The Single Gal and the Sharks Games

I have found the perfect place in San Jose for well-dressed, professional, hip people to congregate - a Sharks game!  Ladies, take that money you are paying to and buy some club-level Sharks tickets instead. For your benefit, here is a breakdown of the gene pool at the Tank:

“Corporate Joe” – this is the man who gets his company seats for the game.  Maybe he’s dressed in a nice suit, or slacks, which shows that he at least can hold down a job. Single Gal would probably really like this guy.  Unless he leaves before the end of the third period, then you know he feels he has more important things to do than support his team. 

“Hunger Strike” Fan – this is the somewhat intoxicated fan who gave up his money for food just to buy tickets for the game.  Single Gal respects his team spirit, but suggests you run the other way.

“Guy with Bored Girlfriend” – this actually is a nice development to see.  As a Single Gal, if you act or are knowledgeable about the game, Guy with Bored Girlfriend might see you as a more attractive date to these games.  Make sure to study your hockey, order beer at the bar and cheer!

“Mullet Man” – Yes, unfortunately, these species still exist.  You might find that you see a man with a nice short haircut, but once he turns to grab another tall boy from the bar, you see that he really has either greasy curls or ratty straight hair draping down the back of his Sharks jersey.  Stay away.

“Button-down Shirt and Jeans” guy – this is the most attractive guy to the Single Gal.  He looks nice, but shows he has a rugged side by attending a hockey game.  The game is a night out, and he cares about his appearance even though he knows the game is full of men.  Take a good look at this one and position yourself next to him at the bar.  Mention “icing” and “obstruction” and you are in!

I’m the Single Gal, and until next time you can find me… at the Sharks games.


  1. You forgot “Guy that hangs out at the bar in Club instead of watching the game” A guy willing to buy girls overpriced drinks is tough to compete with. I think that they should save the money and go on!

  2. Single Gal,

    You forgot “married guy” who only get a night out with the boys once in a while.  known to throw back a lot of cold ones.  Takes taxi home and gets yelled at.

  3. Stay away from Corporate Joe.  Ordinarily, he is really “Hunger Strike” Fan but that night, he got lucky and received tickets from a vendor or from his boss who had to be somewhere else instead.  Believe you me, I speak from experience.

  4. I wonder what is out there at Sharks games for single men like myself who just see the game and are not into the bar scene before, at, and after games, and where to hang out (if anywhere).

  5. Eugene –

    If we keep having games like the the one against Calgary on Sat night, I was hugging perfect strangers!  So just make sure she is cute and look for bare ring finger and in the euphoria of a Sharks win maybe there is a connection to be made!

  6. Single Gal’s problem may be her obsession with appearances.
    While the focus on looks undoubtedly works both ways between the sexes, it seems that someone who regularly bemoans her inability to find suitable partners could look beyond the surface and focus more on the substance of the people she encounters. Not all people at Sharks games look like movie stars or dress a certain way but there are some very nice men, and women, sitting in those seats. Maybe next time strike up a conversation with “Mr. Not GQ Who Just Might Be A Decent Person.” You might be pleasantly surprised.
    Just a thought. Good luck!

  7. #6 Have you tried Robinson’s Cafe?

    It features an eclectic clientele, a mix of graying summer of love types and union guys in suits and sunglasses with envelopes full of cash.

    The menu consists of dishes favored by your typical social justice eaters – fare featuring dishes of tofu, granola, sprouts, and goat cheese are done to perfection.

    The high school kids behind the counter have a heck of a time with spelling out the specials of the day on the blackboard and making change – but doggone it they feel good about themselves!

    You might even spot the proprietor dining on occasion – he’s the one staring forlornly at his 5.99 Caesar salad whilst pondering the illegally picked lettuce on his plate.

    Robinson’s Cafe – where hypocrisy is always on tap and the koolaid is served ice cold!

  8. Novice:

    I’m not into the “social justice” food menu, thanks.  Never have, and likely never will.  I’ve always been a chicken/turkey/burgers/grilled fish type diet.  You will more likely find me at Average Joe’s Diner than the Hippie Commune Cafe.

