The Battle Lines

A little-known Union hero of the Battle of Gettysburg was Brig. Gen. John Buford. On the first day of that epic struggle to determine the fate of the United States, he had the judgment to seize the high ground outside of the town and, with it, the victory was all but assured—only the deadly bloodletting was to follow for three horrible, tragic days. Well, it’s only June, but never too soon to begin the speculation on who will have the high ground in the election for mayor next November. In this campaign, the key issues will be ethics, growth and vision. Chavez is attempting to make it a schools and neighborhoods choice, but she has a daunting task.

Chuck Reed has the high ground on ethics—Reed Reforms and all—and clearly is the one left standing that has fought for such principles. Chavez, with her censure of Gonzales, was a day late, a dollar short, and a true-commitment-to-mayoral-reform absent. 

On growth, Reed is very aggressive in North San Jose, to the chagrin of other cities and many controlled-growth advocates. But he has the “hole card” of knowing that growth is San Jose’s (and the state’s) premier city savings bank to fund highways, housing, and downtown development (think museums and the Arena)—a very compelling argument.  Chavez has no clear hold on the old (let’s call it the David Pandori/Janet Gray Hayes), controlled-growth vote.  The alliance of big labor with a handful of developers to chop up the pristine Coyote Valley is the largest chink in her neighborhood-first approach.  Such a thoughtless act would devastate city services and make a joke of a generation of sensible growth.

On the vision front, the handicapping gets more complicated. Reed is set on the reform front, jockeying on the growth area, and seen as almost George H.W. Bush-like on the “vision thing.”  While this is unfair—Reed, from his days as Chairman of the Planning Commission, had a keen knowledge and feel for the entire city and where it should go—it is a fact that gives Chavez an opening. 

As we all know, Pickett’s Charge failed to dislodge the Federal forces from the high ground on the last day at Gettysburg; it was a desperate, forlorn attempt.  We might see the same from Chavez as the dog days of summer turn to fall election time. It is a gamble that she must take.


  1. Before we can make too many assertions about the mayoral contest in November, we have to make it through June 29 when it appears DA George Kennedy will have to disclose grand jury findings that will greatly affect politics and governance in San Jose.

    It’s a little early to buy into the line that Chuck Reed is sincerely reform minded. He’s never been thoroughly examined by media and critics the same way many other aspirants to office have been, and his record of conduct compared to his claims may show him inhabitating the low ground after all on his chosen battleground: honest and transparency.

    In many ways, Reed is like the state politician who runs on “family values,” and turns out to have two families, one in the capital city and one in his home town. The state politician has “family values” all right, it’s just that he has two families.

    In Reed’s case, he has values about honesty and transparency all right, it’s just that he may have two sets of such values, one for his district and one for media and campaign display.

    Don’t place your bets on November just yet.

    And Reed’s cold-hearted personality may work against him. To read an article from the Berryessa Sun that displays his mean-spirited nature toward a campaign volunteer, go to:

    Reed’s not a nice guy even to his supporters, much less to his opponents.

  2. Mayor Tom, a reference to the “high ground”, as you know, is not just a military reference.  It’s also a reference to ethics.  I’d not go to the polls to vote if Mrs. Potter was the only candidate, but Mr. Reed, in my opinion, is not positioned “on the high ground”.  He is an ABC (Anybody But Cindy) candidate.  The entire city council is tied up in the NORCAL debacle.  Assuming Mr. Reed wouldn’t incriminate himself, he should/needs to explain his retreat from the “high ground”.

    Many politicians – Reagan, Clinton have been forgiven for their “lapses” by fessing up.  Mr. Reed needs to fess up and promise to retake and hold the high ground.  No matter what Mrs. Potter says she’s tainted by her association and complicity with Gonzo.

    The Mayor’s office is Mr. Reeds for the taking if he can fess up or explain his “momentary” retreat from the high ground and Mrs. Potter will be thinking herself as Gen. Pickett. 

