The Single Gal in Los Gatos

Los Gatos, known for its Range Rovers and boutiques, has become a staple for the Single Gal and her friends. Recently, I went to the 180 Lounge, and when I walked in, I was stunned. Was this actually the old Los Gatos Bar and Grill?  Where were those drunk guys from high school that I used to hide from? Instead, there was smoky glass, bamboo, lounge chairs, dim lighting, and a woman in a box.

I had heard about this strange phenomenon for some time and, similar to the aurora borealis, I just wanted to SEE it, so I broke away from my friends to find her. Her glass box was built into the wall like an aquarium. (How does she breathe in there?) She was lounging on a velvet bed dressed in lingerie, but not allowed to make eye contact with any of the patrons.  In the 5 minutes I was standing there, hmm, let’s see, she scratched her neck, she lifted a knee, and cleared a hair from her forehead. The excitement was overwhelming. But just as I was about to walk back to my friends, I took a look around.  It was all men, sitting there, pretending they were having conversations with each other, yet they couldn’t stop watching the woman in the box. 

Then I thought to myself, “How can a single gal compete with someone in a box?” She is perfect. She can’t annoy them, she can’t reject them, and they sure don’t have to spend an extra $4.50 on a drink for her.  Instead of talking to someone real in the bar, maybe this is the woman that men would rather be with because they can imagine her to be whatever they want her to be.

So here is my stern message:  GET UP FROM YOUR STOOL!  Talk to a LIVING woman!  Men need to learn to take chances and remember that there still is an art to chivalry and courtship. 

Plus, let’s face it – there just isn’t room in that glass box for two. 


  1. Sound like a bunch of Duck Hunters. The Season has started so you may not see most of those guys until after winter. Most would rather risk the West Nile Virus in the tullies than another round of drinks with,
    “Hi!  What’s your sign?”
      If you really want to meet the guys, Hang around the Check stations at any Wild Life Refuge in the State at around 4:30 am Sat. and Sunday. These guys only have one thought in mind! Well, besides the Girl in the Glass Box. Chest Waders,Mud, Tullies, Mosquitoes, decoys, Duck Calling, plucking, lies, (lots of them). Bacon and Eggs. 
      Happy Hunting!
                      Mr. Duck


    Mercury News writer Deborah Lohse (page B1) wrote today about another kind of “box,” the box we will soon find outselves in because of strange city council actions about land use.

    Her topic was about “conversion” policies that change general plan “employment lands” to “residential lands” and the box we will find outselves in if we keep up the present rate of such conversions.

    I don’t want to summarize it here as it deserves a complete read by everyone who cares about the impact this will have on our city when “employment” lands are reduced to a minimum.

    An amusing note was sounded in a quote from Chuck Reed who points out that city staff pushes council members in the right way on the issue. One week ago he was telling a neighborhood association that he has to fight city staff to reduce their pressure in other areas. Maybe Victor Ajlouny has already overscripted his puppet politician into talking both sides of issues….yes, staff helps…no, I have to fight staff.

    Very amusing and still eight months to go before June 2006.

  3. Dear Single Gal,

    “Chivalry and courtship” left the scene decades ago.  The women’s movement, or so the feminists thought, was to insist on equality with men, which they confused with treatment like “one of the guys.” The crude, obnoxious, self-centered behavior of most men is routinely accepted by women.  Most young women have hardly ever experienced “chivalry” (just watch ten minutes of MTV for what men expect of women) and “courtship” is something you read about in the social history books.

  4. What happened to good old fashioned pole dancing? Is that the sophisticated version of that – the unattainable girl? Good luck single gal – like you said – more competition!

  5. 180 is not just a bar.  I had dinner there last night and it was great.  My wife had the short ribs and I had the posta with smoked chicken and mushrooms – fab!  A bottle of wine is half off on Sundays.  Forget about the box – go for the food.

  6. I think I’ve only been to downtown Los Gatos twice in my life, and I’m almost 38.  I like Los Gatos for the small town feel, but I rather go to Downtown San Jose.  I like that urban feel.

  7. So, I go to the grocery store and then what happens?  I see a guy in the frozen food section and do what?  Bat my eyes?  Men don’t ask women out anymore, that is the problem.  It doesn’t matter where you live, but something is wrong with our society when men want to be the agressor yet they don’t make the moves necessary!

  8. Old Values Gal –

    So what’s a Single Gal to do?  Just forget it and move on? I still want to think that those things are still on the scene somehow!

  9. How come I never see the word “networking” suggested a a way of meeting the opposite sex as much as it is recommended in looking for a job?

  10. Guys now are stupid and cheap unless you go to a placewhere there are older men.  They will by drinks and flirt with anyone but they are old.  I think most men now are not trained ot understand or appreciate woman.  they think woman are just for there use and dropped.  Just like high school now where guys expect oral sex when they grew up ( I mean get older) they act the same way toward woman.  Older or more mature woman should be exxplaining life to those young girls now in high scholl and even junior high that give guys wahtever they want.

  11. Here comes the battle of the sexes; batter up!

    First of all dating in San Jose and California moreover stinks and was extremely bad around 2000.  Too women knew the odds were in their favor and just played pick and choose.  Hmm, lets see what you have, nice guy?  Not important, money important…  You get the picture.

    Second, I like forward women. You want something, ask for it, we do it all the time.
    Share the rejection and see what we talking about.  Maybe you won’t be so quick to keep asking as people who relentlessly keep asking, probably have no feelings and don’t care.  People who do, stop asking.

    PS:  I’ve had a lot of fun in the grocery stores BTW.

    Next batter!

  12. You’re not missing much but it is better than five years ago.  You just need to broaden your horizons, forget the club scene.  Lotsa lounge lizards and mostly the wrong kind of people.

    You can meet anybody anywhere, you just need to keep your eyes open without looking like that is your main intention.  Art and Wine festivals and private parties work well.  Good tip:  Bring a women to meet a women.  Shows someone will date you.

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