Give the System a Chance to Work

By now I am sure you have heard, seen or read about the recent allegations of excessive use of force against four San José police officers. I know that many community members are outraged and demanding answers from the Police Department and the City Council. As a former San José police officer, I find myself in a unique position.

I spoke to the Chief’s office soon after I learned of this incident and I want to assure you that he is taking this very seriously and is following protocal. All four officers have been placed on administrative leave and the police department is conducting a criminal investigation while its Internal Affairs (IA) unit monitors the entire process.

Once the department completes its investigation, the findings will be forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office for review and to determine whether any criminal charges will be brought against the officers. If what the officers did is found to be criminal misconduct, then they will need to take responsibility. I do expect people to be held accountable for their actions.

I have complete confidence in the police department and how it is handling this case. I would also like to point out that there are checks and balances to this process. The DA, the Independent Police Auditor and the police department’s own IA unit will all have oversight of this case. Not to mention the various police watch dog groups that have been vocal and following this case closely.

As a City Council, I think that for now, we need to sit back and let the police department continue with its course. Now is not the time to get political. Some see this as an opportunity for political gain or posturing, but I think that we should be supporting the chief in his efforts to do what is right and fair.

We will be hearing a lot more about this case in the coming weeks and months, and I would like to caution people not to rush to judgment. In the end, we all must remember that police officers, like anyone else, are innocent until proven guilty.

Councilmember Pete Constant sent this note out with his monthly email to constituents. It is reprinted here with his permission.


  1. I completely agree with the statement above, living downtown and watching the police officers work, i support them.  I do believe that these stories are sensationalized, but as the article mentions, let’s wait for the outcome.

  2. Sorry about the previous post.  I was trying get all technical on San Jose Inside’s ass. 
    As Watch Dog said: 

    “The San Jose Police Department has a plan to police themselves.  Because police have such an awesome reputation for self-reflection and willingness to find fault with one another.”

    Thank you Officer Constant for proving the point so clearly.

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