    My “dream” is the entire city council is indicted and we can vote Pandori into office.  But the tooth fairy didn’t pick up my tooth last night.  I don’t know why…

  3. #4 San Jose Downtowner (if that is your real name or you are just too scared to make your views public and prefer to attack people anonymously).  Yes, I “get” how important the election is.  However, I don’t need to hear and see it every day for the next 4 1/2 months.  If you watch this web site frequently and don’t know where the candidates stand already (since we had one election and the positions have been discussed ad nauseum), perhaps you need to go back to school and learn some reading comprehension.  You don’t get bored by reading the same garbage every day? In the mean time, yes the weather is a better subject until something else comes along.  The sun is shining.  It’s a beautiful day.  The temperatures are mild.  The wind is not too strong.  Sit outside and enjoy some fresh air (not along a VTA route) rather than pounding away at an anonymous keyboard.

  4. A search on shows that Dale Warner lost to Chuck Reed in 2004 by 72.22%.  Now I should be clear here that Chuck did not get 72.22% of the vote.  He BEAT Dale by 72.22%.  That’s amazing.  Dale, I also heard that you financed your own campaign and had a legitimate budget.  Is that true?  And you still got spanked that bad?

    Dale, no wonder you’re like a rabid dog attacking Chuck on this site.  Relax.  Take a bath, light some incense, make yourself a white whine (notice the pun here) spritzer and enjoy life a little more.

  5. ooooh, I struck a nerve!!! someone with the Reed campaign or Victor himself is getting nervous.  As far as Dale Warner goes, I have no idea who you are talking about or whyI should even send a person, whom I suppose is the fellow that ran against Chuck for City Council.  I voted for Chuck in that race, though I am not sure why he raised 80 grand in developer money to run against a minor candidate.  As far as documents go, this is a blog, and I told you that it was in the Merc many times.

    Ps, I visited that Dale Warner website.  It seems he has something to do with the Civil Grand Jury action against Ron, whom Cindy carries water for.  So why would Dale Warner, who apparently helped get Ron want to give me, a Reed supporter for the last two elections, and a guy who voted for Ron, anytime of day?

  6. I said it months ago.  These blogs that do use real names only hurt the entire process.  I would like people to put up or shut up about Reed or Kennedy.  It is getting very crazy around here.

  7. Is this the same Ajluni who works for the DA and got Kennedy to intimidate the BUSD so his brother could get a job.  Is this same one Ajluni who asked Vic to do a press conference for George?

    Isn’t family loyalty touching.  How come you have time to blog on county time, pal.

  8. I read about the action towards Cindy and using it against Chuck on the Metro Blog just now.  How come you blame someone else.  The Metro is the source for all of this discussion, Yucca, who needs a pint from Chuck everyday when they ask him to sweep the floors of the campaign office.  Ps, Metro has also been the only paper to cover a lot about Warner, and according to our research, that guy did spend his own money to counter Chuck raising 80 grand from developers.

    You would not know about that.  But after sweeping the floor at Reed HQ, check the files. cay.

    Ps, I thought the only pen name Warner was tagged with has been FinFan.

  9. 17.  Mr. Ernesto/Rowen

    1, Why don’t you shut up!!

    2. We want to get some answers about this decision of Kennedy to influence the Mayor’s Race in SAN JOSE. 

    3. We could care less about your postings about Santa Clara, or stupid questions about identities.  Who cares about some low level grunt in San Jose named Matthews who can’t think enough about ethics to resign from a two bit Santa Clara committee.  What’s the point?  There are not ethics in Santa Clara so who cares?

    4.  I am sick of people whining about pen names or about people with questions about why someone wants to give good skinny about Reed.  It is about our city, and who cares who ran against Reed, or this or that.  Is Reed dirty, or is Cindy dirty?  Are people at the DA hiding information for their own purposes.

  10. #12. Yep. Also the same Dale Warner who speaks up on behalf of maligned under-classes of society such as the “redneck, white trash, hillbilly” and the “peckerwood” and other white folks. 
    (2nd item)
    -and library censor-

    Between Dale and The Butler (in his various personas) I don’t think Reed is too worried about the quality of criticism emerging on SJI.

  11. Tom,

    Michael is right.  We need some new blood on this blog.  There are other issues in this city besides “reform” politics.

    Take parks for example.  The city is without a Parks Director, funding for community centers is a mess, and we are about to kick off another hot summer with many public swimming pools closed.  Why don’t you invite some of the neighborhood leaders (Don, Lisa, Randi, Ed) to blog?  I understand they are in a bitter fight with developers on Park Trust Fund spending and Park assessment fees.

