Forgotten Issue?

By Colleen Watson
Starting at Story Road and King Street at 4:30pm. Wednesday, about 200 marchers protesting US immigration policy worked their way to City Hall, chanting “Yes We Can.” The largely Hispanic group reached a mostly empty City Hall at 6:30pm.

The event reportedly coincided with other immigration marches thoughout the state. Ken Gutierrez, one of the participants, braved the first rainy day of 2009 to attend the protest, explaining that he was there to support immigration rights, and that it was an important topic that wasn’t addressed by president Barack Obama on Tuesday. “Immigration was kind of dodged,” he said.

Protesters held up signs with images of Obama, or American flags or hand-lettered signs. A short rally was held after the march, where organizers talked, mainly in Spanish, about immigration rights as well as current events in Gaza.

Liz Gonzalez was there, “in solidarity with other protesters across the state,” she said. “It’s cold out, but there’s great energy,” she continued. “I’m optimistic.”


  1. While I certainly agree the immigration issue needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, (especially that of securing the borders) I think this march is outrageous and selfish. President Obama has been in office a total of TWO days, including today. People are losing their jobs and homes daily, companies are folding, we are in a war, and all these groups can think about is themselves.

    For months now, both President Obama and Vice President Bidden have made it clear that the changes that this country needs to make will take TIME. They asked for our patience. I guess special interest groups like these don’t get that they are NOT the priority right now, and that a failing economy is.

    Of course the ever-ambitious Richard Hobbs being at the forefront of this march explains a lot about its bad timing, and his obvious attempts to catch our new Presidents attention, in the hopes that he’ll receive an invitation to the White House. He couldn’t win a seat on the County Board of Supervisors, so I guess he thinks he can be the spokes person for San Jose on immigration issues. God help us all.

  2. Thank You Kathleen!

    In my opinion I’m getting pretty tired of these marches on immigration. Not that I’m against it (I’m an young latino myself). It’s that when people like this Ken Gutierrez kid needs to calm and leave your posters at home for a while.

    Yes I know with the inauguration and what not people are excited, but try not to turn it around. TO be honest the only thing theses marches will bring 99% of the time is not legislative action, but just another spot on the corner of the Merc or El Observador

    Just because President Obama did not mention immigration during his speech doesn’t mean he will be working on it, we got an economy that needs some fixin’ and job and education.

  3. #2-Tired of IT,
    Nicely put. President Obama will come through on his promise to reform immigration laws in due time. The organizers of these marches are only interested in furthering their own person careers. Sadly, they don’t seem to be able to put the needs of our country before their own selfish need to be in the spotlight.

  4. I’ve never understood these marches to be selfish in the least. As I see it, they are people who empathize with others on the outside. They see folks seeking opportunity, but who are closed off by the policies of the old regime. Marching is not necessarily a protest against the new administration. They could have waited ‘til now simply because they know someone is finally listening.

  5. Editor, can we use the political correct term for Latinos. There is no Hispania so there are Hispanics. Hispanic in Latinos eyes is used almost in a derogatory form.  Thanks! PC Latino! Good article though.

  6. I think that these marches are what is needed to bring about change. It is not selfish to want to better your lives in a country where they tout freedom and justice for all. In the debates, candidate after candidate would dodge the immigration question. And its sickening to know that some major news media outlets are demonizing immigrants. These marches are meant to raise awareness about the issues at hand. They are meant to offer another side of the story. And what better way to do that than to get together for one day and speak out about it.

    We are talking about living breathing human beings here that are being unfairly targeted by the media and by the police. And I for one will not stand for that type of treatment against my people. My people who inhabited this land way before the true illegal aliens came and stole it away from them. Remember that the soil your house sits on was once cultivated by the people of the sun. Even to this day they still cultivate it because no one else will.

