The end is nigh. For the election, that is. But with all the race baiting, pussy grabbing and doomsday rhetoric—not to mention straight-up violence at a certain bloviating billionaire’s nativist rallies—it can feel like our democracy is teetering on the brink.
Assuming common sense does prevail by banishing an unapologetic demagogue with a crushing defeat, the 2016 election will go down in history for a much better reason. This could be the year we finally put a woman in the White House. California women also stand to claim some big victories in statewide and local elections, from the U.S. Senate to the state Legislature and the San Jose City Council.
To help you make sense of it all, here’s a list of our recommendations on who to vote into what office, from the Capitol to City Hall.
Hillary Clinton — President
Let’s dispense with the false equivalencies. By the end of the Nov. 8 showdown between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Americans will have either elected their first female president or their first dictator-in-chief. Trump’s scandals link him to sexual assaults, wage theft, racial discrimination, a number of criminal probes and Russian hackers. If he wins, he’ll try to jail his opponent and the media. If he loses, he’ll call the election rigged and follow Alex Jones to some dark corner of the interwebs as an alt-right media mouth. So please, don’t let him anywhere near the White House. Clinton will be a steady hand on the levers of power, and she’s familiar with the landscape so she won’t be learning on the job. It's a clear choice, and luckily, most Californians seem to agree.
Kamala Harris — U.S. Senate

Kamala Harris
California’s first new senator in two dozen years will be a woman. Ideally, the distinction will go to Kamala Harris. The state attorney general, vying to replace Sen. Barbara Boxer, is up against Loretta Sanchez, a 10-term congressional representative from Orange County. Both are Democrats and both agree on a lot of core issues such as immigration, public safety, abortion and foreign policy. But Harris’ record in office makes her a better candidate for the role. As the state’s top prosecutor, Harris got big banks to pay the price for foreclosure abuses and won billions of dollars in relief for homeowners with underwater mortgages. She also supported criminal justice reforms to curb recidivism and disarm felons. With her experience tackling complex issues in the nation’s most populous state, Harris has the potential to be an effective leader in Washington.
Ro Khanna — Congress, 17th District
It seemed like Ro Khanna would run away with this race after defeating eight-term incumbent Mike Honda (D-San Jose) in the June primary, and he just still might. Plagued by a prolonged ethics scandal that appeared to show pay-to-play activity, Honda has overseen one of the nastiest re-election campaigns in recent history, repeatedly trotting out flat-out lies, resorting to racist attack pieces and abusing a little-known loophole to use taxpayer-funded mail to assist his campaign. It’s been a steep fall for the man who has an inspiring story and was well-respected just several years ago. Khanna’s camp stumbled last month, after Honda filed a lawsuit alleging a cyberattack by Khanna’s campaign manager, but that has proven to be an overblown October surprise. Khanna will help Silicon Valley representation catch up to the 21st century.
Anna Eshoo — Congress, 18th District

Anna Eshoo
Since being sworn into Congress in 1993, Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Menlo Park) has seen 30 of her bills signed by three presidents on both sides of the aisle. In an age when partisan squabbling bogs down policymaking and has even shut down the federal government, Eshoo has managed to craft important legislation on energy, technology and the environment. Running against the 18th District incumbent for a second time is Los Gatos pediatrician Richard Fox, a Libertarian-leaning conservative whose political aspirations stemmed from his opposition to the Affordable Care Act. Eshoo’s record of expanding health care access helped her defeat him by a landslide in 2014. Her advocacy in the time since for consumer protections, net neutrality, responsible innovation and preserving public open space will rightly result in yet another landslide victory.
Jim Beall — State Senate, 15th District
State Sen. Jim Beall (D-San Jose) has used his tenure in office to champion legislation that protects the environment, the mentally ill and victims of sexual abuse. His challenger, termed-out Assemblywoman Nora Campos, has spent her time in the public’s employ stumbling from one embarrassment to another. She’s wasted taxpayer resources by churning through staffers and voted in ways that endeared her to Big Oil, which bankrolled her bid against Beall. District 15 has an easy choice. Re-elect Beall.
Madison Nguyen — State Assembly, 27th District

Madison Nguyen
With Assemblywoman Nora Campos (D-San Jose) on her way out, it’s time to bring some semblance of sanity back to the 27th Assembly District. Both Ash Kalra and Madison Nguyen—former San Jose City Council colleagues—have the experience to equip them for the role. As councilman, Kalra has advocated for important tenant protections and important environmental causes. But we believe Nguyen’s independence—her ability to balance the interests of business and labor—makes her especially qualified to represent Silicon Valley in the state Legislature.