  12. Dear San Jose:

    I think the most amazing thing about the election results is the fact that Reed’s campaign only raised $415,000 compared to Chavez who raised the full amount (more than $700,000?)

    I believe that 70% or more of the other reformers’ supporters will go with Reed in November.  Will that be enough?  Who knows?

    The thing that struck me while precinct walking for Reed was just how angry people are with the mayor and the rest of the council.  (Even Reed received some of the blame until I reminded them that Reed voted against the Taj Mahal, the attempted takeover of the Tropicana…and stood up to Gonzales before it was fashionable).

    Pete Campbell

    Full disclosure:  During my tenure as a volunteer with the Reed campaign, I received five bottles of water.  (All empties were recycled!)

  13. #3 .. nice Civil War analogy – Dando and Sherman – she is as tough as Sherman , and in pursuing the right course for the City in the 1980’s when she worked for me, she was ethical and single-minded – people don’t change much. Also, a nice touch, ..presenting the city of San Jose as a Christmas present a la Sherman to Lincoln. Nice posts like this make me happy to use historical analogies – you like it, you really like it.  TMcE

  14. Michael Schwerin – I don’t post my real name because I don’t feel the need for any personal attention or “fame” like some others on this site crave (I don’t know if that is your case.) I was not attacking you – merely disagreeing with what you said. Funny, most of those who post their “real names” seem to get upset about others “attacking” them. Anyone else notice that?

    And if there was nothing new to say about the candidates, why are people still posting things about them on here?

    I agree that there are other issues to be discussed – feel free to bring up any good ones – but the election is still fresh in people’s minds and is what people are posting the most on here so I think that the blog’s topic follow that trend. I think that it a whole new ballgame now and especially with the coming info from the DA, the mayor’s topic will not be dull.

    I am all for discussing other issues but mayor’s race seems to the most important.

    Congrats to Pete Constant – we got one of the good guys!

  15. A few observations:

    1)  This is not the civil war.  Nobody dies if either Cindy or Chuck are elected.

    2)  I am happy Rove was not indicted.  Too often we root to have other people go to jail when we disagree with them politically.  While I despise Rove’s politics, I do not wish for him to spend time in jail or incur a premature death.

    3)  Are you listening SJI?  Nobody here should be “hoping” Chuck Reed or Cindy Chavez have committed crimes that would ruin their lives—simply because you don’t like them personally or politically.

    4)  Chuck Reed’s 28% victory is about the same as Ron Gonzalez approval rating.

    5)  ABC can also mean Anybody But Chuck.

    6) A primary victory with less than 4% of the total population voting in favor of the winning candidate is not a mandate.

    7) Pat Dando is a decent person who has served he comunity well.  One mistake should not erase a lifetime of positive public service.

    8)  Mike Fox Jr. is also a great community leader.  The Chamber leadership received bad political advice—that’s the problem that should be fixed.

    9)  David, David, and Michael are not losers, they all ran noble campaigns and “still” have somethng to contribute to the debate.

    10)  I may be the only Consultant ever to utter this but as to Pete Campbell noted:  Sometimes the most money is not the determining factor in a campaign:

    11)  See Al Checchi, Steve Westly above.

    12)  Sheriff Laurie Smith is being honored at a dinner on June 21 hosted by Pat Dando, Cindy Chavez and Mike Fox Jr—who says we can’t come together?

    13)  Did Chuck Reed’s campaign report the expenditure of water and did they receive any income from recycling? 

    14) Some people have pointed out that Chuck Reed is a Democrat.  So is Zell Miller.

    15)  I hope both Cindy and Chuck get a vacation in June and July—in fact, many of us should take a rest from politics.

  16. With reference to Mal Content in #21, I am happy to stand for a slur-free society. I oppose slurs against all demographics.

    When I was on the city’s Human Rights Commission, I drafted the letter that the commission approved and that Tom McEnery sent to a talk show host who used “chink” to stand for Chinese-Americans, and all throughout 2003 I worked to obtain passage of a resolution condemning the “N” word by the county Human Relations Commission, and thereafter by the County Board of Supervisors.

    Most thoughtful adults do oppose the use of epithets that demonstrate contempt against the members of any demographic. I work for a slur-free society proudly.

    I wish Chuck Reed would endorse a slur-free society. Why not? What adult really wants to shower contempt on the members of any demographic?

