The State Of Our Blog

When we launched this site on January 9th, we did so because we wanted to create a space for people to come to and discuss what’s really going on in this city.  We opened our doors to the public (so to speak) and hoped to get a response.

One month later, I’m proud to report that… the state of San Jose Inside is strong!

In our first month, we’ve had over 150,000 hits and more than 400 comments have been left on these pages.  In many ways, that’s a testament to all of you out there reading more than it is to us. So we thank you for making us one of your daily reads.

We’ve tried to keep adding new features to the site by adding a way to email articles to a friend, displaying the most recent comments on the front page and now, having ads at the bottom of our pages.  Yes, Mr. Gates, that’s us in your rearview mirror.

The News

We found out this week through the Merc’s Internal Affairs that Sheriff Laurie Smith is the most popular elected official in the county.  I was puzzled as to why I wasn’t on the list until Jude explained that no one really knows me, so I’m thinking of changing my last name to Schwarzenegger.

Also this week, we heard from our Mayor on the state of the city.  Before the speech, the Mayor sat down with Aaron Davis of the Merc to answer some questions.  As always happens in those cirumstances, it was a revealing give-and-take between reporter and subject.

This year, the word was “strong”—a great coincidence.  The best applause line of the night was his announcement that he’s joining Baseball San Jose’s effort to lure a Major League team here by sending a proposal to Bud Selig.

Many people are turning their attention to the 2006 Mayor’s race these days,  San Jose Inside guest blogger Dave Cortese joined on Tuesday night.  Note to other councilmembers and prospective mayors: you too can be a guest blogger if you can handle the witty and saracastic comments from our highly intelligent readers.  Dave, however, has been the only one and, by using common high school algebra, we figure this gives him a 5 percentage point boost.  Merc reporter Rodney Foo covered the announcement and noted that Cortese joins Chuck Reed as the only candidates so far.

Later today, I’m meeting one of our readers for pho in my never-ending quest for the perfect bowl.  Details to follow next week…


  1. Here’s last question from Aaron Davis interview:

    Q: Have you set a deadline for making a decision about what you’ll do after office?

    A: No. I don’t believe in deadlines.

    Good Mr. Mayor, Now can we ignore all the dumb performance management crap we’re forced to do.

  2. Dear Merc Reporter:

    Hizzoner does’t beleive in deadlines?  He clearly doesn’t believe in ethical behavior either.  The rules are for the rest of City Hall staff.  Unrealistic deadlines and ethics training for City employees seem reasonable to Hizzoner.

  3. Kevin:

    I know who you are!  You are the guy working with Jude and Jay who never says too much.  I always say you need to worry about people that don’t talk much in meetings…they usually have some good ideas.  And this is a compliment to you for your excellent writing. 

    I noticed that earlier in the day (9-Feb-05) in San Francisco (Jim Cunneen’s favorite suburb BTW) that Bud Selig re-affirmed that Baseball to San Jose is still dead.  Meaning that San Jose is the territorial area for the Giants. 

    Then later that night, Ron Gonzales says that Baseball to San Jose is going to happen.  I’m wondering what the strategy will be given that statement by Mr. Selig. 

    Jeff Dennison

  4. Jeff,

    Since I’m not as quiet as Kevin and I’ve been doing work with Baseball San Jose and its numerous grassroots supporters, let me answer your question about territorial rights.

    Territorial rights are granted to teams by Major League Baseball.  What MLB giveth, MLB can taketh away.  Just ask Pete Rose.

    MLB owners will realize if there are to be two teams in the Bay Area, San Jose is better than Oakland.  We have a larger population and corporate community. 

    For us a team brings a boost in economic development, jobs, civic pride, baseball, and other family entertainment opportunities—just like the HP Pavillion.

    A historic note:  Santa Clara County became Giants territory in 1990 to make a move by the Giants to Santa Clara easier.  They would need fewer owners to approve a move since they were staying within their own territory.  But we lost elections in 1990 and 1992, so it never happened. 

    For more information or to help bring MLB team here, go to


  5. Jude,

    You do realize that whatever the Mayor does short of an actual stadium or legal fight against the anti-exemption rights, MLB won’t budge.

    And before the bashing comes, I am of the opinion that if Oakland does not get the stadium deal done, San Jose should be the option. Because frankly, if neither side does anything surmountable, the A’s will move to Vegas if another team isn’t there already…

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