The Good Chief

In an environment bereft of courageous and selfless acts, the recent decision by our fire chief stands out in fascinating relief.  When Jeff Clet stepped down from his position so that he would not run afoul of the nepotism rules of San Jose, he clearly committed a principled and noteworthy act. He certainly deserves our praise.  The traditions of the San Jose Fire Department are hallowed and have served the city well; they have given many sons, and I hope more daughters, the ability to follow their fathers into a noble and invaluable profession. We need more of this type of service.

Clet’s decision runs in the family. His father was a longtime chief here and, after a brief sojourn in Gilroy, Jeff Clet was able to reach the same heights as his dad.  That height was not merely the braid on his cap, but the tradition of service and selflessness so essential to the firefighter’s profession.  What type of person will run into a burning building when instinct tells them to run in the other direction?  It is the type who is dedicated and honorable to a fault.

The daily papers are sometimes full of the actions of public employees that make us question and, many times, denigrate that service. It should not be so.  Public service and the impulses that propel so many into it are noble and timeless.  They hearken to a time when people trusted their president and their mayor. It was a better time, a confident time, and a time that can be restored with more acts of honor and humility like that of Chief Clet. May his family, and more like them, long be public servants in our city.


  1. Are the nepotism rules really necessary?

    Certainly if there is a direct Supervisorial role or direct hiring and firing of a family member that is one thing, but if your daughter is qualified to be a librarian and you are Mayor, does it make sense that she not be able to work for the City of San Jose?

    Further, how come the rule doesn’t apply to best friends?  Is it not more likely that one will hire their best friend as opposed to their brother?

    In trying to fix the problem of ethics, we simply mire ourselves in more rules that seemingly go against the best interests of the public service.

    I believe Robert Kennedy was the greatest Attorney General in our history, now he couldn’t even take the job.

    Yet, Bush can hire Brownie to be head of the EPA because he eats pig and kisses ass.

    It is apparent that the more we limit the actions of public officials for ethical reasons, the more we show that we don’t trust any of our elected officials.

    There will be bad eggs.  But they will occur with or without the rules.  The problem is that the good folks get harmed by rules intended for the unethical.

    Chief Clet is merely the latest victim of rules intended for others.

  2. If Robert Kennedy were around and read Robinson’s “me is smart you are all dumb” crap, he would not want to be in politics.

    The Chief knew the score and that is that.

    As for you, Robinson, we can only hope for the good of the fire department, you have an uncle as a battalion commander

  3. The NORCAL deal wasn’t because of nepotism—it was because of arrogance.

    Both the nepotism rule and the proposed “one job only” rule that the Mayor is (ironically) pushing are stupid.  The most aggregious conflicts of interest at City Hall have been the Mayor and his wife who works for a contractor that gets government work, Joe Guerra’s wife selling a house to Del B., and Nora whose husband has a huge stake in major projects getting approved by the City.

    None of these have anything to do with nepotism.

    None of these have anything to do with moonlighting.

  4. Did I say EPA?  Of course, I meant FEMA.

    I hope I’m not indicted for disseminating that inadvertent misinformation—but who knows.

    But I’m sure Stephen Johnson eats plenty of pork and kisses GWB’s ass as well.

    In any case, everyone already knows Stephen Johnson is head of the EPA, right?

  5. Oh puh-leeeease.

    Once upon a time when we were a smaller, more fraternal cow-town—not that long ago—this would not have been necessary.

    Now, it is necessary as demonstrated plenty of times in the last few years, here and elsewhere. This is a commonsense policy, and the law worked as designed. Excellent.

    Chief Clet *is* admirable for not letting his career stand in the way of his son’s advancement, but this act is not heroic or “courageous.” TMcE, please don’t belittle the real heroism firefighters demonstrate by tying Clet’s self-removal to running into a burning building.

    If this were the US Air Force or another one-of-a-kind organization (RR brings up a good point with the Presidential cabinet), I could see the reluctance some people have toward this type of law/policy. But it’s not like there aren’t several large cities and fire squads to serve them within an hour of San Jose.

    But on the other hand, RR: Typical reductio ad absurdum argument, once again. There is a world of difference in the layering between the mayor and a staff-level librarian and the collaborative effort practiced by the fire department.

    Then again, maybe one of the council’s options is to task RonGon with checking out books and collecting library fines over on Fourth and San Fernando—it is only a block away from City Hall. When that happens, you’ll have a real argument as to the lunacy of the mayor not being able to hire his family or girlfriend/mistress/fiance/wife to work at the library!

  6. The policy concerning nepotism is a good one.

    I know that like the Norcal Mess, the Hostetter Scandal involving Chuck is not about nepotism. 

    The Hoestetter Scandal whicb threatens to bring down the Reed campaign is about violating council protocol by meeting with developers in another city to “juice” the results.

  7. RR at it again! Ethics? twist and shout!

    ” The problem is that the good folks get harmed by rules intended for the unethical.
    Chief Clet is merely the latest victim of rules intended for others. “

    Now RR think back, why are the RULES there?
    Could it have anything to do with your BOY Gonzo?
    And you wonder why
    “we don’t trust any of our elected officials.”