  17. #5 ….Don’t get me wrong I did not vote for Chuck but !  “He hired a consultant who has phony firefighters on a mailer in Sunnyvale” is not a great reason why no to vote for him.  We have far more important things to worry about in this election.  You are only making Cindy and those who support her look silly.
    #13….tune in on Mondays, Leonard talks about history, dogs and other great things.
    #27…. I’m with you.
    #28….I also hope that none of our city leaders commited a crime, but if they did I hope they don’t get away with it.

  18. I think Rich is trying out the new Cindy Chavez talking points here.

    – Chuck isn’t a real democrat

    – Chuck doesn’t get along well with others (same one they all used on Pandori)

    – One writer here accused Chuck of being like David Duke for gay people without giving any reason. Is this an attempt to create paranoia among gay voters?

    Sounds like sleaze to me. Rich didn’t engage in this before but I guess with Don lying low for exposing Cindy to scutiny in the Merc somebody had to pick up the slack.

  19. I am not a big Chuck fan but to question his honesty is a joke.  All I could wonder was why doesn’t the Cindy camp attack Chuck on his poor voting record on land use issues?  Afterall Chuck voted on the wrong side of the law on The Markovitz and Fox Build, IBM Building #25 and NSJ.  These lawsuits cost us over $40,000,000.  He also voted to demolish the historic Del Monte Plant #3, rather than reuse it for artist lofts or low cost housing.
    I then found the answer, Cindy voted the same miserable way.  Boy are we up a creek…

  20. Tom:

    The election is 4 1/2 months away and we have yet another thread on the San Jose’s mayors race.  Now, you are comparing it to the civil war.  Tomorrow, you can compare it to the World Series and the next day to the Stanley Cup finals and on and on and on.  This is getting old.  If this is what this web site is going to be like for the next 4 1/2 months, I may as well remove it from my daily browsing list and check back next year.  I know the election is important to San Jose but how much can you re-hash the same thing.

  21. Is Dando’s recent broadside against Chavez the start of the republican party’s political war in San Jose and her March to City Hall similar to Sherman’s March to the Sea across Georgia

    Will we read in the future

    Chamber’s scorched earth independent expenditure policies have always been highly controversial, and Dando

  22. Michael Schwerin – what would you like this blog to talk about? The weather? This election is SO important to San Jose and our future (as is the D3 matchup.) If you don’t get that then maybe you should check out.

  23. How can Reed talk about ethics?  He employs a consultant that had phony firefighters in a mailer in Sunnyvale, and who demands the DA write letters to schoold districts intimidating them about hiring him.  Reed violated the Brown Act, and also testifies on behalf of campagin contributors?  How is Reed ethical?

  24. San Jose has a committee of citizens that act as indepdendent watchogs on candidates.  Santa Clara has council members like Jamie Matthews and Dominic Caserta, candidates for office serving as the campaign ethics committee, refusing to allow citizens to participate.  Which city is the most ethical?

  25. Novice, why all the focus by you and just about everybody else on illegals coming in from the south?  Meanwhile, boatloads of far more industrious ones are coming in from across the Pacific and not a peep from anybody.  Just glance out your window when you’re driving around and then decide which group of illegals we should all be focusing on.

  26. #26 – False hope of breviety from RR, but then #28 – same wind-bagging.  Is the consulting business slow these days?

    #37, paragraph #—wouldn’t that be great!!

  27. # 29 Dale Warner, I’m not sure which of the remaining candidates for mayor is the worst of two evils. I have to say I’m leaning toward Reed and hoping something developes from the DA’s office where Cynthia Potter has to drop out of the race and gives David Pandori a chance to give San Jose a Genuine leader with a plan.

    However, that’s niether here, nor there at this time. I just want to warn you that # 21, novice is also niether here nor there. I don’t the person’s sex or nationality; but judging from some previous posts, she’s either a member of the KKK or the Arien Brotherhood. It appears this person was born into wealth, and learned to abuse it. I wouldn’t put too much weight on her comments

  28. Still smarting from getting hit by all those folding chairs eh Refugio?

    BTW, how’s your quest to get the illegal aliens to stop polluting the desert going? 

    That must be a tremendous source of angst for you and your environmental fanatico comrades. 

    It appears that our Whole Foods shopping, Prius driving, Al Gore movie watching environmentalists have taken a pass and are looking the other way as the hordes of illegal aliens pouring in to the US destroy the delicate southwestern desert ecosystem. 