    If you want something changed, you have to be vocal. Now is not the time to sit around and wait for the president to do something about immigration. We must get the word out as far out as possible. We must ally ourselves with other like minded folks and plan protests and demonstrations. Power in numbers works miracles.
    i.e. (The Million Man March, Ghandi’s Protests)

    To conclude this blog I will end with this. My people are being marginalized because they do not have a paper saying that they are a citizen of this country. With that said then lets raid every home in america and send them back from wherever they came from because they are in this country illegally. And that would be according to simple moral principles and history. We are all one in the same. And remember that this land was made for you and me. Peace.

    Mr Philthy!

  7. #6- Mr Philthy! in Area 51,

    It is one thing to be proud of your culture, but what you’ve said borders on bigotry and racism. We are ONE people. There is no such thing as “My people,” or “Your people.” Your comments are pretty sad considering it is the year 2009, and since we just celebrated two incredible events this month. One event being Martin Luther King Jr.‘s birthday, and our first part African American President being sworn into office. Both, of these African American men spent their lives fighting for equality for ALL people regardless of race, not just the African American community.  You could learn a lot from them.

    Having said that, I have a few questions for you.

    Do you understand the serious implications of communicable diseases being brought into this country by illegals, and how it is already affecting US citizens, and our health care system?


    Are you honestly suggesting that those of us that have been born and raised here, those American Veterans who fought and are currently fighting for our freedoms, have no right to be here in the US, or California, and that only Latinos are?

  8. #6 said:
    “My people are being marginalized because they do not have a paper saying that they are a citizen of this country.”

    So why are they coming here illegally if it only takes piece of paper to make them legal citizens? How are legal immigrants supposed to feel toward immigrants who dodge the process they went through to become a citizen?

  9. If you want to talk about diseases brought to American soil, check out this article. You honestly think that with all the advances in medicine, immigrants coming into the U.S. are a huge threat to the health care system?

    That is an outright joke. Where did you get that from? The Klan Website? Or Fox News?

    This is a snippet from an article I found about the history of America. Check this out.

    “These diseases spread quickly among Native Americans, who had no immunity to them. Transmitted through trade goods or a single infected person, measles, smallpox, and other diseases annihilated entire communities even before they had seen a single European. From the 16th century to the early 20th century, 93 epidemics and pandemics (very widespread epidemics) of European diseases decimated the native population. To cite only one example, in the American Southwest, the Pueblo population fell by 90 to 95 percent between 1775 and 1850. In addition to smallpox and measles, explorers and colonists brought a host of other diseases: bubonic plague, cholera, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, pleurisy, mumps, diphtheria, pneumonia, whooping cough, malaria, yellow fever, and various sexually transmitted infections.”

    It sais in there that from ONE example, a population fell by 90 to 95 percent!

    When you want to talk about bringing diseases to America then look at these illegal aliens that brought diseases that created epidemics and pandemics.

    If you want to talk about bigotry and racism then go look in the mirror. Im not saying that the people who fought in the wars do not deserve respect. Im not saying that everyone deserves to be kicked out. The damage is already done. You cant change the past. Im just saying these people deserve a lot more than they are getting.

    People need to survive. And they will go any length to do so. If you were in their position, I bet you would be doing the same thing so that your family wouldn’t have to struggle. And its funny to think that these American corporations that represent “American morals and Values”, be hiring these people to work for them.

    All I have stated is fact. Get yours straight and then come talk to me. In the meantime I will be getting ready for the next march. Peace.

    Mr Philthy!

  10. #9- Mr. Philthy,
    Thank you, you have more than proven my point with many of your comments posted! My facts on the alarming amounts of communicable diseases being brought into this country by illegals are 100% correct, and right out of the mouth of a supervisor who works for the County of Santa Clara’s Public Health and Safety Department, stats gathered by the County’s Health Department, and several credible news articles.

    The supervisor I spoke to was in a meeting I attended at the Office Of Human Relations, last year. The forum was about immigration. She went into great detail about how the TB rate is higher now than ever before, and about new drug resistant strains of TB and things such as bird flues. Also, I believe it was just last year that the Mercury News did a story on this very issue as well.

