The New Plan for the Mexican Heritage Plaza

Tuesday the San Jose City Council voted 10-1 to approve the plan put forward by Mayor Reed and Councilmember Campos to rebuild and sustain the operation of the Mexican Heritage Plaza.  As we stated in a recent e-mail to our Plaza friends, this decision is the right one and has been nearly ten years in the making.  In that time, many different groups, committees, and policy makers have struggled to solve the structural and financial challenges inherent in operating the Plaza safely, making it available to meet the community’s needs and programming it with critically and popularly successful artistic and cultural events. Since the facility opened:
• The topic of the cost of the Plaza’s stewardship has been heard at least once a year by city officials or elected officials.
• Mexican Heritage Corporation (MHC) staff and trustees, and more recently the city, convened numerous meetings with local community organizations and resident arts partners.
• Five different consulting teams reviewed MHC and Plaza operations.
• One city audit reported on MHC and Plaza operations.
• Management experienced three different executive directors and one CEO change. 
• MHC staff experienced numerous reductions and the Plaza “went dark” in 2005 (the only year that MHC reported an operating surplus).
• The San Jose International Mariachi Festival® grew from a local festival with 10,000 in attendance to a regional and internationally renowned destination event with attendance approaching 40,000 and enjoying an international broadcast audience of 60 million.
• MHC-curated programs achieved critical acclaim, making the cover of nationally prominent publications and increasing attendance both at the Plaza and in San Jose’s downtown.
• The Plaza received a $1 million capital refurbishment with funds raised by MHC from the State of California and implemented in a strong partnership with the city.

The structural financial problem of who pays to maintain this city-owned community asset has now been solved. MHC will now look to the future—a future that is bright with new opportunity to affirm and celebrate Mexican art and culture through innovation and creativity at the mariachi festival, through our arts education programs and our esteemed ballet folklorico company, Los Lupeños de San Jose. We’re committed to strengthening our partnership with the city and rebuilding our connection to the community. 

In these times of economic challenges and continuing conflicts abroad, I am reminded once again of the words of Abraham Lincoln: “As our case is new, so we must act anew and think anew. We must disenthrall ourselves and then we shall save our country.”  What a wonderful inspiration for the challenge before us—to think and act anew to rebuild at MHC and to sustain the Plaza.  Is this an impossible task? Another hero said, “Si se puede.” At MHC, we believe him.

As they say in the trenches, when the going gets tough, the tough produce a show.  It’s time to get back to work.

Marcela Davison Aviles is the CEO of the Mexican Heritage Corporation and wrote this piece at the invitation of the editor.


  1. Thank You Marcela for staying the course. Once again you have demonstrated an ability to strengthen community and awaken the sleepy political side of our Village.
      I have heard many ner do wells denouncing the management of the Plaza. Yet non have demonstrated the sprit of community as You have.
      Johnathan Clark continues his attacks on your abilities. I have spoken to Mr. Clark and am not at all impressed with his methods or motives.
      I did not attend Tuesday’s City Council Meeting. I could not bear to hear the Old Guard denounceing the New Direction you
    have set. Old Dogs old Tricks.
      I’ve been told that they came out of the woodwork for this feast.
      Perhaps now the rents will be paid and the personal politics will be stampted out for good.
      I have been there before the so called “vision” occurred. You are a breath of fresh air, and at times I feel as though we do not deserve you. You are the Role Model we have been waiting for. My 5 daughters over the years helped me with the our Gallery displays at all the Hispanic celebration as documented annually by Alcario Costellano’s videos. They know and understand the commitment it takes to excel as you have navigating the politics of our hispanic community.
      Those of us that are forever vigilant about our Village children appluad you and will place our faith in your responsilble abilities to lead our Village people thru truely remarkable celebrations of life.

                  Gil Hernandez

  2. Once again, we have seen a Hispanic/Latino run facility asking for a bail out from the city. Did we not learn from the mistakes of the GI Forum ? The buiding was sold to a Vietnamese investor. I see the same fate happening to the Plaza. Perhaps the Indo Amercicans who have the $$ will buy it.  How many times does a Latino run facility have to sink? As a Latino, I am embarrased at the lack of “strong” leadership at the Mexican Hertage Plaza. If anyone goes there, it is like a ghosttown.
    What a shame that the city does not clearley see that you need a new direction. That means new leadership.
    What the heck does the board really do ?  Do they sit around   let someone else do their jobs?  Are they waiting for , Pesos from heaven ? Are they apathetic types ?  Folks, a working board goes out and hustles money for the plaza.  That is non-profit class #101.

