Thanks to those of you who have written about good pho restaurants. I’m going to try each and every one of your suggestions. Keep them coming. But I’ve scrapped my plans to host a big pho party using a city council special events account.
As Rodney Foo wrote in the Mercury, the accounts are no more, with a unanimous vote to ban them occuring at the Tuesday council meeting. Of course, that was only after a “vigorous” hour long debate, with several council members seemingly in favor of keeping the accounts.
Reliable San Jose Inside readers tell us that Metro has discovered a city hall e-mail exchange between mayoral staffers and city IT staffers that raises some interesting questions about who knew what when. We didn’t have a copy by press time, but we’ll check it out online after our morning espresso.
Willow Glen saw perhaps the quickest opening and closing of a bar in recent history. No, it’s not a sign that bad times are here to stay, as Lynn Crocker reports in the Willow Glen Resident, the owners of the property that used to contain Sharkey’s simply needed to open to get the liquor license transferred to them. Owner Michael Mulcahy used the occasion to fundraise for the Children’s Musical Theater San Jose, Children’s Discovery Museum and the Willow Glen Business and Professional Association. The San Jose Inside team tips our glasses to you.
Given recent council history, there was likely no imbibing going on at the ethics workshop recently held for City Council members. As the Mercury’s Internal Affairs column reported, Mayor Gonzales felt it was “like going to church.”
No word on whether that means council members will be attending weekly.
Breaking News—Dave Cortese is making a “special announcement” next Tuesday at Lou’s Village at 5:30 p.m. Either he’s running for mayor or he’s discovered a really good pho restaurant. Stay tuned.
Metro is on the news stand right now. Email is from Grycz to Guerra. She says he knew about the Cisco deal.
Cortese’s running for sure. His wife sent an e-mail invite to a bunch of people.
Gee, wouldn’t that be shocking to know that the Mayor’s office was involved in this fiasco? Gee, maybe if we had leadership on the City Council they wouldn’t have caved in on this investigation and would have pursued things until they got the answers. Instead, they have said to the folks at the top it’s OK if you lie, deceive, spin, etc. and confuse things so much we won’t be able to figure it out—then we’ll just give up because it’s too hard to figure out. Whatever happened to inegrity?
I’ve known Dave Cortese for nearly 10 years, having served with him on the East Side school board and having the pleasure of being neighbors in the Evergreen area. I don’t know much about politics, but my guess is that my friend is indeed running for Mayor. To make things even more interesting, up to four of the many “Friends of Craig Mann” (folks that helped me win my recent reelection to the East Side, thanks!) are likely to be locked in a very competitive race; Dave Cortese, Cindy Chavez, Pat Dando and Chuck Reed.
The other interesting thing is that this race has the potential to allow everyone to win, if not the Mayor’s seat itself, eventually another prize. Two supervisoral seats are up in 2008, the Alvarado and McHugh seats and the Governor certainly knows excellent talent we he sees it.
At the end of the day, it is my hope that the most important winners of the 2006 mayoral race are the PEOPLE of San Jose who deserve the absolute best in this office as well as other positions of public trust.
I should put my glasses on when seeing clearly is critical
Please note typo correction (in CAPS) to sentence below from previous entry at 11:01am
“Two supervisoral seats are up in 2008, the Alvarado and McHugh seats and the Governor certainly knows excellent talent WHEN he sees it.”
I should put my glasses on too. I could swear I just read a posting by Craig Mann (former City Council staff and current East Side Trustee, with his own “Frieds” group no less!) that said “I don’t know much about politics…”
Must have been another typo.
Let’s be fair to the guy. Metro hasn’t proved anything.
is this one of the e-mails that the investigators looked at or is it one that never got produced?
If it was never turned over, then the investigators have to take a look at it. But remember he’s innocent until proven other wise.
And since the Council ended the investigation we’ll never know about guilt or innocence. Unfortunately, a cloud will remain unless this is properly resolved.