Sylvia Arenas — San Jose Council District 8
With help from friends in high places, namely San Jose Councilwoman Magdalena Carrasco and state Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León, Sylvia Arenas led a pack of five candidates in the June primary. Arenas and runner-up Jimmy Nguyen both scored surprise upsets, indicating, perhaps, that District 8 voters have had it with institutional kingmakers like the the South Bay Labor Council and San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce. While Arenas aligns with labor on a number of issues, including minimum wage and pension reform, she has an independent streak. To lower skyrocketing rents, she wants to increase the housing stock. To spur business, she wants the city to streamline its permitting process. With progressive convictions and record of public services as a two-year Evergreen Elementary School District trustee, Arenas would be a welcome successor to terming-out Vice Mayor Rose Herrera.
Dev Davis, Helen Chapman — San Jose Council District 6
In perhaps San Jose’s most politically engaged council district, two women have emerged at the forefront. Helen Chapman and Dev Davis hold different ideologies about how to regulate business and help the homeless, but they’re both involved community members who want to make the city safer and more prosperous. Chapman spent years serving on the city’s Parks Commission while running a small business and mentoring youth in the San Jose Unified School District. Davis, who’s more conservative and works as a policy analyst at Stanford University, has a background in economics that would serve her well in elected office. Either candidate has the potential to give District 6 voters informed and thoughtful representation at City Hall.
Sergio Jimenez — San Jose City Council District 2
With an opponent like Steve Brown, a misguided Republican exposed for wage theft and discriminatory views on LGBTQ rights, Sergido Jimenez deserves the District 2 vote. Jimenez is a loyal Democrat with experience serving the public as an investigator for the Santa Clara County Public Defender’s Office. He supports a higher minimum wage and the right for low-wage earners to never have to work for a boss like Steve Brown.
This article is one part of our 2016 election guide special issue. Be sure to check out our guide to all 17 statewide initiative in 50 words or less. And for the local issues, read our take on all 32 Santa Clara County ballot measures.
Wow! Lets just through out all objectivity and neutrality and say SJI is completely in the tank for the DNC.
Excuse me I have to wash my computer off as I puked all over it after reading this a insane hallucination!
> Clinton’s incredibly well qualified, as well. Vote for her because she’s about to break the ultimate glass ceiling just four years shy of a century since women first earned the right to vote.
Great timing, SJI!
Just when the Clinton colostomy bag is about to rupture all over the internet.
Um, sport? She is under criminal investigation by the FBI. And for good reason. California is La La land
“But further information obtained by SF Weekly also indicates that DA Kamala Harris — recently elected California Attorney General — has a troubling history within her own office of covering up problems with genetic evidence used by prosecutors.”
I’ve never entirely understood the Harris thing. She’s polished in a way that makes me uncomfortable. She can’t give a straight answer. In the debates, she acts likes a “mean girl” from high school towards Sanchez. Sanchez just been more real (and has way more relevant experience).
That mortgage settlement was not some great victory for justice after 2008 – there’s a reason why all the banksters donate to her now :). She’s a friend.
Harris will win – the establishment always does.
[With acknowledgement to]
Dear Ms. Clinton:
Thank you for your application to be Commander-In-Chief of the Strategic Nuclear Forces of the United States of America.
Unfortunately, we have some concerns about putting you in charge of 500 ICBM’s, 200 long range strategic bombers, and 5,000 nuclear warheads:
You’re an alcoholic
You have a history of head injuries
You have Parkinson’s disease
You have acknowledged that you carelessly mishandled national security information
You have benefited from substantial payments by foreign governments
You are under investigation by the FBI for violation of the Espionage Act
You are a mendacious, deceitful, and vengeful sociopath
For these reasons, we will be unable to offer you the position at this time.
Based on other qualifications that we noted in your C. V., you might consider applying for a position in the prison laundry.
In case a position that matches your qualifications becomes available, we will keep your resume on file for 90 days, or until you are incarcerated.
Yours very truly,
John Q. Public
Chairman of the Search Committee
United States of America
Love it!!
The Unhinged Comment Section Professionals Union is well represented here. Well done!
It’s darling isnt it?