    Not a peep do you hear from our environmentalist friends – not even from Woodsy the owl.

    Would love to chat more, but a code red has come up, the refrigeration unit in my wine cellar just went out.  Toodles.

  29. I do like the idea of returning to discussing the issues instead of the polemics.  I’d hoped that some of this would calm down after round 1 of these elections.  I’d love to see us finding a topic, discussing it (and that’s not all about name calling) and really finding out which candidate is willing to stick his or her neck out and support positions.  I don’t care if you hate Chuck’s ties or believe Cindy is a Gonzales clone..that doesn’t answer my questions about where they stand on issues .such as parks, park land dedication, developer fees, etc.  Where do they stand on transit development, what are their solutions to resolving the crime in our neighborhoods, what is the plan for looking for more money outside the general fund and RDA money to make the necessary improvements in our communities?  How are we going to grow the smaller businesses while maintaining our heavy industrial land, incorporate housing, churches and schools in a sane manner?  and thanks for the plug #22.

  30. Mark T,

    How many countries can you name that don’t control their borders?  Does Mexico control it’s southern border?  You bet.  Why do you think that is?

    How many Mexican’s would become US citizens over 20 years if the Senate immigration bill were to pass?  Around 40-60 million are the low-end estimates I’ve seen.

    How can you possibly think that giving US citizenship to 40-60 million don’t speak the language, uneducated, unskilled Mexicans is a good thing?  Operating a leafblower does not count as a skill. 

    How happy will you be when you have to pay for all the social services to support this newly minted permanent bottom rung of our society?

    According to those on the left – we already have a bottom rung in the US that is neglected.  So why the need to swell the ranks of the bottom rung by 40-60 million?

    Bush + the US senate + big business + big labor are attempting to sell this country down the river for little more than short term political gain and profits. 

    You and me?  We’re left holding the bag and remembering a country that once was.

    Thanks for asking.

  31. #28. Rich- “4) Chuck Reed’s 28% victory is about the same as Ron Gonzalez approval rating.”

    That means Cindy’s 23% is an even lower approval rating than Gonzales!

  32. Novice #42:  why would they bother to become US citizens?  The Senate just voted to give illegal immigrants social security benefits.  Then there’s this I got from someone:“Consider cheap tomatoes…..

    This email is from a retired former teacher friend whose wife is a teacher in the Riverside , California area, and has been for many, many years.  The attached is first hand knowledge…..

    “As you listen to the news about the student protests over illegal immigration there are things that you should be aware of.

    As most of you know, my wife is in charge of the English-as-a-second-language department at a large southern California high school, which is designated a Title 1 school.  Meaning that its students average lower socio-economic and income levels.  The schools you are hearing about, ”South Gate High, Bell Gardens , Huntington Park , etc.” where these students are protesting, are all Title 1 schools.

    You need to know that 100% of the students in her school and all other Title 1 schools are on the free breakfast, and free lunch program.  When I say free breakfast, I’m not talking a glass of milk and roll… but a full breakfast plus cereal bar with fruits and juices that would make a Marriott Hotel proud.  The waste of this food is monumental, with trays and trays of it being dumped in the trash uneaten after every meal.  Since it is free to them, they don’t c! are how much they waste!

    She estimates that well over 50% of these students are obese or at least moderately overweight.  About 75% or more DO have cell phones and their own cars.

    The school also provides free day care centers for the unwed teenage pregnant girls (some as young as 13) so they can attend class without the inconvenience of paying for baby-sitters or having to arrange to have family members watch their kids.

    She was ordered to spend over $700,000 in her department or risk losing funding for the upcoming year, even though there was little need for anything; her budget was already quite substantial.  She ended up buying new computers for their computer learning center; half of which, one month later, have been carved and marred with graffiti by the appreciative students who obviously feel humbled and grateful to have a free education in America .

    She has had to intervene several times for young and substitute teachers whose classes consist of many illegal immigrant students in the country less then 3 months, who raised so much hell with the female teachers, calling them “Puta”, ”whores” and worse, as well as throwing things at them that the teachers were in tears.

    Free medical, free education, free food, free day care etc., etc., etc.

    Is it any wonder they feel entitled to not only be in this country, but to demand rights, privileges and entitlements?