    Could it be because some of them live on with the help of Big Money and paid backers like you.

  8. 4 – You hit the target with your comments. With all of the huffing and puffing done by the Council, many of the Mayor’s misdeeds could still happen again. Since we can’t regulate arrogance, all it will take is another mayor like this one and another conflicted council like this one. If we don’t learn from this disaster we will be doomed to repeat it.
    The next election is our only chance of slightly improving things. Reed isn’t the savior but he is certainly the only chance at improving the situation. Certainly the District 3 Council race is also critical. Electing Sal over Manny will speak volumes about what we want from our Council.
    Pay attention, vote, and hope for the best.

  9. We have a nepotism policy because Chuck Reed who is too incompetent and to cowardly to respond to any discussion, put in a dimwitted policy that was meant to go after Gonzo, who seemed more interested in his staff after hours than on the clock.  Well, Chuck, in his poor ideas for leadership DID IT AGAIN.  Now we have a good fire chief stepping down.  Didn’t Chuck’s hanndler, Victor, after 9/11, put a council member in Sunnyvale in a phony fireman’s outfit.

    No wonder George Kennedy is pulling his endorsement of Chuck.  George realizes what a mellon head he is.

  10. I notice that the guy who gave us this dumb policy, Chuck Reed, who is now considered legal counsel to answer the issues being broght over the Hoestetter Scandal, has lost the endorsement of George Kennedy.

    Hmm, if was unethical to endorse Chuck now, then why was it ok to endorse him in the primary??  George Kennedy is being independent of Chuck for the first time?

    Perhpas it is because George knows the Hostetter Scandal has some legs, eh?

  11. RR—there you go again on ethics. Would be a lot easier to spin your spin without ethics, wouldn’t it. 

    Geez, guess you don’t like Bushie!

    A small fact that many of you may not be aware of—the bronze fireman’s bell was relocated from then Plaza Park to make room for the turd.  It was relocated to the fire station on Market Street.  Having had an uncle, who was my godfather, and a cousin as firefighters, I opposed this move.  This was during Susan Hammer’s reign.

  12. What are the chances that “all” of the Reed bashers on this site seem to be incoherent, illiterate, and unable to string words together into a complete thought? It’s not possible that “they” are all the same person, is it?

  13. The question is for people such as “Wondering” could be why the Reedites are so afraid of the discussion concerning the Hostetter Scandal.

    Most people who know about it also know that it is not the first time Reed has used his official office to broker deals with developers.  Indeed, Mr. Integrity has several episodes in his official life where he has gone beyond the normal ethics standards to be the inside guy on these deals.

    But “Wondering” who is trying to cool off in Nebraska while his stooge on the City Council is experiencing white knuckles over the developing story behind the Hostetter Scandal need, must be nervous about the other land deals that have ocurred.

  14. As usual, most of you Reed bashers are wrong—again. Nobody is afraid except those of you who specialize in vague inuendo with no facts. How many times have you rock dwellers been asked for facts to back-up your rantings? How many times have you provided any facts? NONE.
    When you can back it up with facts I’m sure there be no end to the discussion. Until then, you sound foolish and you all sound like the same person.

  15. Hey number 10, why don’t you reveal your real name so we can have an honest discussion.  Some people have the balls to do so….like Rich, JMO, Eugene Bradley, etc.

    Without your real name, your comments are the equivalent of electronic spray paint.

  16. Wondering # 13—funny, I was thinking the same thing before I got to your post. 

    It’s probably a good thing for this illiterate and clearly angry and incompetent person that he/she didn’t have to pass the high school exit exam to get a diploma.

  17. Gotta agree with Jeffrey #18—it’s so easy to bash people using a pseudonym.

    All these anonymous cheeseballs keep talking about the “Hostetter Scandal”. Many psuedonyms, same message, devoid of content.  I have asked several times for facts. 

    Chheesy Boy gave a litany of nonsense in response.  Others keep referring to it, but no-one actually sets forth a Who-When-What-Where-Why- How factual setting.  HHmm, could that be because there aren’t facts, or because the bloggers are too obtuse to know how to present facts, as opposed to innuendo?

    I voted for Pandori, and was troubled that Mulcahy probably cost Pandori the runoff.  I am troubled by Reed’s vote to cut off investigation re Cisco issue.

    I would dearly love to have some facts from Dale Warner—the only “scandal blogger” to have the cojones to use his real name—or his illiterate friends some FACTS about this supposed scandal.  If there are any facts that implicate Reed, I would absolutely reconsider my vote for mayor in November.

    But all these bozos give us is innuendo and venom.

    For all you bozos, all words of more than one syllable which you probably do not understand can be found in a dictionary.  You do know what that is, don’t you?

  18. I don’t understand why Clet stepping down is admirable and I like firemen as much as the next guy.  His stepping down appears to be putting the career advancement of his son before his obligation to lead the fire department.  Isn’t that the point of anti-nepotism rules, so advancement of a family member doesn’t become more important than your official duties? He just provided an example of why the rule is needed, not an argument against having the rule.

