The Single Gal and CRUISIN’

OK, I am sorry!  I take it all back!  What did I mean when I said that downtown has cool places to go and no one to go there?  After the Sharks game on Saturday night, some friends and I decided to go out downtown for some drinks.  One friend said he wanted a place where we could sit down, talk and have a cocktail - not a place with loud music and shouting.  (I swear, he’s not 80).  So we decided to head to The Loft, a new, hip restaurant/bar on Second Street.  But as they say, getting there is half the adventure.  I have never seen more cars on Santa Clara Street in my life.  It was a parking lot. But the question that kept reverberating in my head was “Where are these people going?”

And this is when I came to the realization that these rows and rows of cars, blasting music, aren’t going anywhere.  That is the problem. Aside from my personal opinion (don’t you need your eardrums intact?) these are kids that can’t go anywhere.  They can’t get in to the bars, but they still want to be part of the nightlife scene.  Yet, it’s very damaging for downtown in that it makes it look like an undesirable place.  And herein lies the problem; money-spending folks would rather drive to Santana Row or Los Gatos, where they don’t have to worry about joyriding teenagers blasting music or cat-calling at women from their cars, than stay downtown.

Then there are the police. If they aren’t going to discourage cruising, then they make the situation worse by making it look like a war zone. I know downtown, I love downtown and downtown doesn’t scare me.  I know it’s safe. But I can’t say the same for everyone else. Imagine you’re a visitor and you see a street full of cars blasting music, teenagers running around and police cruisers every 10 feet, how would you feel?  You probably would turn your car around (if you could move it) and head to Santana Row for a goat cheese pizza.


  1. There is an at least fifty year tradition of high spirited young drivers ‘dragging their wheels’ in downtown San Jose on weekend nights of the sort immortalized by George Lucas in American Graffitti – the Modesto of that film is just a smaller San Jose.  As far as I am concerned – let it always flourish as a rite of passage and a reserve of fond memories in golden years such I now enjoy.

    Again, the only reason that swank saloons prosper in Santana Row and Los Gatos while their counterparts in downtown languish is – again – abundant, FREE parking.  Provide that and downtown San Jose will bulge to bursting with beautiful, cool, young rich folks on weekend evenings.

    Police cruisers every ten feet as deployed sounds just about right – the police in San Jose are among the nation’s very best.  Their presence, beyond providing safe urban streets for walking unmolested, also adds to the vivid color of the downtown festivity.

  2. Dave Hickey and Single Gal may have unwittingly defined the problem. Youth culture and adult culture typically do not coexist in the same location.

    Both are right: adults need a downtown in which wall to wall crusiers, catcalls and a massive police presence do not keep adults away. Dave is right in pointing out that crusing is a time honored youth tradition that should have it’s place in San Jose, and should be monitored by police.

  3. I LOVE going downtown. Unfortunatly, my husband doesn’t like going down there because he works on 2nd street, and for him it’s like going back to work.  So, I don’t have anyone to hang out with in downtown.  <sniff>

  4. You see, downtown is a war zone.  It’s more dangerous than South-central LA because they’re right at your face, staring down at you.  In LA, you don’t see tough-menacing guys that often, and they have other things to worry about than intimidating passerbys.  In fact,  most of crimes committed in Watts and South LA are by these innocent, cute looking kids who happen to be gang members.  They only go after each others, instead.  Alot of those tough guys are from all over the Bay Area, and they’re all gangs with nothing to do but terrorize people who go downtown SJ.  The police are helpless at times because the gangs are overwhelming.  Single Gal, I worry about your safety, and therefore, I’m suggest you to Los Gatos where there are alot of desperate single guys that need women.  If you hang out in downtown SJ, you will get beaten up by those guys or even mugged.  Downtown is not safe at all.  It’s a disaster!

  5. Smurf again-  One more thing to discuss.  The review of the new city hall dome is ok but nothing special to lift downtown out of the doldrum.  They’ve been saying “Things are beginning to happen downtown” for the last 26 years, my God!  If you read the Associate Press’s article about downtown SJ(Miami Oct 15), they say results have been mixed, alluding to nearby vacant storefronts and run-down buildings, also the light foot-traffic during the middle of the day.  That ain’t progress!  That’s a failure with all our tax money going down to waste!  They should have left downtown on its own and let the market place take care of it.  As far as the national press is concerned, nothing changed in the 26 years, only with some new buildings but a enormous waste of tax dollars.  As Gregg Sandavol of Associate Press puts it, San Jose is the smallest big in the America.  He says redevelopment effort have mixed, but I go step further.  It’s total failure, and that’s more accurate since he doesn’t live in San Jose.  I’m sorry!

  6. Smurf…may want to consider putting back some anti-anxiety medication before your next trip out downtown.  Single gal, I am not too worried about your safety.  I am sure you travel with a pretty exclusive entourage anyway smile

  7. I can imagine that the subject of cruising in Downtown San Jose is a very touchy topic for the politicians of our city.  While cruising is a tradition in San Jose, it is also a significant inhibitor to the success of our downtown businesses.  For many people, the traffic, the cat calls, the blaring car stereos, and the police brigade creates an undesirable atmosphere that makes most residents head out to LG or Santana Row.  Yes, parking is a problem downtown, but it is a small factor.  I don’t care if there were an unlimited amount of free parking downtown, it wouldn’t really change things.  The problem is that when someone goes downtown the atmosphere feels more like a Raider game than what you should feel when you go downtown in a major city like San Jose.  People simply do not want to deal with downtown so they make plans to head elsewhere. 

