these days is just a microcosm of the entire population—profligate spending with no means to pay it back other than by printing more money and incurring more debt to pay back the old debt.  Government debt is no different than personal debt.  We are WAY overextended.  And Obama’s prescription?  Spend MORE!!  Print more $$$.  USA—the new Peronista Argentina. Jeez!

  32. JMO-You are of course correct about most of what you are saying but I disagree with the figures being thrown around. If you look at Ed Rast’s columns on Protectsanjose.com, you’ll get a more accurate picture of what is REALLY going on in San Jose.

    Secondly, previous Mayors and Council Members are getting health benefits even though they have other jobs now. Why isn’t the Murky News writing about that?

    The bottom line for me is that our Police Officers are getting a bad rap here. If someone can put a price on a life for me, we’ll talk. I am deeply grateful to our Police Officers. By the time they retire their health is so bad that I have zero problems with them getting a decent pay check, or health benefits. Now CEOs and folks like that, well that is another story all together.

    I sure would like to know how a ballot measure to stop paying legislators when they are late with the budget turned into no raises during tough times! Now that is out right BS~

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