The News For Your St. Patrick’s Day

It’s St. Patrick’s Day and I just wanted to take this time, as I try to do every week, to point out that not all big stories get broken here at San Jose Inside.  Let’s see what’s been unearthed elsewhere in the last few days.

The Willow Glen Resident gets into the spirit of the day with not one, but two stories with an Irish bent.  Martin Nobida tells the story of a resident of Willow Glen who has come to America from Ireland and restores old stained glass.  Mary Gottschalk has the story of the first St. Patrick’s Day of Lowry’s Irish Coffee House in the River Street Historic District.

San Jose Inside blogger Tom McEnery has good reason to be a proud father.  His daughter Erin McEnery’s documentary, The Search For The Captain, just premiered at Cinequest and has quite a good storyline.  But you don’t have to take my word for it.  A Mercury News editorial by John Fensterwald is quite complimentary as well, even suggesting that the film be shown to every high school student in the city.

Tom himself hasn’t restricted his writing activities to San Jose Inside recently.  He recently wrote an opinion piece for the Mercury News concerning the credentials of Bruce McPherson to be the new Secretary of State.

Speaking of candidate credentials, it seems two prospective candidates for the District 7 council seat recently vacated by Terry Gregory didn’t turn in quite enough valid signatures to get onto the ballot, as Rodney Foo reports.  One has already challenged her rejection.  Despite the high level of interest in the District 7 election and the Mayoral election coming up in just a year, the Internal Affairs column says that only three people have applied for the openings on the city Election Commission.

The City Council has unanimously voted to make disclosure of any fundraising request by an elected official, whether it’s for a political or charitable reason, Rodney Foo writes.

Presumably, a freebie that everyone can support is the free rent the city is offering in order to try to lure the headquarters for the California stem cell agency that will oversee the $3 billion in funds voters approved in November.  Laura Cutland has the details of the offer in the San Jose Business Journal.

It’s unclear as to whether the council can still solicit gifts of corned beef and cabbage.  Happy St. Patrick’s Day.


  1. Lowry’s Irish Coffee House serves the best coffee in San Jose.

    I’m also very proud that PAC*SJ worked so hard to save and restore the River Street Historic District that the coffee house operates in.  You should check it out if you can!

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  2. It is good to hear from Alex and PAC.  Do you all know that Alphonse De Alba, who makes 140K a year as the student government executive director at San Jose State (and we all have to wonder why we are not), thought PAC “just spreads rumors” (ie Scheller House-SJSU).  We know that Alex and PAC have been one of the fundamental contributors to a great downtown community in San Jose, and need all the support we can give them.

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