Wow how you describe Clinton you would think she would have sainthood soon. Nothing like making 300 million in 16 years for doing nothing but giving some speeches. Then when asked about her server she wants to know if she wiped it with a cloth. Maybe you should just get Mike Honda in there to help things out.
I’ve puked again all over the keyboard!
The DR. says the only cure is to vote for Trump and move to a red state!
You must be kidding. Mrs. Clinton is under investigation by the FBI. Her foundation is under investigation by the FBI. She has lied over and over and over to the American people on the email issue and security. Glad I don’t live in la-la land California, which seems to excuse criminal behavior and unethical behavior.
Also, I know lawyers who know Harris.They say she is hopeless. I also know her office ignored complaints from victims who had been on receiving end of violations of Marsy’s Law
SHAME on the Mercury News. You are a disgrace and so are your “choices.” * cough*
I Don’t believe this is the mercury news but another news source in the bay area. The writer of this story put way to much of their opinion in it when they wanted to endorse someone.
…and Trump is under investigation for raping a 13 year old girl in 1994. They will be in court mid December. Trump is also under investigation for running a fraudulent university and a fraudulent foundation which has now been denied the ability to accept donations. I could go on and on. Trump lies even when he is visibly on tape or on air actually saying what he said he didn’t say. They both have a lot of baggage but weigh it out–what would you want best for your country…someone with more experience than any other presidential candidate in history, who just happened to use a private server for her emails…a person who will fight hard to keep our country and your family safe and has the ability to do so or would you want someone who is childlike with a short temper, vindictive, with no experience running any part of government, who brags of grabbing women’s private parts, is racist, who has incited so much hatred in people that he has set this county back 50 years, incites violence, doesn’t pay his share of taxes, lies more than she does, puts down women, makes fun of people with disabilities, brags on making this country great again when he has filed bankruptcy 6 times, yada yada. My thought is that Trump wanting to be president is not so he can make American again, but to put another notch in his belt. He is rich and can have anything he wants. The presidency for him is just another great toy he can say he has. A playground. All of those promises and him saying he can do this and he can do that are all empty. No president in history has been able to pull that off. How can he run a country when he couldn’t even run his own businesses without having to file for bankruptcy…6 times. He speaks of businesses manufacturing outside of the US when ALL of his manufacturing is outside of the US…his ties, his furniture, etc, Trump is a big bag of wind and I feel big trouble brewing for our country if he gets into office. There is a LOT of baggage in this election but when putting each party’s baggage aside and looking at the experience and what is best for this country….I’m with her.
Hillary is an alcoholic. Trump isn’t.
Do you want to see the videos that the DNC and CNN have been hiding from you? Or, do you prefer pristine ignorance?
How do YOU know? I’m assuming you must be following both of them around, day and night, to have that kind of knowledge. Do you live with them, too? What color undies does Trump have on, today? Did he pick his nose while riding in the back seat of his limo– OR is it that you are believing everything you read? I don’t think I am the one who suffers pristine ignorance. You need to take a look in the mirror. I don’t know whether she drinks or not but if she does, it doesn’t make her an alcoholic. Same goes for Trump. People are speculating that because he sniffs so much, he is on drugs. I will say the same for him. Just because he sniffs a lot does not make him a drug user. I think for myself. I don’t pay attention to all of the rot that is being spewed from both sides. Also note that I did say, “baggage aside”. I am looking at who has the experience to run this country, not looking at someone who may sit behind a desk in the oval office and and practice vindictiveness or tweet nasties at everyone who has angered him. Trump has been filling his supporters’ ears with anything and everything he thinks they want to hear just so they will vote for him. All of these promises that he has made do not even sound rational, yet people are falling for it. If he does get into office, what the mess he is going to make and I will be back to say “I told you so”.
> I don’t know whether she drinks or not . . . Same goes for Trump.
“Ignorance” is when you don’t know something. You DO seem to prefer pristine ignorance.
Hillary has a history of substance abuse (alcoholism), head injury, fainting (petit mal seizures), and domestic violence (documented by the Secret Service). She is under investigation by the FBI for violation of the Espionage Act.
She COULD NOT qualify for a Concealed Carry Permit in California.
She also likely could not qualify to be a Child Care Provider, or a public transit operator, or a police officer, or a security guard. Such people should not put in charge of 5,000 nuclear weapons.
@SJOTB, I may not know whether she drinks or not, but I certainly have the intelligence to look pass the baggage and put the love for my country first.