    For your information, people who apply for citizenship must get a physical, and vaccinations PRIOR TO entering this country. Just like we US citizens must do the same when we visit countries oversees. There is a very important reason for that Mr. Philthy, it is to prevent spreading diseases. When people are sneaking into this country, and carrying disease they can infect hundreds of people in just days. Have you ever bothered to read how fast disease spreads? Look how fast the flu or common colds spread! I think your sign off name, ” Mr. Philthy in The Land of Oz,” pretty much says it all about your take on this serious topic! You are so blinded by your bias that you refuse to look at why laws for citizenship are so vital to the safety and well being of we citizens. 

    You said, “If you want to talk about bigotry and racism then go look in the mirror.” May I remind you that you are the one that came on here spouting “My people” deserve this and that. I just called you on your hypocrisy in doing so.  We do agree on one very important fact though, I think any employer who hires an illegal needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Hiring cheap, untrained labor is putting good AMERCIAN citizens of ALL races out of work. Illegals are grossly under paid, they are treated with disrespect, and in some cases they are abused. Employers take advantage of their fear of being caught here, and work them half to death in horrific conditions. My hope is that President Obama addresses this issue too, and doesn’t dance around the unlawfulness of these greedy employers. 

    In closing Mr. Philthy, I think you better look around during your next march for immigration; there are always plenty of WHITE faces marching with you. You see people like me have family members who immigrated here LEGALLY, and we want justice too. We want our borders secured from drug cartels, communicable diseases, and gangs that are infiltrating the US. Wake up Mr. Philthy, it is a new day in the US. PEACE back at you.

  11. #5 complained: “There is no Hispania.”  There is no “Latinia”, either PC Please.  And Latinos don’t speak Latin.

    While we’re on the subject of PC terms, how about the term “immigration rights.”  All immigrants have rights, thanks to our US Supreme Court, since many clauses granting rights grant them to “persons” and not just “citizens”.

    What most immigrants rights people seek seems to be the full panoply of rights given to all citizens, even if these immigrants are here illegally.

    What they are really asking for is amnesty for all those who entered and remain in the USA illegally, without proper papers, thus the term “undocumented” as the PC way of saying “illegal”, or “here in violation of our immigration laws”.

    The biggest reason we have illegal immigration into the USA is the failed policies of the Mexican government, and to some extent the governments of all Central American countries,  for at least the last century.  So, people come here in droves, because even if they live in what we consider substandard conditions, it’s far better than they can do at home.  Many Mexican men live in large groups, and despite often low wages, they manage to send billions of $$ “home” to Mexico annually.  Maybe they can teach us a few things about thrift in hard times.

    The Bush “Path to Citizenship” is pure nonsense, since many illegal and legal immigrants never consider becoming US citizens, and would go back home in a heartbeat if there were work there.

    My position is that anyone who wants to come here to work should be allowed to do so…legally.  “Document” them, get them “on the books”, take out taxes to help support their use of our services, and move on.

    For those who want to work—citizen or not—but have no marketable skills—train them to do something marketable.

    Conversely, anyone physically capable of work who declines to do so, and who declines retraining,I’d just cut them loose.  You don’t work, you don’t eat.  Go seek private charity, but don’t feed off the working taxpayer.

    Getting back to PC words—why don’t people just say they are pro abortion or anti abortion?  Pro choice is a cop out phrase designed to take some of the sting of conscience out of what an abortion is—the ternmination of a sentient life form. Full disclosure, my former wife and I decided to abort a pregnancy. And the pro life folks—many are also pro capital punishment; so they really aren’t pro life, are they?  They’re pro fetus, or anti-abortion.

  12. First of all, if one is a “legal” immigrant, there is no problem, whatsoever.  However, if one is illegal, therein lies the problem.  If people are here illegally, they must be removed by ICE or whoever…And I highly doubt that Mexico would accept illegal aliens or pro-illegal supporters to march in Mexico with complete impunity (flying their flags, removing the host country’s flags or disrespecting the host country’s flags and praising their own country they left and denigrating the country they’re presently in) and if I understand correctly, Mexico does Not accept Matricular Consular cards, but we are expected to do so.