    The CEO has ostracized the founding mariachi players that brought $$ to the plaza from the beginning. They are the true workers before and after the festival. We have had to hear Ms. Linda Rondstat 2 yrs. in a row. Who the hell is she but a retired, defunct singer who can’t event buy a new dress for the show !
    Now, we hear from those in the know, she is coming baaaack. Oh my God! The pain and suffering we have to endure.
    Get back to the original plan of the festival. bring back the traditional mariachi from the Bay Area. We have so much talent here. Let’s showcase it.

    Cmon folks, let’s get real. A new day begins with a new CEO and a new board . Are you with me ??  Ole, Ole!!!!

  3. Dear Mr Ole Cota Ole!
      My O My What a bit of trash you are welding. Under what pile of debry did you emerge. Is Able “GI Forum” Cota your Dad , Uncle?
      If I were to venture a guess who you are, I would say you are non other than Frustrated Fin Fan. Or Johnathon Clark on another bad night!
      Your hit piece is about bringing down Marcela. You are not the only one activly doing so. some of the Foundations are being approached by very involved players to stop the support to Marcela’s programs.
      There is a board of supervisors member leaving. Could this be a sign that perhaps the fix is in to open up a position by attacking Marcela.?
        Those of us that know the history can see the divisive nature of the Clarks, Faulkners, and other wanabe Mariachis, that are working so hard to unsit Marcela as the new direction to a failed political catastrophy in the East of San Jose.
        It is obious to see that you are speaking for your masters. Where have you been all these years Mr Cota?  We await your responce!
            The Village Black Smith
            Founding menber of the
    “San Jose International Mariachi Festival”

  4. Gil,  Pitty on your soul If you had any “brains” you wouldn’t be a “village Blacksmith”.  What do you make??  (Masa)?
    What village do you come from?
    Why do you defend Marcella?  The Plaza was doomed from the get go. You say your a founder or flounder of a “floundering plaza” with no set vision. Where were you at the City Council mtg? Did you not voice your opinion?
    Why can’t Mexicanos like us control our own plaza? Why do we loose the very “pride”of the Eastside to an outside agency ??  Why can’t you get other “well to doers” to step up to the plate and contribute $$$, to keep the doors open at the plaza?

    Why don’t you get your brother’s Lawyers friends to “kick” in some dinero to keep the fledgling plaza afloat? Oh, That’s   right , they’re lawyers, They keep all the money to themsleves. Sorry I asked.

    You put down the mariachis like their inferior citizens Don’t you have “cultura”  (culture)? What part of Mexico did you come from? I heard you talk down to the Mariachis at the Plaza Mtg. Where is your sense of pride? Are you really a Mexican/Latino?  I am, and proud of it.
    Mariachi music. is the “soul” of Mexico. We   love it, embrace it.
    She wants to bring other acts in that are not traditional mariachis. Might as well call it, “potpourri Music Fest”. You wonder why people do not attend the concerts. It has been losing money for some time.

    The outdoor festival was a big “joke”. They forgot to reserve the Discovery Meadows and were left with the Arena Green to have the free concerts. You should of heard the complaints.

    Oh, by the way, I am not related to Mr. Abel Cota.

    Gil, Go back and make your masa statues.

    Ray Cota.

  5. Dear Gil,
    What a pity that when there are differences of opinion, you should choose to attack the persons who do not agree with you, rather than address the issues.  There are multiple issues involved, two of the many being the direction the Mariachi Festival has taken of late, and whether Marcela Davison Aviles should continue as director of MHC.  Since you are a staunch supporter of Marcela, you cannot see any error in the way the mariachi festival has been handled of late, and in defending her, you criticize anyone who is unsatisfied with the direction the mariachi festival has taken.  The mariachi festival has had significant programming issues, and by not recognizing that, you cannot solve them.

    You and I have talked on several occasions as friends, one on one, about these issues, and while we don’t agree on everything, we did listen and hear each other out.  Why then, do you suddenly call me a “wanabe mariachi”?  Is it because I believe that a mariachi festival should be just that?  Was I a “wanabe mariachi” when you had me perform for the Hispanic University wine tasting dinner on September 20th?  What about when Mariachi Cobre invited me to play with them as we accompanied Linda Ronstadt in 2005 and 2007?

