Where to Watch the First Clinton, Trump Presidential Debate

Let’s face it, the presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has been an imbroglio of media coverage, soundbites, faceplants and jabs at the opposing side. With Election Day just around the corner, Monday night’s presidential debate at Hofstra University in New York is going to be a circus. If you have a preferred candidate or are still undecided—or even if you couldn’t care less—Monday night’s debate will be must-see TV in all its live, ad-free glory.

Moderator Lester Holt will likely have his work cut out for him as he tries to fact check the two candidates, or keep them from talking over each other. But debate watching has become a participatory sport. For those trying to get in the mood with fellow thrillseekers, here are six spots that will host viewing parties Monday evening.

SJSU Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
Hosted by TeenHQ 6-7:30pm
Grab some snacks and talk with some millennials while watching the presidential debate live on the big screen. The event is free to the public, so everyone is welcome to argue all night long about emails, health diagnosis and hairpieces while social media comes to a boiling point.
150 E San Fernando St, San Jose.

SJSU Compean Student Union
Hosted by Pi Sigma Alpha, 6pm
Get more informed about the issues with a budding group of political experts at the Starbucks Lounge, hosted by Pi Sigma Alpha, San Jose State’s Epsilon Iota chapter. The only honor society for political science in the nation, these individuals will have some knowledge to share. Stay awake with caffeine and be ready to discuss the debate with honor students in their prime.
Starbucks Lounge, San Fernando Street and South Seventh Street.

What the @#?! Is a Proposition? & Presidential Debate Viewing Party
Alum Rock Branch Library, Community Room, 
With all the hoopla surrounding the presidential debate, a number of key propositions on this year’s ballot are being overshadowed. Propositions 62, 63 and 66 to name a few. Prop. 62 would be a landmark decision in overturning the 1978 law that enforces the death penalty, while Prop. 66 could hasten the process/procedures behind capital punishment. Prop. 63 would require background checks for ammunition purchases, ban high-capacity magazines and create new felony charges for gun thefts. Learn more about these important initiatives while wading into the presidential gauntlet.
3090 Alum Rock Ave, San Jose.

Santa Clara Democratic Party
Democratic Party Headquarters.5:30-7:30pm
Join Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Campbell) and the local Democratic Party to support Hillary Clinton as she battles word for word with Donald Trump. Monday’s debate is expected to be the one of the biggest media events of the year, rivaling the Super Bowl in terms of worldwide viewership unfolds. Reserve a seat here.
2151 Monterey Rd, Ste 80, San Jose.

Piedmont Area Republican Women
Monaghan’s Restaurant, 5:30pm-7:30pm
Watch the debate in one of the few Pro-Trump settings in the East Bay while enjoying some grilled bites and drinks. Hosted by the Piedmont Area Republican Women, tickets to watch the debate are $30 per person. Hear how the GOP candidate plans to make America great again by reserving a spot in the private room at Monaghan’s Restaurant.
2820 Mountain Blvd, Oakland.

Council on American-Islamic Relations San Francisco Bay Area
CAIR-SFBA Viewing Party
, Doors open 5:30pm
Gain perspective, connect with Muslims and understand the impact the presidential race is having on the Islamic community. Attendees will receive bingo cards that feature commonly used phrases in the election for a chance at winning prizes.
3000 Scott Blvd, #212, Santa Clara.

If none of these options sound appealing, you can also just belly up to the bar or stock up the fridge and drink until you no longer care.


  1. Watch it online at TYTnetwork.com

    They are skeptical of both Hillary and Trump so will give an even handed perspective.

  2. Im just glad they posted these Dem viewing parties so that I can avoid these cesspools of liberal brain cancer. Im sure the roadways will be clogged with Prius drivers and perhaps the bike party crowd can ride around and clog the roads for “justice”, VOMIT

  3. I’m assuming Hillary’s debate coaches have already been granted immunity, but what about her makeup and wardrobe people?

    • > Lol you Hillary haters are hilarious. *makes popcorn*

      Just curious, Saney: why do you think Hillary likes you so much?

      She doesn’t like ME very much. She’s said lots of mean things about my culture and about people I admire and respect.

      So, why does Hillary want to do so many nice things for YOU, but not for me?

      • >>She doesn’t like ME very much.

        She probably doesn’t know you very much. How could she dislike you if she did?

        Now Trump on the other hand — I am sure he knows and cares about you personally. Like you, his biggest ass-et is his temperament.

        • > She probably doesn’t know you very much. How could she dislike you if she did?

          Well, then, she should do some outreach.

          Why does she do outreach for you and Saney, and not for me? Seems like discrimination to me.

          • Apparently she has done enough outreach for you to know she dislikes you personally.

            Besides which, ask not what outreach the enemy can do to you. Ask what outreach you can do to the enemy. Starting with getting a full frontal lobotomy maybe.

  4. So, perhaps some kindly Democrat who attended one of the debate watching parties could report the crowd reaction when Hillary made the following charge against Trump:

    > “This is a man . . . who has said that women don’t deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men.”

    So, women should get equal pay if they DON’T do as good a job as men?

  5. > Apparently she has done enough outreach for you to know she dislikes you personally.
    Besides which, ask not what outreach the enemy can do to you. Ask what outreach you can do to the enemy. Starting with getting a full frontal lobotomy maybe.


    So, are you speaking for Hillary?

    She wants to give me a lobotomy? Does she want to give lobotomies to all the “deplorables”? Sounds pretty barbaric.

    I’ll go back to my original question: Why does Hillary like you so much? How come she doesn’t want to give you a lobotomy?

    • Easy bro. Just my way of saying you need to have your head examined. The usual internet banter where neither side has a hope of actually converting the other. Quit trying to find your hall monitor gotcha moment and enjoy the mud slinging for what it is – a pleasant diversion.

      • MEXICANO2:

        I accept your surrender.

        But I still want to know why you think Hillary likes you so much.

        She still wants to give you free things, right?

        • Great that you at least accept my surrender. Especially since I thought I was ripping you a new one rather than surrendering. Was it good for you?

          Why do I think Hillary likes me? Why do you think Trump likes you? Has he told you that? Have you met with him?

          I don’t know if Hillary likes me per se. I guess like most thinking adults I am focused on what is good for me, not on who likes me.

          Before you go off on why Hillary is not good for me, do we really have to make this about substance? The Bubbles we know and love has always been form over substance, irony over real thoughtfulness. Stick to it. Yes, Bubbles also likes to feel like the dominant alpha dog. But since you have now “accepted my surrender,” that part is done, right? Why continue this conversation? Unless you really do not feel like you’ve won after all.

          Here — I’ll give you the last word. I’ve already shot my wad. Now you shoot.

  6. Fat shaming of a Venezuelan porn star?

    An issue in a presidential debate with 100 million viewers?

    You’re kidding.

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