    To my bleeding-heart liberal friends who want to point out how much these illegal immigrants contribute to our society because they LIKE their gardener and housekeeper and they like to pay less for tomatoes:  spend some time in the real world of illegal immigration and see the TRUE costs.  Higher insurance, Medical facilities closing,  higher medical costs, more crime, lower standards of education in our schools, overcrowding, new diseases etc., etc., etc.  For me, I’ll gladly pay more for tomatoes.

    We need to wake up.  NOW! The guest worker program will be a disaster because we won’t have the guts to enforce it.
    Does anyone in their right mind really think they will leave and return voluntarily?

    There are many hardworking Hispanic/American citizens that contribute to our country, and many that I consider my true friends.  We should encourage and accept those Hispanics who have done it the right and legal way.

    It does, however, have everything to do with culture:  A third-world culture that does not value education, that accepts children getting pregnant and dropping out of school before 15 and that refuses to assimilate … and an American culture that has become so weak and “politically correct” that we don’t have the will to do anything about it.

        Harvey Martin

  33. # 42 Novice, You hit the nail on the when you said “Operating a leafblower does not count as a skill.” Does this mean you’re willing to strap one on to clean your own yard when your Mexican gadener is deported. And if so, are your friends willing to do the same? How about alll the other jobs the “unskilled are willing to do for your convenience. Do you have a plan as to who will take their place? You perhaps?

    Can you imagine what all those soccer moms would do if they found every fast food restaurant closed after a game? For that matter, what would you do? Do you even know how to fry an egg? I seriously doubt America women are ready to give up their independence and get back into the kitchen along with the rest of the household chores. for the sake of deporting all the illegal aliens.

    I could be wrong…Just wondering…

  34. Novice…, you little devil! San Jose Inside realy is your own little playground… I should have know. What’s your real name? Never mind, that’s not important. My hunch is that you’re of Irish desent. That being the case, you should read up on how your ancestors were treated when they first came to Amerrica. Having lived a sheltered life, I’m sure it’s hard for you to understand that your ancestors weren’t always promonent members of society. They too were seen through the same lense you’re using today to look at the Mexican Immigrant.

    I’m sure you graduated at the top of you class so you shouldn’t have any difficulty finding a good history book; Unless you paid someone to do your homework and don’t have a clue of what it was you were suppose to learn.

    The important thing is that you and your supporters can only vent on your personal blog site. You lack the “ability and skill”to put a realistic, workable plan together. Oh well; It’s probably for the best that your attitude remain here in cyber space.

  35. Refugio – you’re right about one thing – the illegals sure have it rough in the US.  Uncle Sam has his jackboot on the throat of the illegal immigrants 24×7.

    So much so in fact, that *illegal* immigrants frequently take to the streets by the thousands demanding concessions from *my* elected representatives without a single thought that they might be rounded up and sent back to Mexico for *breaking the law*.

    Please let us know when Mexico opens it’s borders with Guatamala and the Mexicans welcome millions of Central American’s with free education, in-state tuition rates to the best colleges, free medical care, and allow them to march in the streets making demands upon Mexico’s government.

    Last I read Mexico treats illegal immigrants from Central America a bit differently than the US.

    “The level of brutality Central American migrants face in Mexico was apparent Monday, when police conducting a raid for undocumented migrants near a rail yard outside Mexico City shot to death a local man, apparently because his dark skin and work clothes made officers think he was a migrant.”

    It’s a good read Refugio, enjoy Mexican hypocrisy at it’s finest.

    If anyone is interested in letting your beloved US representatives know how you feel about illegal immigration and wanting the border secured – head over to

  36. “Does this mean you’re willing to strap one on to clean your own yard when your Mexican gadener is deported.”

    Refugio – you just hit the nail on the head.

    The availability of an infinite supply of unskilled illegal labor means that we pay a ridiculously low wage for the hard work that is done, be it for flipped burgers, mowed yards, etc.

    The unskilled but legal US citizens, will never get ahead – or even consider taking the job in the first place – for such low wages.

    If the supply of illegal labor dries up and Americans have to pay a fair wage – they will consider doing more for themselves. 

    If goods and services get too expensive , then let the free market forces of innovation and competition address the problem. 

    Is the world coming to an end because gas is over 3 dollars a gallon?  Hell no.  Smart people all over the world are busy 24×7 developing alternative sources of fuel and more efficient cars. 