    On that note, what’s available for someone like me with this type of eating habit?

  9. Eugene,

    Chez VTA is quite good.

    They do a lovely taxpayer fricassee and feature a wonderful array of pork dishes. 

    Unfortunately Chez VTA caters mostly to local pol’s and their special interest friends so it’s tough to get a seat at the table for us common rabble.

  10. Dear San Jose Inside.

    You need to ditch the Single Gal. It ain’t helping the blog. You already have two throw away posts on Thursday and Friday. Add a third and there is no meat, no reason to stick around.

    You started well, but need to stay on topic.

  11. #9 Happily Married, you may be right but odds are with single Gal.  She is smart going for someone who is dressed nicely, even if just a pair of levi’s and a sweater.  You can tell.  Apperances are almost everything.

  12. Tom Clifton, you are so right, particularly about the Thursday posts.  At least the Friday ones are entertaining sometimes if not worth commenting on. 

    I find Single Gal’s posts amusing but agree with your statement that this blog has lost steam.  I’m accessing it less and less.  It seems like so many thousands of wasted keystrokes that accomplish nothing other than reducing productivity levels at the entities that employ all the bloggers.  Myself included!  I used to allow time to check out this site on a daily basis.  Now (gasp!) my work seems more important.

    I think we have company, Tom.  Many of the regular commentors are contributing less often.  This blog has become as boring and directionless as its subject city.

  13. Gotta disagree with Clifton #11— Single Gal has generated more comment than most others.

    If by “Friday” he means J-Mac, he is SO wrong—great satire on current events.

    So what’s Thursday?  Bayley?  If so, that is not that interesting and generates little comment.

    So who is this newby Clifton anyway that he comes on for the first time and tells us what’s good and what’s not?  He was silent for months, so let him go back to that mode.

  14. Disregard the comments of bloggers such as Tom, your posts have been interesting and thought provoking!  I enjoy reading them each week . . . As Oscar Wilde said it is better to have people talking about you badly, then not at all!!!!!!

  15. Single Gal’s comments do not apply to the political game of ethics, lobbyists and community meetings.  That’s OK with me.  She was quite timely (per Pho Hoa) on the cruising issue.  Then jumped into the social scene, at well, the biggest event in San Jose – the Sharks game.

    Let her develop her “blog personality”.  Maybe the upcoming election will be a great opportunity to talk a little politics from a “Single Gal’s” point of view. 

    I wouldn’t suspect that all bloggers are going to “get” Single Gal…and that’s OK…but I have seen a few new folks in here.

  16. Jesus people! I take one week off from complaining about cruising and offering up my cable car transit idea and people freak out!  You can be assured this will not become Dear Abby.

  17. Tom is correct. John is also correct that this has generated more comments than most others. Isn’t that a sad commentary on SJ. If this is going to turn into a dating and relationship advice board then so much for the issues facing the city.
    Too bad.

  18. Great blog Single Gal. The various “types” at the Sharks game are hilarious. And perhaps, enlighteing. Are there any other places in SJ where all the “types” gather? And for the sake of the complainers who responded above, let’s expand the “types” to include male and female types. The Sharks games seem to be the one place I have seen all “types” together, with the exception of concerts and the cheesey, but entertaining, holiday festivties. The Sharks games are an incredible unifying factor for SJ. They bring people out, to the stadium, but also to downtown. On game nights, the bars are busy, people are excited…We need more of them.  Not games, ubifying factors.  Since SJ hasn’t been able to hold on to the Earthquakes…is there any chance SJ could support a MLB team or, gasp, an NBA team? There are wealthy SJ’ers who are taking their money elsewhere to buy into franchises…

  19. Trying, there is no shortage of wealthy locals who could plunk down money to help build a stadium or whatever to get MLB or NBA here. 

    They just need to step up to the plate, as it were, like their counterparts up north do for SF projects.  De Young is a great example of wealthy networking that produced a new museum.  We don’t seem to have that same sense of philanthropy among the me-first new money people around here, that’s the problem.

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