    I also highly resent when the words are deliberately mixed up with other words repeatedly such as “migrant and immigrant” when the proper term should have been “illegal alien” in the first place. I’ve had enough of the Orwellian/PC speech bull…from different sources such as the pro-illegal aliens and all their supporters including:  Schools/Education, the Chambers of Commerce & Businesses, corrupt politicians, lawyers such as Zoe Logren and others such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, the churches & foundations and especially the media.

    The incredibly corrupt media (many of whom are CFR-tainted) refuse to expose: The AZTLAN/ANAHUAC plan & the NAU (North American Union)-the plan to merge:  Canada, the US and Mexico together.

    The CFR-tainted media should also expose: MEChA, La Raza, la Voz de Aztlan, Mexica Movement, SIREN, MAPA, LULAC, ANSWER, Southern Poverty Law Center, corrupt lawyers like Zoe Lofgren, etc.

    I also resent being constantly bombarded about the “War on Terra” and “Homeland Security” while we have WIDE-OPEN borders and yet all the illegal alien and pro illegal alien activity is completely ignored.

    Another thing that bothers me are the schools:  They’re always whining about money and yet they don’t evict illegal aliens (who also get free breakfasts/lunches) and the schools accept the DREAM act…(I also don’t want to hear anymore rhetoric of “it isn’t the students’ faults”).  That might have worked on me at one time, but I realize that kind hearts were looked at as a weakness and something to seized upon and contemptuosly taken advantage of.

    When I see a sign on a school advertising “Comidas Gratis”, I don’t want to hear any school complaining about money issues any more.

    Another thing with schools (which applies to both non-English-speaking students:  Bill EVERY parent of EVERY non-English-speaking student and…bill the nation of origin for services rendered to illegal aliens (regardless of nation).

    Until these things are fixed, I don’t want give schools another penny.

    And I’ll note that quite a few illegal alien students marched in the La Gran Marchas and proudly flew the Mexican Flags and even hoisted them up on flagpoles and either removed the U.S. flags or placed the U.S. flags upside down…So to me, I would like these same students to freely get their education in the nation that they proclaim great loyalty and love for (which is NOT here).

    Before I go, this pertains to the businesses and their catering in the Spanish languages to illegal aliens.  They think they’re being so clever, but seeing the increased Spanish signage in stores (complete with Spanish on the intercom), restaurants and packaging also signals to me the merging of the borders slowly but surely and they think nobody of legal citizenry of this nation is noticing any of this.  They also think nobody’s paying any attention to the myriad free newspapers of El Observador and La Oferta around restaurants and bus or public transit stops but really, only a blind person could not notice this.

    Finally, I say ALL PARTICIPANTS in this plan for the NAU and eventually the One-World-order should be tried for treason and treated accordingly.

  13. Furthermore, the only thing “wrong” with our “immigration” laws are that we already have laws on the books that are NOT enforced.

    The 1986 Amnesty Shamnesty was exactly that. Many promises were made but NEVER kept and NEVER enforced.

    I do NOT want a repeat of that 1968 Amnesty Shamnesty no matter how much spin and flowery & Orwellian speech is placed upon this issue and if another Shamnesty is passed, watch out for increased Chain migration.

    And all this is going on while the MSM/LSM (Mainstream/Lamestream) Media repeatedly give us “Dire Warnings” about our water shortages. Look at Bolinas now.

    So far, we can all ration until the cows fly home, but when we keep inducing millions more people to come in unabated, (even if we come up with desalization plants and more reservoirs), what does any rational person think the outcome of the entry of millions more people into this state (alone) is going to be?