Trump doesn’t drink so there is absolutely no excuse for his hateful,bigoted,racist,misogynistic behavior. Further anyone who supports him is as repugnant & deplorable as he is & have absolutely no place in a civil society. “Be a Chump & Vote for Trump” if you’re an idiot with no sense of common decency or moral compass. On the other hand if you’re bright,articulate & damn good looking you’ll be voting for our first woman President Hillary Clinton ! Don’t be a loser,vote for a winner !
How clever, so you’re as stupid as a Hillary bumper sticker.
INDEPENDANT (sic) says:
…and Trump is under investigation for raping a 13 year old girl in 1994.
Wrong. The woman has now recanted; she lied. Will you recant now?
Trump “is racist”. Another baseless lie. But since lies are all the Left has, lies are what they use.
An ‘he filed for bankruptcy 6 times’?? Another lie.
But none of it matters now, because…
…Donald Trump is the President Elect!
America won; the Snowflakes lost. Boo-hoo. ☺
No, that’s not quite true. She didn’t recant. She dropped the lawsuit due to threats on her life and she was too afraid to go forward with the suit. And…Donald Trump may be the President Elect, but he didn’t even win the popular vote. Hillary actually won but TRUMP got the states he needed to secure the highest count of the electorates and they haven’t even voted to elect him yet. Wouldn’t it be something if 36 of them decided to vote for Clinton, instead? One of them has already said that he can’t vote for Trump. We won’t know who the TRUE president will be until December 19th. That all being said, if Trump is elected on December 19th, I feel that he has to be given the chance to prove himself. Hopefully, he will not be the same person he was on the campaign trail and hopefully he will keep his word and “do great things”. We shall see.
> Donald Trump may be the President Elect, but he didn’t even win the popular vote.
Hillary Clinton supposedly “won” the popular vote by roughly 600,000 votes (0.3%) out of 125 MILLION votes cast. But did she really win?
There are 11.4 illegal aliens in the U.S. Thirteen percent are registered to vote. Eighty percent vote for Democrats (Hillary). That’s 1.2 million ILLEGAL votes for Hillary.
Add in 60,000 felons allowed to vote in Virginia, and zillions of other scams, and it’s very clear that Trump won the LEGAL popular vote. It WAS a rigged election. Trump won anyway.
@SJOTB– I don’t think ANYTHING was rigged. If that were the case, people could speculate that that is how Trump got the electorates he needed. They could speculate that the election was rigged against Clinton. It’s a two way street. I’m not that simple minded.
> Clinton will be a steady hand on the levers of power, . . .
Ummmm, that would be the hand of a menopausal alcoholic Parkinson’s disease sufferer with anger issues. And some of the levers her hand will be on can launch nuclear weapons toward Russia, China, or North Korea.
I would say the “Silicon Valley Newsroom” is living in a VERY tightly sealed bubble somewhere over the rainbow.
> Catholic Church’s Bulletin Links Clinton to Satan, Says Democratic Voting is ‘Mortal Sin’
Uh oh.
How many Catholics are there anyway?
Well, what do you know! Trump won the Catholic vote.
“Now that the voting is over, however, preliminary results indicate Trump decisively won a majority of those self-identifying as Catholics, by 52 to 45 percent.
By contrast, President Barack Obama won Catholics narrowly, by a margin of 50 to 48 percent, in 2012.”
I am disgusted with the “San Jose Insider”. I thought that many of their investigations were very civic minded and useful but now I see that this rag has been deceitful all along. This publication should not be allowed to present their political preferences to an uninformed public without allowing divergent views in reply. This is the lowest form of brainwashing ever. It gives me the perfect opportunity to unsubscribe from this ignorant, biased rag.
If you unsubscribe there will only be 47 readers left, we readers would be more than happy to hear your opinion.
> @SJOTB, I may not know whether she drinks or not, but I certainly have the intelligence to look pass the baggage and put the love for my country first.
“Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”
— Samuel Johnson, 1775
By the way, MR. INDEPENDENT, is participating in a rigged election “patriotic”? Do you intend to participate in the rigged election?
Well, I see that YOU pay attention to and evidently believe all the “rot” that is being spewed. Nuff said.
> Well, I see that YOU pay attention ….
Yes. Exactly. I pay attention.
You DON’T pay attention, which explains why you’re ignorant.
