Supporters Gather for Murdered San Jose Transgender Woman

A transgender woman who was killed last week in Milpitas was honored Saturday by friends and LGBTQ rights advocates at San Jose City Hall.

Friends said Natalia Smüt, 24, a transgender woman and drag artist from San Jose who was known  for her motivating and creative spirit, captivating performances and her love for advocacy within the community was killed Friday.

Also Friday, Milpitas police arrested Elijah Cruz Segura, 22, of Union City in connection to her killing. Police said Segura called 911 about 2:23am Friday saying the victim was injured and that he was responsible for her injuries.

Within three minutes, two officers arrived at the home on Hillview Court and took Segura into custody. Officers located the victim laying on the ground with significant injuries. Officers provided aid to the victim until fire department personnel and paramedics arrived.  The victim was taken to an area hospital where she later died.

A community vigil honoring Smüt was held Saturday evening at San Jose City Hall, and a community potluck in honor of Smüt is scheduled for Sunday, according to Project MORE Foundation, a nonprofit organization that works to improve the quality of life of the LGBTQ community.

“The senseless violence against transgender and non-binary people in our communities must stop, and more protections and advocacy are needed,” according to a statement  from the organization. “We encourage the community to check in with your queer family and friends to show your support and care for their well-being.”

In honor of Smüt  and other trans lives lost to violence, the organization on Saturday changed the color of the lights in the Qmunity District in downtown San Jose to trans flag colors. The lights will remain changed for the next 16 days to help draw awareness to violence against transgender people.

Smüt was the 16th victim this year of anti-transgender violence in the U.S.


  1. — “The senseless violence against transgender and non-binary people in our communities must stop, and more protections and advocacy are needed,” according to a statement from the organization. “We encourage the community to check in with your queer family and friends to show your support and care for their well-being.” —

    The killer was identified (elsewhere!) as Smut’s boyfriend, a man who prior to the murder was presumably part of the “queer family and friends,” thus counterfeiting the organization’s depiction of the crime as having been against the transgender community. The organization’s eagerness to distort and exploit a domestic violence tragedy for its own hateful, finger-pointing purposes, a distortion that disrespects the victim’s right to a truthful remembrance, is a testament to its indefatigable deceit and endemic narcissism.

  2. This is being called “anti-transgender violence” but I have seen ZERO evidence that Natalia was murdered because they identify as trans. If a person who happens to be trans is murdered, it is NOT automatically “anti-trans violence.” Do your job, reporters. Stop lying to the public.

  3. Here is a little data that supports the idea that at least half of the trans people are killed by their queer partners. Another huge risk factor about trans women is if they engage in street prostitution. A number of other articles suggest that the victims were engaged in prostitution.

    Very hard to get good stats but it would appear that the queer community is the biggest part of the problem.

  4. propaganda click-bait quotes and sensationism

    listen DV is bad, bad everytime straight, queer, trans, parental, whatever

    this was a crime of intimacy not some gang of frustrated anti-trans marauders roaming the bath houses looking for blood, get a grip.

  5. Phu Tan Elli, I enjoy reading your posts. While often biting, they are well thought out.

    A bit of advice: never argue with an idiot. Bystanders sometimes can’t tell who is who.

    Never follow the rabbit down the hole.

  6. nothing to see here, move along

    murder happens everyday in a country of 330M, stop trying to get political cap off someone’s tragedy.

  7. If I knew who you were, I would never be your customer


    rich coming from a grown man gaming a pandemic to weasel out of paying rent


    frankly, i wouldnt know if you were a customer or would care if you were, my PMs screen on income, credit, and rental history; first come first served; one application at a time and I never know the name of a tenant before occupancy. fair housing makes the process simple.

    if you were a customer, youd be satisfied or youd move and our turnover is lighter than I’d prefer, nothing to do with who owns it

    time to get a job, rents due in a couple days

  8. “A bit of advice: never argue with an idiot.” — HB

    Thanks for the advise. I recognize good advise when I see it, I just sometimes find it difficult to heed it.

    I know what you mean. When you see someone post something that is so patently and demonstratively untrue, it is very difficult to not provide some measure of reason to attempt clarify the misinformation. But, alas, there is no reasoning with the unreasonable. Particularly when they “jump the shark” in every rambling responses that scatters in 5 directions and asks and then conveniently answers their own questions as proof of the validity of their comments.

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