  14. WOW!
      I had stopped reading San Jose inside because of all the fire and brimstone spewed by the regulars.
      I find it very disturbing to read the kinds of criticisum that appear here on this very interesting web site.
      Does any one find it interesting that while the Minute Men were 4 wheeling all over the south west chaseing illigal aliens, Bush was building a WALL. DUH! A complete diception. We fell for it hook line and sinker. All the while the Banksters and the Corporations were sucking us up. Did we see this comming? Of course we did. Fat and asleep at the wheel! DUH!
      It’s also very interesting that when we get our butts kicked, we have to blame some defenceless guy that goes out in quest to feed his family. He cannot defend him self. We have pissed off a lot of folks all over the world with our elitist atitudes.
      So barbeque your steaks, and do about any thing you can, thank your illigal gardener, your illagal nanny, your illegal painter but spare us the criticisum of your guilt. That really pisses me off.
      Today I went on a hike to Uvas Park. A refreshing hike with hundreds of water falls. We ended the day with a picnic at a winery near by. Pure Americana. I often wonder why I never see any people harvesting or tilling the soil at the major wineries. Are these the same folks that by some act of GOD cross our boarders unseen? 10 million? Yeaaa!
      If there were tomatos on the moon to pick would these same folks figure out a way to get there? Probably. NASA take note!
      The real threat to our Nation are the hipocrites that abound with in our mists.
      So eat your veggys drink your wine and shut the Hell up.
          The Village Black Smith

  15. #14- Gil,
    You have a beautiful heart and mean well I know, but I think you’re very unfair whenever this topic comes up. Millions of “legal” immigrants enter this country, and they deserve respect for following the laws of this land. What they don’t deserve is to be made to feel that all the money, and time they spent coming here legally was for not. Do you have any idea what legal immigrants and their families go through and give up to come here? Well if you did you wouldn’t advocate for illegal immigrants the way you do. Also, it is so disrespectful to the millions of Americans, regardless of race, that do the dirty jobs you keep claiming no one but illegals do. The only reason illegals take low paying manual jobs is because they are hiding here illegally, and being employed illegally, otherwise they’d be taking a lot better paying jobs.

    I really wish you could spend some time looking at why people are so sick and tired of the kind of defenses you, and others give to blatant law breakers like illegals, when it comes to this topic. Not to mention the serious risks of spreading communicable diseases, when illegals sneak into this or any other country. Man, that in and of its self is of serious concern to me, and it should be to you too because you have children.

  16. #15 Kathlene,
      I took another look at your post this morning. It concerned me that I may have misjudged your focus on immigration.
      I didn’t! Trying to paint me as an advocate for illigal immigration, and being ignorant of what you concider the real issue in regards to fatm workers, I find you guilty of spreading hatred and suspicion of the food chain distribution in our country.
      I find it pathetic you would not give our President, Senators, congress, ranchers, contractors,dairies, manufacturers,wine makers, some encouragement to solve the human side of this equation. We are talking about people’s lives here.
      The simple fact is that you and those that advocate fear suspicion and hatred of other people or nationalities, are the insidious weakness within the potential that will help US rebuild this Nation.
      God forbid that we see Tomatos at Zonattos labled “Echo En China”.
      For thsoe that abandoned the USA and went to China, good job. You guys / Gals really deserve what you are getting. Not our children nor our pets are safe with you at the importing helm.
      My thoughts for this Valentine’s Day, are that Forgiveness is the answer to our lives.
      I am headed to Safeway. My first stop will be the produce department. The vast array of fruits, vegetables, will speak to me. Each and every item was caressed by a human hand. We are blessed to have waht we have.
      My hope this day is that folks like you will see the energy of the produce department. A simple thank You while there would do a lot to heal your fears.
      Happy Valentine’s Day. I’m feeling the Love Folks.       
                The Village Black Smith