I think Wikileaks exposed her staff emails back and forth about sobering her up in time for events and meetings.
Also explains why she granted no news conferences or interviews for something like 18 months prior to running.
I can’t explain all the eye twitching, falling down and screaming.
I know you have a short attention span, but you should make an effort to pay attention to this:
“Jill Stein Agrees with Trump: Hillary Clinton Presidency Means Nuclear War, a ‘Mushroom Cloud Waiting to Happen”
Hillary Clinton is an alcoholic. Hillary Clinton has documented brain damage. Hillary Clinton has Parkinsons disease. Hillary Clinton has anger management issues. Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy stupidity got the American ambassador to Libya killed and got the U.S. into a military confrontation with NUCLEAR ARMED Russia in Syria.
It’s REALLY, REALLY dangerous.
Donald Trump wants to negotiate with Putin.
Hillary Clinton wants to hear Jay Z and Beyonce jive about “bitches and ho’s” and Negroes.
Do humanity a favor and stay home on election day.
Q: What is the biggest nightmare for clueless & ignorant Trump supporters ?
A: President Hillary Clinton,a Democratic majority in the Senate & a moderate Justice replacing Scalia on the Supreme Court !
Anyone who will actually admit that they voted for Trump is a “DEPLORABLE” & they should all be identified,mocked,ridiculed & shunned. Those who own businesses should certainly be punished for their duplicity & their businesses should be boycotted in retribution. Certainly don’t buy anything manufactured in any state that Trump carries,because that’s money that would be better spent in states where the majority of voters share our progressive agenda. There’s a special place in hell for Trump supporters,but why wait until they’re dead when we can give them a taste of what’s awaiting them in hell here & now. We all know that Trump & his supporters will be poor losers anyway,so lets all do everything we can to make them even poorer & bigger losers than they already are. They’ve been saying that Hillary is a bitch (or much worse) well so is payback my friends,so is payback ! It’s never too soon to start settling scores !
Nate Silver says the chances of Hillary winning California are 99.9%.
It’s in the bag! I think it’s time for all committed Democrats to start celebrating. I suggest whiskey. Lots and lots of whiskey.
And don’t worry about voting. Jerry Brown will probably keep the polls open on Wednesday.
Wow anyone voing for Hiltry is a huge dumbass. They don’t care about following the rules and the law of the land. They should be locked up in jail. America will be a third world nation soon enough thanks to Demotards. They just keep making business close the doors. Sorry buy you can’t keep doubling the debt like ohburmer did.
You may have my place in hell IMA, but my guess is you really don’t believe in hell. Elect Hillary and find out!
Oh my, Ima, you are such a tolerant, open minded person. You’re progressive all right – progressing right off a cliff. Chill out and learn to live nicely with others.
“Learn to live nicely with others” ? Coming from a Trump supporter I can’t tell whether you’re that stupid or that big a hypocrite. Tomorrow the American people will make it perfectly clear that they have no intention of living nicely with any of you vile & disgusting Trump brown shirts. To quote Monty Python “You vascuous heap of parrot droppings,your kind make me retch” !
Likewise, Darlin’.
Ro Khanna is a loser ! First he lost to Tom Lantos,then he was too cowardly to challenge Pete Stark or Eric Swalwell & he’s already lost once to Mike Honda. Ro Khanna is a hypocrite of the highest order,who has nauseatingly regurgitated his Trumped up ethics investigation of our beloved Congressman.Yet his campaign is being sued for a much greater breach of ethical conduct,which so far has resulted in the immediate resignation of his campaign’s manager. Any Republican considering voting for Khanna should remember that given his age he would be running as an incumbent for decades,making a GOP challenger a certain loser in this moderate Congressional District for the rest of their lifetimes. Mike Honda is the only logical choice,let the devious & deceitful Ro Khanna look elsewhere to undermine another fellow Democratic incumbent in another two years.
Really IMA I’ve seen better comments on toilet paper! After it’s been used.
I wouldn’t wipe my posterior with your noxious opinion,but then again you & my rectum do share an uncanny resemblance & the same fetid stench !
Dear Sweet Ima,
The pharmacy called your Prozac prescription is ready, they’re sorry it ran out but Obama Care is having a hard time keeping up medicating all those Hillary supporters. You can pick it up on your way back to your camp under the freeway bridge.
By the way the librarian has ask that you use the computers only during school hours as your face is scaring the children when you stay past 2.
