Without Public Scrutiny or Accountability, Lavish Spending Insured
In 1944, Sig Sanchez was appointed to the Santa Clara Valley Water Board. Months later he was dismissed, but only after he had disappeared into the jungles of the Philippines, perhaps forgotten by all except Assemblyman Ira Ruskin. For almost 25 years, Mr. Sanchez, believing himself to be a member in good standing, has been voting remotely and regularly, casting his rogue votes without public scrutiny or accountability.
“He recently voted for air conditioning, two assistants and a salary bump to $1.2 million per year,” said Mr. Ruskin. “That’s more than most fire captains.”
Surviving on coconuts and bananas, deftly evading search parties, and believing that other public officials were after his coveted seat, Sanchez hid in the far recesses of the jungle until he finally emerged when Assemblyman Jim Beall pulled him from a spider hole.
“I fully support Assemblyman Ruskin’s bill,” said Mr. Beall. “This lavish spending will not stand.”
Emaciated, bearded, and armed to the hilt with World War II firearms left behind by Japanese soldiers, Mr. Sanchez periodically came across leaflets that claimed the Gonzales/Guerra administration had surrendered, but he thought they were enemy propaganda and ignored them.
“It’s amazing that this guy never attended a meeting, had no idea what was going on and voted lavishly and recklessly with taxpayer money,” said water district board member Tony Estremera. “I think he would make a great supervisor.”
It’s a crying shame that, in our divided society, many fat-cat politicians must resort to living in the shadows because of the fear of being judged by others simply because they’re different.
People who work hard all their lives trying to save up for retirement must try to understand that we live in a diverse community that includes people who have different values. Freeloaders and pigs-at-the-trough deserve our respect too. They are a growing segment of our society and we need to celebrate our differences. Most people are simply not aware that many of their own acquaintances are freeloaders. Your own next door neighbor might be a building inspector or a VTA supervisor. He wants to tell you but he’s afraid you’ll resent the fact that he will retire at 55 while you continue to slave away in order to fund his pension.
It is with this in mind that I recommend the formation of an “Adopt-A-Bureaucrat” program. Rather than seeing our tax dollars disappear down a black hole, we would have a direct, one-on-one connection with our adoptee. An individual sponsor might be provided with regular progress reports that could include such things as photos of the new fishing boat or vacation home.
We have become a nation that rewards those who figure out ways of getting other people’s money without producing anything of value themselves. Those who don’t understand that we are a “nation of ne’er-do-wells” are simply living in the past and deserve to be left behind.
Another great send-off for the weekend.
Thanks John.
#1. John: I think a lot of corporations have already adopted your “adopt a bureaucrat” program.
#3. MC: You’re right. These characters don’t care whose gravy train they’re riding on.