    That said, what politician wants to touch this issue?  Like Mr. Hickey said, cruising is a tradition in San Jose.  If it was banned downtown, it would undoubtedly create an uproar within the city.  People will surely call it a “racist” policy as the majority of the cruisers are of minority races and the perception could be that this ban targeted at them because of their race.  So what is a city to do?  Allow this practice to continue to the detriment of our downtown because we are afraid to offend anybody?  Or should the city take a firm stand and put an end to the cruisers downtown? I’m pretty sure that I know what downtown business owners would say.

  8. The solution to crusing is easy. Block off specific streets to traffic. Encourage people get out of their cars and walk. Maybe run a few free shuttles. Provide incentives for restaurants to have outdoor seating.

    The Paseo is a good start, and one of the nicest areas of downtown. Does anyone miss having San Carlos street open to traffic through San Jose State? 

    A walkable downtown solves a lot of problems, and creates many new opportunities.

  9. I was down in AP Stumps this weekend after the Eagles concert and it was fantastic except for anytime someone opened the front door, I could hear the cruisers ridiculously loud music…. though let me digress.

    Cruising in Downtown SJ is a far cry from the Cruising of American Grafitti. Some “traditions” must be stopped. I am not sure what the police can do but it sets the wrong scene for what downtown should be. Having nightclubs with girls walking in that honestly look like hookers is not good either (at least not in my book.)

    I saw lots of nice looking people walking around and standing in lines for clubs too but a few too many bad apples….

  10. Here’s a solution to pacify Santa Clara Street..close it off to auto traffic from Almaden Blvd. to 4th street.  Transform it to a wide promenade of outdoor fountains, dining, kiosks, and Euro-like landscaping.  This would be similar to what was done to San Carlos Street through SJSU.  As for the cruisers…they will eventually go somewhere else.  What do you think Single Gal?

  11. I have thought of this too, but unfortunately, I believe that we live in America, where people like to drive by to see where they can eat. I know that business owners would probably be up in arms, but I think its a great idea.  Maybe if they were faced with the idea of cruisers versus no traffic at all, they might pick no traffic at all.

    I think it is so damaging, and no one seems to be doing anything about it.  A politician needs to start worrying abou the businesses and the city and touch this issue.

  12. Single Gal,

    I own two restaurant / bars in downtown and I welcome closing Santa Clara Street on Friday and Saturdays.  The cruisers and the pathetic gang banger / wanabees that crowd the street basically kill most business anyway.

    Making the street a walking mall on Fridays and Saturdays (after 7 or 8 pm) would make a huge difference in getting rid of the cruisers.

    Please note: during the Champ Car races they closed all sorts of streets downtown; but locals (who spend money) still were able to get downtown and there were no cruisers at all for the whole weekend.

  13. I didn’t know they wore denim cut offs in the NBA!  But a great idea nonetheless.  I think that more of the business owners need to be vocal about this problem, but do they feel its a fight they can’t win?  Are they afraid of offending someone?  Too bad none of the subsided businesses really care….

  14. The police and other city officials look the other way for fear of being labeled the R word.  There are signs that clearly say no cruising and yet the official line that you hear is “there are just a bunch of kids driving around.”

    Let’s call a spade a spade.  It is cruising.  It is disruptive of the public and businesses and it is totally incompatible with what is hoped to be accomplished in downtown SJ.  Enforce zoning laws.

  15. Isn’t there a law that states if a car stereo can be heard 50 feet away it is to loud.  If so, why isn’t it being enforced?

    Anyway, San Jose needs a law that states if a car musical device can be heard outside the car then the car is confiscated, the stereo removed, the car owner billed for the removal, and fined $10,000.

    I have noticed that there appears to be an inverse relationship between education/income and the volume of a car stereo.  The louder the car stereo, the poorer, and less educated, the driver.

  16. i agree with posted “ban car steroes, ” enforce the state law code 27007 which Sen. Dan McCourqudale introduced and passed.and signed by the Govenor of our state. the police should enforce all laws which cause citizen disturbance and abuse.

  17. Another shooting in downtown San Jose!  I think the city needs to think about what type of clubs they are giving permits to.  The Ambassadors Club is a hip hop club.  Doesn’t the city relize what kind of people this scene attracts.  Alowing the Ambassadors club to operate is just going to bring the gang bangers and rift raft into the city.  This is not good for business.  What do they expect to happen?

  18. Single Gal, I hope you weren’t hanging out at the Ambassador’s Club this weekend.  I would have to eat my words about your safety in San Jose.  Please don’t tell me you go there to improve your dating life…

    By the way, do you know what they are building in the parking lot on San Fernando across from PF Changs?

  19. The development across the street from PF Changs is the CIM project.  It will have retail (yeah right), restaurants and a tower of condos.

    Just a sad side note to the project.  It will require closing of the street level parking on that block; and already has.  The developer isn’t going to do any work until spring (after the rainy season) and asked the RDA and Gonzo to delay closing the parking lot for the holidays. 

    Gonzo says no way to that; he’d rather have the appearance of work going on with the project.  Even though the local businesses could really use the street level parking this holiday season.

    Shows how much our mayor and council care about small business in downtown.

  20. I read they were having quite a few high rise condos.  Where are all these people going to park? and am I going to have to fight with them for a space to park?

  21. Funny thing is, I never really have any trouble finding parking in downtown.  I usually always park at the pavillion after six and go work out at the pinacle.  When ever I do have trouble finding parking, it’s when somethings going on downtown like christmas in the park.

  22. Cruising is innocent fun. Many of the businesses on Santa Clara St. make most thier profit on these busy nights i.e. restaurants, gas stations, conveniet stores etc. Someones always gonna complain but Id rather see these young people driving thier cars exchanging phone numbers than out commiting crime. Cruising is not a crime! It’s old those who are too old to enjoy the clubs and cruising that want to sit around and complain. I have been out there myself and I must say I believe many of the San Jose police enjoy the view themselves….

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