  17. #15 Kathlene,
      Patronizing others becomes you!Did you take offense to my thoughts about the real threat to this country are the hipocrites that abound amounsts us?
      What mexicans do with their lives is not my issue. What you do with your life is also not my issue. What is it about my feelings that disturb you?
      There are some very disturbed folks that post on San Jose Inside. That is what scares me. I know what to skip, because I know the the monotomy of the writing styles. Blah Blah Me Me, finger pointing, blame, criticisum. Same ole saw day in day out.
      I collect all of my posts, so my children can have a clear picture of Dad’s feeling and thoughts. You might try that and then make yourself sit there and read all of your posts to your best friend in one sitting.
      The same old saw and put a sock in it, applies on many occasions, yet San Jose Inside is the best thing around, so I let a lot pass by me as pure elitisum and just plain ole fashion racisum.
      When some folks scream for Sunlite, it’s most likely that they are living in darkness.
      When some folks scream about the down and out folks that by some circumstance, pick grow or cultivate every thing that WE put into our bodies, They simply want some one else to carry that guilt.
      I dispise bullies that don’t take possession of their actions.
      We grew up on the Lone Ranger, Gene Autry, Flash Gordon. We cheered when the Calvalry came charging over the ridge to rescue the wagon train being attacked by the Apache. I cheered because the families were being saved, not because the Apache were being attacked.
      Little Big Horn, The Alamo, The Seminoles, Sitting Bull, These were the real people of this Nation.
      I cheer the hand that nurtured and picked that beautiful tomato that I place in my shopping basket. That fine bottle of Pinot Noir that was brought to life by hands of care and pride. Farm Working is an Art. Feeding millions is accomplished by many hands and hearts. The Owners, well that’s not my area of expertice. I have photographed hundreds of men and women in the fields, asked about their living and working conditions. Most accepted that they would not grow out of that life. One thing was certain, they all did not want their children to follow in their footsteps. Education. That’s our Americas, all of it including the USA.
      So Kathlene, the question remains, who whould you trust picking your tomatos, your banker, mortgage broker on a person dedicated to the Art of gathering food for the mere pride of it.
      You should try Farm Working for several months. Up at 4 am pick till noon, break, pick till 5pm. Do it all over again and again. With out even a “HEY Kathlene, Good Job!”
      Slopping Hogs, now there’s a job that would break you of your attitude that “they’re deseased.” Have another Pork Chop Sweetie!
      You criticisum tells so much about you.
        Gil Hernandez

  18. Gil,
    I was not being patronizing to you. I have no clue what your two rants at me have to do with the points I’ve made about your constant defense of illegals, so rather than even trying to address some of the comments you’ve made, I’ll stick to the topic.
    Every time someone comes on and expresses an outrage about illegals coming here, you come on and as in #14, bash them for it. I find that a bit hypocritical of you. You say you have a live and let live attitude, but clearly you don’t. What you do have is an ignorance of the topic at hand.

    What makes you so sure I don’t appreciate the hard labor that goes into the jobs people do? I have DONE THEM, so I have first hand knowledge of how tough it is! And what makes you so sure I haven’t worked in the fields Gil? I grew up in a little town full of farms and did just that. You really need to check yourself Gil because you are way off in your comments towards others and me. People have a right to be angry about illegal immigration, and they have a right to their opinions. I will agree that they could be more respectful when doing so because some of their comments are rather hateful at times.

    I don’t know what hatred and fear you are claiming I’m responsible for spreading, but I think you’d better pull your head out from over the clouds and start educating yourself on the rise of TB, and other communicable diseases coming into this country. That is a fact Gil, not a made up fear. Start by checking with the Public Health Department in Santa Clara County, or contact CADRE. And anytime you wish to join me working in prejudice reduction in this community, let me know, there is plenty of work to be done.

  19. Gil –

    I had to reply to your comments here about illegal immigrants.  You seem to claim in your statement, “Trying to paint me as an advocate for illigal immigration, and being ignorant of what you concider the real issue in regards to fatm workers, I find you guilty of spreading hatred and suspicion of the food chain distribution in our country” that you are not speaking about illegal immigration, yet in your comment, “I find it pathetic you would not give our President, Senators, congress, ranchers, contractors,dairies, manufacturers,wine makers, some encouragement to solve the human side of this equation” you indirectly come back to the issue. 

