Tolls on Dumbarton, San Mateo, Five Other Bay Area Bridges to Increase in January

The cost to travel over seven of the Bay Area's bridges will increase by $1 on Jan. 1, 2022.

Regular tolls for two-axle cars and trucks and for motorcycles at the San Francisco-Oakland Bay, Antioch, Benicia-Martinez, Carquinez, Dumbarton, Richmond-San Rafael and San Mateo-Hayward bridges will be increased to $7 from $6, according to the Bay Area Toll Authority.

Tolls for vehicles with three or more axles will also rise by $1.

The tolls will increase to $17 for three-axle vehicles, $22 for four-axle vehicles, $27 for five-axle vehicles, $32 for six-axle vehicles and $37 for vehicles with combinations of seven or more axles.

The toll increase at the region's state-owned toll bridges is the second of three toll increases approved by the Legislature in 2017 via state Senate Bill 595 and by voters through Regional Measure 3 in 2018.

The first increase went into effect in 2019, and the third will go into effect in 2025.

There is a legal challenge to Senate Bill 595 and Regional Measure 3 pending before the California Supreme Court, so the toll increase that is collected will be placed into an escrow account managed by an independent trustee until the litigation is resolved.

Revenue from the previous toll increase in 2019 is also being held in escrow, according to the Bay Area Toll Authority.



  1. More ‘Karma” and ‘Equity’ for the Naive CA Voters – Tolls, Gas Prices over $5 a gallon in many areas and the Highest Costs in the Nation for Residential Electricity and Natural Gas to heat their homes.

    Where is the 2017 SB1 Road Infrastructure Promised as Gas & Registration Tax increase?

    $5.2 billion annually for road and bridge repairs from SB1 stolen by the Sleazy Gov to fund his pet projects… A high speed train from no-where to no-where.

    Keep Voting Liberal, Progressive & DEM – Karma Cometh Your Way.

    —————“Gov. Newsom’s Executive Order Authorizing Theft of Voter-Approved Gas Tax Money
    Order violates Prop. 69, while eliminating highway expansion and repair projects” ————–

  2. Do y’all understand what was put under SB 595, Regional Measure 3?

    First came the ability to do some new toll road projects on US 101 and possibly on highway 85. Yippee.

    Then came that list of 35 projects. Did anyone review those?

    In order of expenditure amounts:

    (1) BART Expansion Cars $500,000,000
    (6) BART to San Jose Phase 2 $375,000,000
    (9) Caltrain Downtown Extension $325,000,000
    (2) Bay Area Corridor Express Lanes $300,000,000
    (5) Ferry Enhancement Program $300,000,000
    (19) Contra Costa Interstate 680/State Route 4 Interchange Improvements $210,000,000
    (25) Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Access Improvements $210,000,000
    (3) Goods Movement and Mitigation $160,000,000
    (4) San Francisco Bay Trail/Safe Routes to Transit $150,000,000
    (21) Solano County Interstate 80/Interstate 680/State Route 12 Interchange Project $150,000,000
    (10) MUNI Fleet Expansion and Facilities $140,000,000
    (11) Core Capacity Transit Improvements $140,000,000
    (15) Eastridge to BART Regional Connector $130,000,000
    (17) Dumbarton Corridor Improvements $130,000,000
    (20) Highway 101-Marin/Sonoma Narrows $120,000,000
    (22) Interstate 80 Westbound Truck Scales $105,000,000
    (12) Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit) Rapid Bus Corridor Improvements $100,000,000
    (14) Tri-Valley Transit Access Improvements $100,000,000
    (16) San Jose Diridon Station $100,000,000
    (23) State Route 37 Improvements $100,000,000
    (26) North Bay Transit Access Improvements $100,000,000
    (8) Capitol Corridor $90,000,000
    (30) Interstate 680/State Route 84 Interchange Reconstruction Project $85,000,000
    (13) Transbay Rail Crossing $50,000,000
    (18) Highway 101/State Route 92 Interchange $50,000,000
    (28) Next-Generation Clipper Transit Fare Payment System $50,000,000
    (7) Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District (SMART) $40,000,000
    (24) San Rafael Transit Center $30,000,000
    (31) Interstate 80 Transit Improvements $25,000,000
    (27) State Route 29 $20,000,000
    (29) Interstate 680/Interstate 880/Route 262 Freeway Connector $15,000,000
    (33) Vasco Road Safety Improvements $15,000,000
    (34) East Contra Costa County Transit Intermodal Center $15,000,000
    (32) Byron Highway-Vasco Road Airport Connector $10,000,000
    (35) Interstate 680 Transit Improvements $10,000,000

  3. The bridge toll penalizes only the drivers crossing bridges to fund entire Bay Area transportation projects. Not fair and not right. I rather drive around the bay and waste the gas money.