Have a nice day!
Does anyone really think Hillary Clinton would be this close to the White House if her husband had not already been President? Would she have been a Senator if her husband had not been president? She’s ‘experienced’? One+ term in the Senate and one term as Secty of State. Has she ever ‘run’ anything? At least her husband had experience as governor before becoming president. This is the American version of Isabel Peron.
The answer to your questions would be no,no,yes & yes,but you’ll get used to her being called Madame President long before she runs for re-election in four more years !
Since your answer to the first two questions is no, you agree then that she is where she is because she’s riding her husbands coat tails? That hardly qualifies her to be president. Like I said, American Isabel Peron. (And since you probably don’t know who Isabel Peron is I’ll tell you since I’m going to ignore any further rants from you: her husband was the president of Argentina back in the seventies (long before you were born) and 1946-1952 the first time around. Isabel succeeded him as president in 1974.
Being First Lady for eight years,being elected to the US Senate & serving as Secretary of State certainly qualifies her to seek our nation’s highest office. She’s far more qualified to be President than Donald Trump & riding coattails has long been a political tradition. I think Hillary is much more like Eva “Evita” Peron than Isabel & when she becomes our nations first woman President there will undoubtedly be a musical made to celebrate her accomplishments as well. You insidious & transparent character assassins have been after the Clintons for years & now you’re getting just what you deserve for your lies & duplicity,another Clinton becoming Commander-in-Chief. Insofar as to my age I’ve been voting a straight Democratic ticket since the seventies & there’s never been a Republican that I’ve ever thought was qualified for any office,period. Speaking of Argentina,Donald Trump’s candicacy is a bigger debacle than the Falkland War & will end just as badly for all of those who thought it was a good idea. Tomorrow you & T-Rump will have something in common after his huuuge humiliating defeat,you’ll both be losers – big league !
They made that musical way back before you were born it was called “Springtime for Hillary” I mean Hitler!
By the way,the good guys won that Falklands War. It was won by a real woman Margaret Thatcher.
I guess they have left history out of California government schools!
Once again let me make myself perfectly clear & I’ll say it real slow for all of you intellectually challenged Trump supporters. A l l R e p u b l i c a n s a r e D E P L O R A B L E , t h a t m e a n s y o u !
You think you’re pretty smart, IMA DAWN, but I can tell you that you’re pretty much of a light weight.
Frank Mockery was a LOT smarter than you are. His IQ was like 174 or something.
“She who laughs last,laughs best” & tomorrow night both Hillary & me will be laughing heartily at the millions of disgruntled losers like you who inexplicably backed such an unqualified candidate. You have no one to blame but yourselves & unsurprisingly Republicans are solely to blame for the majority of problems facing America today. It may take decades for the Democrats to solve the problems the Republicans are responsible for,but since the GOP will have lost the popular vote in six of the last seven Presidential elections time would appear to be on our side. Besides by the time Hillary finishes her second term even Texas will be a blue state & the GOP Party will just be another unpleasant memory destined for the historical wastebasket. Unfortunately most Republicans are so old now that they won’t live long enough to see it happen,thus depriving us of a chance to rub their noses in it. And that’s a terrible shame,because it takes most of the fun out of it. I mean where’s the joy when you can’t kick them in their false teeth while giggling hysterically anymore ? I understand that the GOP is trying to lure their supporters to the polls on Election Day by offering free Depends & changing tables for the old geezers. So you’d better get an early start tomorrow morning Bubbles because I understand that the supplies are limited & it’s on a first come,first changed basis ! Thankfully on Wednesday Trump will have to slither back to his penthouse,while his supporters will have to go to work. That my friends is certainly a case of divine retribution & it’s reassuring to know that both God & the Pope are supporting Hillary Clinton. God bless us Democrats,one & all !
Good news, Microaggressor Frank:
(Is Ima Dawn your new handle in the witness protection program?)
I traded my vote with a Bernie voter.
One more vote for Trumpus Maximus in Florida. One more vote for Bernie in California. NO more votes for Crooked.
And, by the way, when did God start speaking for Hillary? I thought it was the other way around.
IMA you must work for the public sector. To bad your pension will be worthless in a couple of years. Of course the state will just take the money out from the schools. Really sad CA schools rank at the bottom of the nation because people like yourself take it from them.