    Would these same smart people be busy working on alternative sources of fuel if gas was an artificially low 50 cents a gallon?  Hell no. 

    Same thing goes for goods and services that are artificially cheap due to illegal labor.  There is no incentive to innovate or consider alternatives in the face of an infinite supply of cheap labor.

    And since when did Americans start living in this entitlement fantasyland where we’re somehow above having to get our hands dirty and do the everyday work around the house that our mothers and fathers used to?

    If left unchecked, this narcotic dependance on cheap illegal labor will be the ruin of this country.

  37. I do know my history.  And you know what – my family came to the US *LEGALLY*.

    They were L-E-G-A-L immigrants.  My family came to America L-E-G-A-L-L-Y. 

    Mexicans are entering the US *ILLEGALLY*.

    Do you have the slightest clue as to the difference between the 2?  Between LEGAL and ILLEGAL? 

    The illegals do have it rough in the US.  Uncle Sam pretty much has his jackboot on the throat of the *illegal* immigrants 24×7.

    So much so in fact, that *illegal* immigrants frequently take to my streets by the thousands demanding concessions from my elected representatives without a care or concern that they might be rounded up and deported to Mexico for breaking the law by entering the US *illegally*.

    Please let us know when Mexico opens it’s borders with Guatamala and the Mexicans let millions of Central American’s in and provide them with free education, in-state tuition rates to the best colleges, free medical care, and allow them to march in the streets making demands of Mexico’s government.

    Last I read Mexico treats *illegal* immigrants from Central America a bit differently than the US.

    “The level of brutality Central American migrants face in Mexico was apparent Monday, when police conducting a raid for undocumented migrants near a rail yard outside Mexico City shot to death a local man, apparently because his dark skin and work clothes made officers think he was a migrant.”

    It’s a good read Refugio, enjoy Mexican hypocrisy at it’s finest.

    If anyone is interested in letting your beloved US representatives know how you feel about *illegal* immigration and wanting the border secured – head over to

  38. #50
    2-Did not know before everyone else—do you have any information that says otherwise?  That’s what I thought.
    3-You mean talking with a major event organizer that brings economic activity and over 150K people to our downtown, do you mean meeting with residents to try and mitigate impacts the event has on neighborhoods and businesses, you mean voting like the entire council to spend 500K of RDA money to support the event, what Cindy did was support the Chamber of Slime and Pat ‘Can’t shoot straight’ Dando keep a great event in our City—Your question makes little sense to me—please rephrase—

    Did Pandori make the runoff?
    Who did Pandori buy his home from?
    Who are you supporting for Mayor this time and who did you support in the primary and why?

  39. #49 Reality Check
    1…Do you think Cindy has a better chance of getting elected or going to jail?
    2… Do you think that Cindy didn’t even have prior knowledge of the Norcal scandal?
    3…If she is found to have played a part in the Norcal deal,a la the Grand Prix deal, will you still support her?

  40. Michael Scherwin (If that if your real name I am sorry are you sure that is not a moniker?)

    Yeah, let’s have them write about Britney Spears’s parenting on SJinside for the next 4 months and then talk about Brangelina and Joan River’s plastic surgery.  Sure thing, just so they can “spice it up” for you and not “rehash” the same old thing.  Go read US MAGAZINE and stop being so bitter…

  41. #52 Reality Check
    My #2 question is “I am asking you if YOU think Cindy knew anything more than the rest of the council about the Norcal Scandal”  Let me make it clear I am not saying that I know for a fact that she did or didn’t play a role, only the D.A.‘s report can tell us that.  What I am trying to determine is, would it even matter to you if Cindy did play a role along with Gonzo in wasting $11,000,000 of our money. 
    My #3 question rephrased.  If the D.A.‘s report finds that Cindy played any role in trying to get more money for Norcal, that was not legally owed to them, will you still support her?  And I do not just mean voting for the raise like many of the council members did.  I mean talking with Gonzo and the Unions to get more money for Norcal so they could pay higher wages necessitated by switching from Long Shoremen to Teamsters.
    As for “Did Pandori make the runoff”  Didn’t you read the papers?  Reed kicked ass and he did it without my vote.  Chavez came in second.  As for who did Pandori buy his home from, I don’t know.
    And finally, “who am I voting for?”  I am open, but I assure you it will have to be someone I can trust and someone with a vision for San Jose’s future.  I hope they both will talk about the issues so we can see what they truly stand for.  I hope you will honestly answer my questions so I will know what you stand for. 
                Thank You