    Let us analyze “want to be”: If I am a mariachi, it is because I want to be:  for more than 35 years I have chosen to listen to and perform mariachi music. I have searched out master mariachis to learn from them, because I “want to”.  I went to mexico 5 times last year alone, including performing in the Fiestas de Octubre in Guadalajara for the tenth consecutive year. When was the last time you were in Mexico? 

    On March 27, while you were attacking your friends, I was in Guadalajara, taking mañanitas to Roberto Morales on the occasion of his 83rd birthday. Later that day, the guests included Blas Martinez (father of Pepe Martinez) who had celebrated his 95th birthday last August and whose party I also attended.  I “wanted to be” with these friends, who are part of the soul of mariachi.  Do you know the joy of hearing either of these men start to sing verses you have never heard to older “sones jaliscienses” you have played for 20 years?

    These people should need no introduction to mariachis, and you, as a self proclaimed mariachi expert surely know who they are, and if you don’t know them, perhaps you should find out who they are to understand why they are important and why the San Jose Mariachi Festival has fallen so short of its mark.

    Please try and keep personal attacks out of your rhetoric, and keep to the issues.  Other wise you only are living testimony to the veracity of the mexican saying “Por eso estamos como estamos, y nunca progresamos”.

    Someone who thought we were friends,
    William Faulkner
    Arpista Municpal de Tequila, Jalisco

  6. Dear Gil,
      I too wonder, much like my esteemed colleague William Faulkner, wonder why it is that instead of addressing the issues, you insult and denigrate people who are truly concerned with the direction of the Mariachi Festival.  I spoke to you at the meeting at the Mexican Heritage Plaza, and I came at you in a respectful tone, explaining my concerns and willing to hear you out, and you told me, and I quote, “Go get a life,” as well as told me you were trying to bring up the level of mariachis, who you considered little more than money grubbing people who only worked for cash and who you felt were low class.  I feel being a mariachi is an honorable occupation, just like any other musician or artistic occupation.  I am a wannabe mariachi as well, because I love mariachi music, the spirit of Mexico, and by which we are recognized for across the world.  Mariachis are the musical ambassadors of Mexico, but you view them como un monton de indios patas rajadas, and that is really too bad.  The night we spoke, you kept telling me about how you started the Mariachi Festival, and how before 1990 there were no books on mariachi in the local libraries, and you changed all that.  Unless you wrote the books yourself, while you did a good service for our community in making some of these books available to the community, that doesn’t give you the right to insult people like myself, William Faulkner, or John Clark.  I don’t know at what level you consider someone to no longer be a “wannabe”, but I feel that both John and William have reached the level of being mariacheros.  Other mariachis I have gotten to know over the years also have my respect, and I would not refer to them as “wannabes” either, but while it seems like the only people you seem to respect are the Diaz family, Mariachi Cobre, and Mariachi Vargas, there are many more talented mariachis out there that you wouldn’t have the first clue about because you can’t see past the end of your nose.  Stop insulting people and grow up- many people have tried to speak to you in a civil manner, and many more have tried to play devil’s advocate, and you stab everyone who doesn’t have the same view point as you or Marcela in the back; case in point- William Faulkner.  You spoke to him real genuinely at the MHP meeting a couple months ago, yet here you are online attacking him and insulting him.  I;ve already heard you refer to John Clark as “low class”, your words not mine, and of course have insulted me multiple times in one conversation, while members of my mariachi and others stood around listening to us talk.  You do not have my respect, because I don’t care what you did in the past, all you do is bad mouth people and stonewall any honest conversation.  I know you don’t care that I don’t respect me, because that’s how you are- you don’t respect those that don’t agree with you, but while you may look at me as low class, you may look at what I do as low class, but I am proud to play the music I play, and I will always play it, and will continue to be a “wannabe” mariachi and proud of it.  If people are jumping off Marcela’s boat, maybe it’s because neither you nor her listen to opinions other than your own, and manipulate the system to your advantage.  Just remember, now you have to show results since the City Council voted the way you wanted, but I still feel this is the wrong direction.  I look forward to hearing your response about me being a clown, a wannabe, and whatever else you may think to say about me, but I counsel you not to underestimate me.  I’m not the illiterate illegal immigrant that you may think, and won’t stand for you insulting myself or my peers with degrading words during some drunken tirade like I suspect you might have been on that night at the MHP.  Stick to the issues, and be careful of what waters you are treading, because you only do yourself and your cause injustice.