I don’t think there is anything less appealing than a smug and arrogant individual who makes mockery of others from an
imagined position of superiority. Your ostentatious display of exaggerated self-importance is palpable – and hardly a
quality that anyone can admire …. rather, I am embarrassed for you. Particularly amusing was the concept contained in your opening statement: the pretentious manner in which you staked a claim as Hillary’s best buddy as “both you and Hillary” would be laughing heartily at others – revealing that you seriously do presume to be in the same league as Hillary Clinton (which, incidentally; is not something to brag about.)
Sadly; you are unfamiliar with the value of being humble and kind. In the same way that no one respects a sore loser – one can not admire or hold in high regard an overbearingly supercilious person who imagines themselves a “winner.” It escapes me how you can possibly feel good about backing someone’s play who can’t win on their own merit – but instead, hires countless operatives who do all the dirty work to secure a rigged win. I mean, really – cheating to “win??!” The thrill of a real victory is sublime … but a “win” arrived at fraudulently will take its toll, because you can never be proud of it – and it is not accomplished by those who are courageous, brave, and principled. I would rather lose standing up for what I believe in as opposed to basking in a “win” that could only be accomplished by various forms of manipulation. That’s just so … so cheap and wrong – and how can she face the world, knowing that everyone knows that she paid people to make sure she prevailed? Essentially what that says is that she knows she could never prevail on her own merit, so she cheated to win – how humiliating is that??
That you actually get pleasure out of making fun of elderly people is disgraceful; and stating that their death deprives you of a chance to rub their noses in a fake victory is reprehensible. You’re a sick puppy – and are in the same bottom class as the name-callers: you clearly didn’t learn your lessons in Kindergarten; and it comes across loud and clear. I guess you are so consumed by your erroneous sense of self-importance and entitlement that it never occurred to you that you can’t rub someone’s nose in a falsified victory – you can’t thrill over something you just don’t have. I dislike being the bearer of bad news, even though no one ever deserved it more than you. I’ve got news for you, pal: A rigged victory is not a victory at all – it’s an admission of failure ahead of the fact – because a victory is only a victory if it’s won on merit.
The simple fact that you presume Clinton will start, much less finish, a second term is ill-conceived. Since you and she are so tight, of course you are aware of her penchant for provoking war. That said, there will be no second term because America will not exist. Clinton is so anxious to provoke war with Russia that she’ll make it happen, and there are no survivors in nuclear war. There will be no one for you to make fun of, no one’s noses to rub, there will be no “old geezers”, as you call elders, to kick in the face – there will be no joy for you to derive out of giggling hysterically at them. Because with Hillary’s war, we shall be no more.Thus, since you are so dedicated to Clinton, it follows that you support what she stands for; so you support war. Shame on you!
In a state & Congressional District where Republicans are so marginalized that they couldn’t even manage to put a candidate on the General Election ballot for the US Senate or Congress your right-wing opinion is as irrelevant as it is ludicrous. You said ” I don’t think there is anything less appealing than a smug & arrogant individual who makes mockery of others from an imagined position of superiority”. That’s a perfect description of your hero Donald Trump & begs the question are you actually that hypocritical,clueless,dimwitted or a combination of all three ? I personally think that you’re as hysterical as your commentary & I’m sure the majority of SJI readers are enjoying a hearty laugh at your expense this morning. That’s the problem with all the thin skinned Republicans like yourself Colette,they have no sense of humor & an inability to tell fact from fiction. They’ll hang on every vile & hateful word regurgitated from the pie holes of the Limbaughs & Hannitys,yet they go all apoplectic when a liberal has the audacity to lower themselves to the same level of discourse. Fortunately for the future of America, here in California your opinion is as worthless as your vote & I prefer to be ruthless rather than worthless like you. To put it in simple political terms that even a Trump supporter should be able to comprehend,why don’t you take a telephone poll & sit on it while adding a FOX News spin ?!? Now why don’t you & all the other odious Trump imbeciles attempt to “go out there & win one for the groper” !?! My apologies to Ronald Reagan for besmirching his reputation by associating his memory with Hair Furor (although they’re both marvelous puns). By the way today’s victory song is “Laugh,Laugh” by the Beau Brummels,because it’s a spot on description of The Donald & his maniacal minions. I’ll be LMAO all day,long into the night & for the foreseeable future !
More good news for Democrats, Frank:
Hillary leads among dead likely voters 100% to 0%.
North Korea offers congratulations.