    Here are my two cents.  You want to address the human side of this issue.  How about illegal immigrants who are taken advantage of every day by con artists and scumbags, but won’t fight back because they are illegal. Why? Because they are afraid of being found out, they won’t fight back against these criminals, so they let themselves be taken advantage of.  How about the Dayworkers at Story and King, most of whom are illegal, who are taken advantage of by contractors who say, “thank you for working for me today – if you meet me here on Thursday, I’ll pay you for two days” and never show up again.  If you are coming to this country, you should do so LEGALLY, or stay out.  That way, our laws can PROTECT you. 

    Gil, What is this bit about “Does any one find it interesting that while the Minute Men were 4 wheeling all over the south west chaseing illigal aliens, Bush was building a WALL. DUH! A complete diception. We fell for it hook line and sinker. All the while the Banksters and the Corporations were sucking us up. Did we see this comming? Of course we did. Fat and asleep at the wheel?”  Do you think somehow we aren’t as upset at corporations and CEO’s who took advantage of Bush’s stimulus money to pay themselves huge bonuses, salaries, and trips to Vegas?  I can tell you that makes me angry, and it makes everyone I have spoken to just as upset.  Your elitist attitude is very apparent every time you refer to some supposed guilt that Americans have or that somehow, you are the only person who understands or appreciates the hard work and labor of illegals in the field. 

    You seem as guilty of the very hypocrisy you are complaining about, and as guilty of hatred as you are claiming others have.

  20. Kathlene / Christian
      I just returned from the Market. Windy, wet and cold. Day workers huddled at parking lot entrances hoping for work
      This morning I saw things I’ve never felt before. My sences were alive with every thing I touched or wondered of it’s origin in the produce dept.. The perfect vegetables, all picked and selected by a human hand. It all starts with one individule placing that tiny seed into the earth. Someone else to nurture that seed, there after some one to harvest it.
      We are all eating illigally harvested fruit, vebetables, wine, eggs, chicken.
      I belive that President Obama has the will to resolve the immigration issues.
      What we have to solve are the raging negative emotions that are so prevelent by the few in our Villages across this country of ours.
      It is good to know fear, It is not well to live in Fear.
      Kathlene, Tuberculosis affects 1/3 of the world population. That’s right up there with stupidity,greed, and the spreading of hatred.
      My son has started his famous Illigally harvested Vegetable Chicken Soup.
    For breakfast We are having Illigally harvested Ollaliberry Jam, with illigally harvested potatoes. All courtesy of our super markets.
      We are what we eat, Right?
      It’s very liberating to surrender to the realities of life in our safe and warm kitchen!
      The Village Black Smith & Son

  21. #21- Gil,
    I agree. Something needs to be done about the hypocrisy of how illegals are treated in this country, and there is a serious need to revamp our Immigration Laws. I hope you had an opportunity to read the wonderful article I posted above in #20. It is just a small step, but it is at least one step forward to assisting immigrants in becoming legal.

    By the way, we purchase most of our veggies, fruit, and fresh eggs from farmers in Half Moon Bay, or from Farmers Markets, or from small neighborhood stores, or friends that grow them themselves, whenever possible, and yes, they taste great.
    wink We work hard to support small business whenever possible, and I hope others will do the same. They are the back bone of this country, always have been and always will be.

    As to communicable diseases, I think your info is outdated. I have attended several conferences in the past 6 months where this issue was the topic of discussion. It is vital that illegals get into a doctor to make sure they receive treatment when they are ill, so as not to pass it on to others, and so they don’t die or become extremely ill. If anyone reading this is illegal, and if you are afraid to seek treatment, please don’t be, the consequences of ignoring this could greatly affect your health, and the health of others.  The County of Santa Clara provides free treatment if you need it.

  22. Kathlene,
      I’m absolutely sure most illigal aliens are glued to this computer site.
      What has been exposed here is hate mongering.
      Let it go! Please!
    The Village Black Smith

  23. These illegal aliens are a large reason why we are in this economic crisis. The negative impact they have had on this economy far outweighs the benefits from their contributions. The pathetic sympathies of the far left would give this country away is they could and rename it North America combining it with Mexico and Canada. No thanks. BTW Gil,….it’s spelled illegal NOT illigal,…talk about an irony.