  42. Wondering # 43:  You hit the nail (s) on the head (s).  California as we know it would cease to exist in a month if we could beam all illegals back to their country of origin.  Most restaurants—at all quality levels—would close down.  Concrete would not get poured. Contractors would default on jobs for lack of labor.  We’d mow our own lawns.  Offices would become pig stys of paper unemptied from waste baskets. Soccer Moms would have five additional jobs to do besides
    schlepping their little pampered darlings all over the universe.  Few “americans” of any color would come forward to fill the void.

  43. While I do not approve of illegal aliens, most complaints seem to be about the ones south of our borders.  From what I have observed personally, most of them come across to “work” not collect money from motorist. 

    There is a man who has been standing under the light rail bridge on Capitol & Montegue asking for money for the last 4 years.  He drives a better car than I do, & who knows, he may live in a nicer place, all the while he does not paying taxes.  There’s a lady(?) hanging out on the island of the westbound traffic of Julian asking for gas money.  How many times can one person run out of gas at the exact same location.  Then how about the ones on Parkmoor….. oh please.  The same people are out there day in day out.  While I work for my living, pay taxes, I am about to have my power shut off, and soon after that I may even become homeless.  That’s life in this valley.  But, I will not stand on a corner.  I will continue to work & live out of my car as I have done before.

    All, ever, never, are words that can’t always be used where humans are concerned.  WE ARE NOT PERFECT.  Not all illegals are here to work, not all legals are here to work.

  44. Novice #44—you have a couple of things exactly backwards.  If we didn’t have what you call “this narcotic dependance on cheap illegal labor” we’d really be behind the 8-ball in competing with China. Sri Lanka, Korea, and others. 

    If our thinkers/entrepeneurs/business people had to mow their own lawns, we’d be so far behind the competitive 8-ball price-wise that we’d dry up and blow away in a decade.  Look at the auto and clothing industries.  We’re getting hammered by cheap labor abroad.  And, they put out a better product, too—Toyota, Honda, even Hyundai vs. GM, Ford, Chrysler.  US companies lose on quality and price due to expensive labor with “entitlements” to a job, no matter how poor a product they put out.  Thanks UAW.

    Just what is a “fair wage” for a person with few skills who is often illiterate even in his/her own native language?  Do we pay janitors $50.00 an hour?  That gets passed on to consumers—and inflation is getting bad enough already.

    It is an unfortunate fact of life that although all men are created equal, they stay that way for no more than a nanosecond.  It is another unfortunate fact of life here in the Bay Area that we have a cost of living that cannot sustain a marginally educated low-skilled person, whether he or she is born here or sneaks in here. 

    I do not have the skill set to run GE, or any other large company.  So I don’t earn as much as Mr. Welch did.  On the other hand, Skilling and Lay and others should be required by law to disgorge all their ill-gotten gains.

    The world is a tough place.  Unless we want to become France, market realities will control what people earn.  What everyone is entitled to is an opportunity; nothing more, nothing less. 

    People come sneaking into this country by the millions because they realize there is opportunity here.  You don’t see droves of displaced white people with little or no education paying hundreds of dollars to “coyotes” to sneak into Mexico in the 100 degree plus heat, do you?

    I come from a blue collar, working class family who grew up in The Great Depression, each one of ten children (a bad idea in hard times, but it all worked out).  Nobody handed my parents or their siblings anything, nor was I handed anything.  My parents sacrificed to put me through school, and I worked my butt off in school and in various jobs to get an education and to pay my bills.  So now I’m a white collar guy.  I was given an opportunity and I embraced it.  Millions of others in this country—and around the world—do the same.  But I am “entitled” to nothing other than the fruits of my labor.  Neither is anyone else.

  45. JMO #57 – put some butter on that waffle.  smile

    There is absolutely no strategic advantage to be had by continuing to allow an unmitigated torrent of illegal aliens into the US.

    Getting our yards mowed cheaply helps the US compete with India and China?

    The idea that the benefit the US derives from illegal Mexican labor will somehow outweigh the enormous long term economic and social costs is a bunch of baloney.  (See post #45)

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