Oh poor IMA,
Have to eat that bucket of road kill crow for breakfast this morning. Well tonight we have Honda dinosaur burgers to stuff your TROLL like face with.
Don’t stay up too late tonight watching the hater riots, you have a plane to catch home to North Korea in the morning.
LOL, Good By!
“Ima Dawn Baker” wrote:
““She who laughs last, laughs best” & tomorrow night both Hillary & me will be laughing heartily at the millions of disgruntled losers like you who inexplicably backed such an unqualified candidate.”
Nicely said, Collette. I’m beginning to think IMA Dawn is a troll so I’m going to ignore her for now. Can’t reason with such people, although her type do inspire me to keep fighting against such idiots.
> I’m not that simple minded.
Thanks for clearing that up. Many of us were not sure.
IMA DAWN BAKER made some interesting comments in this thread, right up until the day of Hillary’s concession speech:
Tomorrow the American people will make it perfectly clear that they have no intention of living nicely with any of you vile & disgusting Trump brown shirts.
“She who laughs last,laughs best” & tomorrow night both Hillary & me will be laughing heartily at the millions of disgruntled losers like you who inexplicably backed such an unqualified candidate.
What was that about ‘she who laughs last laughs best’?
Not to mention “unqualified”. IDB should list any outstanding acheivements she thinks HRC has ever accomplished. As other readers have pointed out, HRC would be nothing without her hubby.
IDB also predicted:
Ro Khanna is a loser!
Ms IDB is batting 1.000 as a contrary indicator in these elections…
Q: What is the biggest nightmare for clueless & ignorant Trump supporters?
A: President Hillary Clinton,a Democratic majority in the Senate & a moderate Justice replacing Scalia on the Supreme Court!
Here’s the real nightmare — for the Snowflake contingent:
President Donald Trump, a Republican majority in the Senate (and House!) & a moderate Justice replacing Scalia on the Supreme Court!
Yep, IDB is a contrary indicator. Sorry about the nightmares. But they shouldn’t last more than 8 years.
More giggles:
…you’ll get used to her being called Madame President long before she runs for re-election in four more years!
As I’ve posted repeatedly: TRUMP 2016 – 2024!!
Can’t win ’em all, right? But IMA can’t win any. Maybe this is why. IMA sez:
I’ve been voting a straight Democratic ticket since the seventies & there’s never been a Republican that I’ve ever thought was qualified for any office,period… Donald Trump’s candicacy… will end just as badly… Tomorrow you & T-Rump will have something in common after his huuuge humiliating defeat,you’ll both be losers – big league ! <—(*heh*)
Since IMA DAWN B said she was voting in the '70's, she is also at the false teeth age:
Unfortunately most Republicans are so old now that they won’t live long enough to see it happen,thus depriving us of a chance to rub their noses in it. And that’s a terrible shame,because it takes most of the fun out of it. I mean where’s the joy when you can’t kick them in their false teeth while giggling hysterically anymore ? I understand that the GOP is trying to lure their supporters to the polls on Election Day by offering free Depends & changing tables for the old geezers. So you’d better get an early start tomorrow morning Bubbles because I understand that the supplies are limited & it’s on a first come,first changed basis ! Thankfully on Wednesday Trump will have to slither back to his penthouse,while his supporters will have to go to work.
But IDB did get one thing right: The Donald’s supporters actually work for a living. We pay the taxes that re-fill HRC’s voters’ EBT cards every month.
IMA D. BAKER was gleefully rubbing her hands together and cackling… but it was premature. She learned a lesson: ‘There[s time enough for counting, when the dealing’s done’…
It’s never too soon to start settling scores !
Sorry, IDB, but predicting the future is hard — as you learned on Election Day.
But there’s little doubt that HRC would have ‘settled scores’ if she had managed to cheat her way into office, the way she cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination. And despite the millions of illegal aliens voting illegally… HILLARY LOST. As they say in the Marines: Suck it up, Buttercup.
Finally, it’s very fortunate for HRC & her supporters that The Donald isn’t the kind of guy who ‘settles scores’ — or HRC would be facing a L-O-N-G vacation in a federal penitentiary (assuming that Obama doesn’t pardon her. But given their animosity toward each other, there’s only about a 50/50 probability of that happening).
This article is pretty long in the tooth by now, so even if both my regular readers see it, Ms IDB probably won’t. That’s too bad, because… SCHADENFREUDE!! Yum.