  24. #23- Gil,
    Giving out correct and vital information is not hate. You can put your head in the sand Gil, but that isn’t going to make the problem go a way.

    #24- Reality,
    What you say has a lot of truth to it, but employers hiring illegals are to blame, and our government leaders turning a blind eye to illegal immigration only encouraged this out of control migration. Companies hiring illegals need to suffer some consequences for breaking the law, and for lowering the wage scale like they have. I also am angry that companies get such huge tax breaks for out sourcing work to other countries. By doing that, they have played a very big part in tanking our economy. Our government has sold us out and I’m pissed! What was the point of my Father, and other brave soldiers fighting in wars for, if this country was going to put the American people out of work, and at the mercy of foreign oil companies? Where in the heck is our American pride?

    Don’t you find it an outrage that toy companies, auto companies, and just about every other major manufacturer is based outside the US? What happened to creating our own products right here in the good old USA?  Look how much of our food and clothing comes from foreign countries! Gil goes on and on about how illegals are out in the fields picking fruit etc., but the reality is, is that US farms are quickly disappearing and we are getting chicken from Mexico, and China! What the hell is going on here? What happened to fair import and EXPORT laws?

    And don’t even get me started on education! We provide a better education at a lower cost to students on Visa’s than we do for our American own citizens!

  25. Kathleen, I completely agree with your assertions. There is no shortage of blame to go around and it reaches across all sectors of commerce, public and private. I just have little patience for individuals who would label me, you, or whoever, as hate mongers because we value what America has stood for. I would love to see “Made in the USA” more often, and for that reason drive an American made vehicle. Unfortunately here in the Peoples Republic of California conservative voices are too often drowned out by the shrill of the far left mob. Whatcha gonna do? At least were getting plenty of rain this week!

  26. Christian,
      I’m presently dealing with the desease of lead poisioning being inflicted on our children in the City of San Jose. I’m aware of the deseases that are among us.
      I wish I could help you with your obsession to paint these farm working folks as desease laidened carriers of TB and deseases.
      35 % of global TB cases are in South East Asia. Other countries with high per capita rates of TB are Africa and Eastern Mediteranian,China. India has a very serious problem with TB.
      I’ll leave you with this Christian,
      The Tuberculosis burden in 2006 for the USA using a 100,000 population rate in the
    USA was 4.3 cases.
      Examples for other countries:
    Equador 128 cases
    India   168
    Bolivia 198
    Vietnam 173
    South Africa 940
    Haiti   299
    Thiland 142
    China   99
    Canada 5.2
    Mexico 21
    Argentina 39
    Panama 45
    Philipines 287
      If we compare HIV cases per 100,000 We see that China has 62 while we here in the USA have 508.
      Now can I finish my salad?
      The Village Black Smith

  27. #29 – Gil –

    Ok, you HAVE to tell me where you got your figure of “The Tuberculosis burden in 2006 for the USA using a 100,000 population rate in the USA was 4.3 cases.”  Here is my source – it specifically deals with Santa Clara County: Health Department (DEP)/attachments/Tuberculosis Summary 2006.pdf

    It says that in 2006, the TB rate was 12.8 per 100,000 residents.  It also states that 37% of all non-US TB cases were amongst recent immigrants (It notes that the major country of origin of recent immigrants is Vietnam).  I want to note:  at no time did I or Kathleen state in any of our posts that we were focusing on Latino immigrants.  We also never spoke about Farm Workers.  We only spoke about illegal immigrants.  You are the one focused on illegal farm workers. 

    Regarding your battle with Lead Poisoning, have you seen an attorney?  Have you and your neighbors thought about filing a class action suit? I have heard that many of the old houses in San Jose used Lead based paint, and that people living in them often get lead poisoning.  I wish you luck on this.

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