  19. If Mason wants to deal in conspiracies, while the rest of us deal with Chuck;s lack of integrity for participating in the Hosetetter Scandal, with Mason’s knoweldge and support, perhaps Mason can deal with this conspiracy.

    A DA like George Kennedy who is beholden to Victor, the Master of Reed, takes a civil charge and, right before the primary, turns into a criminal conspiracy.

    that’s a goooooood one!

  20. 21:  So far, despite numerous requests from many bloggers here, no message has been tendered, other than something dubbed the “Hostetter Scandal”.

    I still haven’t the vaguest idea from any of the scandal mongers what this scandal is supposed to be.

    A bunch of messengers without a message, so far.


    As most Reedites like to say, “attack the messenger, not the message”

    WONDERING, HMM, IS THAT MR. DONALD WONDERING, USING JEFF’S RULE, does not doubt the facts of the Hostetter Scandal does he or she.

    Ps, JMC, the propoer usage if ‘HE OR SHE”

  22. As usual JMC, the confrimed Reedite, talks about “where is the evidence?”  Then we read someone offering to give it to him, and the weanie refused to accept actual documents.

    Then, when the actual issues, which is Mr. Reed’s meeting with developers to assist them in crafting a story to the BCAC, while Reed knew he would have to vote on it later, is the issue.

    JMC, the Reedite, also claimed Chuck never violated the Brown Act, when it was shown he voted in secret to transfer park funds, a violation of the Brown Act.

    The who is JMC

    the what is that he is a weanie

  23. Thanks 21, for another articulate post on behalf of your fellow conspiracy theorists. You really should take more time with your posts—either that or you should supply secret decoder rings for the rest of us so we might be able to figure out what you are talking about.

  24. Well, as Mason and other Reed apologists get into high gear over attacking the messenger, the fact remains that Chuck still met with a developer at a real estate office in Milpitas in order to evade scrutiny, and laid out their presentation before the BCAC.

    Mr. Integrity violated council ethics principles with respect to the Hostetter Scandal and Mason knows it.

  25. Why do so many of you fall for that idiots postings.  It is clear that it all is coming from one person using several names.  I am not presently a member of the “Reed team”, but any time I see anything by this idiot I scroll through it and hope nobody encourages him by responding.  Until he gives us any real facts , please don’t encourage him by responding to his ranting.

  26. On November 17th, the Preservation Action Council of San Jose will be honoring San Jose’s firefighters (past and present) for their outstanding contributions to preserving this city.  This will take place at the new cityhall rotunda and is a part of PACS annual founders celebration. We all should support our firefighters and their efforts to preserving our city.  This is the celebrations 8th year and it gets better every time. They have great food and I have purchased some great stuff at the auction at a great price (antiques, vacation packages etc.) In past years it has been held at the Historic Bank of America building and Kelly Park’s History Museum. Two previous recipients of the Preservation Hall of Fame Award include SJI’s Leonard Mc Kay and Tom Enery for their contribution in saving the Peralta Adobe. If you want to find out more about the event or PAC*SJ, phone 998-8105 or go to
            Hope to see you there!

  27. #29;

    First, I am a confirmed Pandori-ite.

    Second, it’s JMO, not JMC.

    Third, none of you bozos has yet to respond with the who-what-when-wher-how of this secret meeting.

    Four, no-one ever poffered me documents.  I was offered a one-on-one coffee meeting, which I’d never accept since the story could never be properly documented.

    Five, I never claimed Reed never violated The Brown Act.  I merely asked for detailed facts.  You supply some vague conclusions, but no date, time, location, etc.

    Six, you anonymous idiot, you cannot even spell weenie correctly.

    Seven, since you hide behind numerous pseudonyms, you deserve no respect.

  28. Look you with the blogs that don’t make any sense and always have this Reed thing, SHUT UP! We are tired of you taking up space when you never say anything. If your not going to tell us what this is about and be rational then please do us all a favor and go away. And we all know it’s the same person.  I didn’t vote for Chuck and i’m not his shill but you are making baseless accusations and no one has a clue what or who your’e talking about. So go away and come back when you can write a rational sentence.

  29. It is too bad that the Employee is too frightened about the implications of Chuck’s collusion over the Hoestetter Scandal.  Next month, when the details of the undustrial project that Chuck tried to speak for by using his county commissioner title come out, while Employee of Chuck, be so scared.

  30. #26 Did I miss something.
    You must have missed class the day they taught us that family comes before money, power or career. In the day of latch-key children, this is a refreshing example of putting your children first before the new boat, SUV, cabin in Tahoe, designer suit or trip to Europe. Even if his son is in his 20’s, when we chose to have children, it is a responsibility we take on for life.  This type of selfless act should not surprise us, afterall he’s a firefighter.

  31. #27 & #29—different names, same dope.  You can’t even spell Hostetter the same way twice, let alone correctly.  Pleeeeze, just give us all a break and crawl back under your rock and shut the #*&^ up.

    Ooops, I’m sorry, you have a constitutional right to make an idiot of yourself as often as you please.  I guess that’s at least one reason why you don’t post under your real name. 

    I await your response with quivering anticipation.

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