    Fernando P. Lopez
    Director and Co-Founder Mariachi Aztlan

  7. Very eloquent William.
      Your position on this site does not play well with the display I witnessed at the MHPG the night you and your pals were demonstrating against Marcela. You were the last one I expected to see displaying critcium at a meeting where the community was looking for solutions. Or so it was made to appear.
      I am certain, as I made known to you, that if you had taken an interest in working with Marcela, upon her arrival as I did, You would be part of the solution today, Yet here we meet on San Jose inside addressing our positions for the community to see. I am well with that. For too long a time the GI Forum and the MHC insiders had a strangle hold on the workings of that venue. Why do you think they brought Marcela in. The plaza was almost dead. I feel you and your pals are wrong in attacking Marcela and those new board members that have the life of the Plaza at heart. I was sickened by the elitist atitude of Johathon Clark and those that were spreading rumors about Marcela. I was pleased that Marcela confronted Clark about his rumor mongering that night in the presence of several folks dressed as mariachis.
      When I went to Salinas in 1991 to see how that Mariachi Festival was being produced, I did not know that you were instumental in starting that Festival until we became friends. Yet it was the music of Jose Hernandez’s Mariachi Sol de Mexico that energized my sprit and help create the now San Jose International Mariachi Festival that evening. Mariachi Sol de Mexico played Synphonic music and Can Caned to Frank Sinatra’s New York New York. Frank never sang it so well as Jose Hernandez. It was captivating yet you contradict your self because the music they played had nothing to do with mariachi music, and you hired them.
    #5 Mr. Cota needs a hug that I am sure of. There is more to his critisum than what has been displayed of recent.
      Your display was public, as was my mine. Marcela has suffered enough at the hands of cowards at that venue. Death treats and tire slashing is not an act of change. It is an act of cowards that are acting out what they have been taught. Or worst yet instructed to do.
      It is a sad day to see the Plaza taken over as it was. But it was at it’s last breath when Marcela was handed the helm. I have followed closely the demise of that space. One day you will see the waste that occurred there as many of us have witnessed, thru the years.
      I produced the Community Care Mariachi Festival at the Corinthian Event Center for the past 7 years to draw attention to the fact that we had to support our 501c3s in need of support. Mariachi Los Mensajeros have always supported me and our non payed head liners. Your beautiful harp was a special note to our event this past year. We are gratful for that. I consider you a friend.
      Your reaction to my comments are without reason. Mariachi Music has it’s roots in Germany. Need I say more?
              The Village Black Smith

  8. #7 Fernando P. Lopez,Director & Co Founder of Mariachi Aztlan.
      Correct me if I am wrong, but were you not the guy in the mariachi suit, that would not stop critcizing the management of the MHC. If you were that person , then I am very glad that you posted on this site. You were the most obnoxious in your face guy at that event. You & Jonathon Clark were there to destroy the integrety of what Marcela has accomplished with the Mariachi Festival.
      Playing for cash at birthdays does not give you the right to denounce an event that is so successful as to save it from the parasites that almost killed this event that I and others brought to the City of San Jose.
      I understand why you would try to accuse me of intoxication at that meeting on this site. That is the way you and that whole political ugly group do folks that threaten them. It has always been like that. I am feeling your pain Fernando. Stop working for them and start working for your self and your community.
      I started the Community Care Mariachi Festival 7 years ago at the San Jose Athletic Club. I felt a need to help the 501c3s in our community some one has to. It has been very succesful. Mariachi Los Mensajeros have supported me and our UNPAYED headliners.
      You and your wanna be Mariachis are 50 group strong. Why don’t you start your own festival as I have. The reason you don’t is that you are in a state of denial. Mariachi Music is not a music of denial, it is a music of hope and celebration. Ask the desendents of the German people that brought the roots of this music to the southwest.
      Take this message back to your leaders and ask them to enlighten us.
      Fernando, you have not a clue what I wanted of the City Council vote. You and the charade that took place at the MHC was bad enough, but you and your mariachi dressed critics of Marcela, disgusted me, and made me feel shame of where we are on the scale of being an International Mariachi destination.
      I spoke my mind and I expressed my feelings that night. Your reaction is typical of that group that has bled the Plaza for the past 10 years. Perhaps now Mayor Reed will exorcise that venue and bring the hope we had for it’s future back to the surface This will test his sunshine reform. 
      I will stand up for the life of the Heritage Gardens Program made possible by Tom McEnery and his visions of Heritage Gardens as presented by Joe Hernandez,Architect, to the Hispanic Community.

      The Village Black Smith

      Co-Founder Of the San Jose International Mariachi Festival. Since 1992
      Founder Of the Community Care Mariachi festival at San Jose Athletic Club. since 2002.

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