  4. Texas here I come for your steal of deal gas at $3 a gallon. Can mo longer afford to pay for the privilege of living in California. I don’t understand with all the triple taxing we experience how the roads can still be so bad and the homelessness out of control. Follow the money! ?‍☠️

  5. VPERTIN – You are speaking to a lot of people in CA – think before you Vote and talk to your Elected Leadership to limit handouts and sanctuary and maybe some will listen.

    CA Leads the Nation in Poverty, Welfare Recipients & Homelessness… All of which increased significantly under One-Party Leadership (more like lack-of-leadership).

    CA where nearly 1 out of 5 residents is poor.
    CA with a Poverty Rate of 19% – roughly 8 million residents live in poverty… another 8 million are barely above poverty level.
    CA where 1 in 3 of the nation’s Welfare recipients call home.
    CA spends far more on Welfare than any other state – at $103 billion a year, more than #2 New York and #3 Texas combined.
    CA with a Homeless Population over 132,000 or 21% of US Nationwide,
    CA Leads in Highest Homeless Population.

    CA with more Illegal Aliens than any other state – at a high cost, estimated at over $30 billion in welfare programs. Nearly 33% of all of CA’s Welfare Spending.

    CA ranked 47th in median annual household income.
    DEM policies of over-regulation have “..driven out manufacturing & production (jobs), replaced with high tech and service jobs, and established a part time economy, with a Massive Welfare System.”

    CA ranked 5th worst in the nation based on most ‘fiscally solvent’ states.
    The budget surplus and FED $$ handouts doesn’t come near to covering the Pension Liabilities and deficits that CA Politicians promise to it’s Bloated Bureaucracy to get re-elected and remain in office.

    CA dependent on the fortunes of a handful of super wealthy patrons and the stock market.
    “Just 1% of Income Taxpayers, about 150,000 families in a state of 40 million people, account for nearly 50% of Income Taxes”

    Is it a wonder Elon Musk said “Bye, Bye” to high taxes and overregulation and moved Tesla HQ & new manufacturing to Texas?

  6. Most complaints here reflect the fact that California is still the most populous state, 39,538,223 last census day. It’s GDP was $3.2 trillion in 2020, with Texas $1.8 trillion, New York next, and down through the other states. California’s per capita GDP was $81,000, Texas $63,000, New York $91,000. In 2020, Washington and Massachusetts had slightly higher GDP per capita than California. Texas is growing faster than California, but is running into limits from poor investments for electricity, flood control, etc. Business isn’t taking Texas’ dangerously eccentric government seriously yet but it will. It can only get worse until the 2030 census after which even computer-aided gerrymandering won’t work any more for them from lack of enough White voters.

    California’s debt is not that bad as a percentage of state GDP. Clearly a sharp pencil is required to watch its growth. Water for so many people, especially for wasteful Los Angeles in a natural semi-desert, will make agriculture increasingly expensive and difficult. Drought and fires put California under siege. AI/robots are coming that will put many US workers in the street. The profits from a robot accrue to its owner, Capital, with little Labor in sight. They may also make tech workers phenomenally productive and clever.

    California’s climate and a generally tolerant public have led to a high homeless population, many of whom were actually sent here from their home states. Some are decent enough but cannot find employment especially with no address and only brought hope, others are seriously mentally ill with other states using us as an asylum. As usual we can’t send a bill because California, other Blue states, and Texas subsidize most Red States through Washington as it is.

    IMO, California should be sharpening up education and assimilation where possible and encouraging entrepreneurialism and inventiveness where possible. Things like incorporation and other fees are absurdly high. Many smaller California businesses sensibly incorporate elsewhere. Silicon Valley needs to be spread out as costs have become nonsensical. Manufacturing is possible in Central California. The length of the process to plan and study constructing anything can lead to 15 years before groundbreaking and actual construction which takes forever. Too much money from around the world for fast return has been in the Valley for years and has resulted in simple greed being at the root of some problems.

  7. no, this is regressive taxation, it’s punishment for being poor and with few alternatives to crossing the bridge. The rich don’t care about tolls, for many obvious reason, yet the people progressive paradise by the bay keeps giving welfare to the rich.

    And your bouquet of nonsensical word salad rationalizations will NEVER correct itself.

    It is my guiltiest pleasure to watch you destroy yourself as everything collapses around you and laugh at your arguments on how right you are.

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