Supervisor Kniss Cited For Freaking

Must Spend Weekend in Detention

During a charity fundraiser at Palo Alto High School on Saturday night, Supervisor Liz Kniss took to the dance floor with her husband and starting “freaking” to the horror of school officials and anyone within sight of the spectacle.

Palo Alto High School has officially banned the explicit form of dancing between students after it became a problem at their dances in 2003, and saw no reason to make an exception for the adults.

“We just couldn’t afford to be hypocritical and apply the rule to some and not others,” said Principal Scott Laurence.  “There were many student volunteers present watching the display who became nauseous because of it.  Let’s just say there wasn’t a lot of groove there.”

The incident was caught on film and school officials intend to use it as an instructional aid to help other high school administrators curtail the indecent dance with a “scared-straight” approach.  “Once kids see what this freaking really looks like, courtesy of Ms. Kniss,” said the one official, “I don’t believe we will have much of a problem anymore.”

Witnesses say that Supervisor Kniss was warned several times by student chaperones to stop the extreme form of grinding but refused to listen.

“We were left with no other option than to ask Ms Kniss to leave and report back for detention on Saturday,” said Mr. Laurence.



  1. There are a number of other politicians I would love to see do the freak.  If they all got together and did it who knows we could set a record with the tremors created.

  2. Not to be outdone by his counterpart to the north, Mayor Gonzalez revealed today that he had donned a disguise this past week and rode several lightrail cars to see if riders were paying.

    Wearing a NorCal baseball cap, a sweatshirt with ballroom dancers with a red circle and slash through it, and sunglasses, what the mayor found was surprising.

    “Not only did I find no evidence of criminal activitiy, aside from a skeleton clutching a briefcase I found no evidence of riders.” said the mayor. 

    When asked if he had plans for increasing ridership, the mayor replied “Given the length of time it takes riders to reach their destination, I think it only fair that riders receive interest on the money they’ve invested in their tickets.”

  3. Oh the Humanity…

    San Jose Unified needs to resurrect its policy of adding saltpeter to the drinking water at all SJ high schools. 

    Not since 1992 when Ex-Mayor Susan Hammer shuffled into a Board of Supes meeting to the tune “Hammertime”-gyrating like a baby lamb with Parkinson’s and completely regaled in parachute pants and a halter top, have I been so ashamed of our elected officials.

    On a lighter note-it appears the Lenny McKay’s “The Way We Were” blogs now have a higher readership than yours, John.

    Vote for Blando

  4. Banning a dance is just the stupidest thing I have ever heard. These are the same people that were in the Santa Cruz hills smoking pot and trip-grooving in the 60s and 70s. (Some still are; and, they make for interesting weekends.) And they complained about educators banning them. Let’s not forget Alan Freed and the Boston Raids. Remember the old maids, “OMG, All that gyration could lead to something…You two separate and leave some room between you for Jesus.”
    Just stupid, stupid, stupid.
    What’s even more stupid is that the article reads,“officially banned the explicit form of dancing between students after it became a problem.”
    Would that be like “African Honey Bees making their way north to terrorize the bay area” type of problem, or a “I’m so old and bitter in my mid-life. Could you imagine how rediculous I would look doing that, so I’m not going to let them do it because it makes me feel embaraced by my own wall flower fat butt that couldn’t manage to get into the clothes let alone the positions….Someone pass me the cheeze-whiz can” type of problem? Just wondering…

  5. The news stories bring light to the trend of “freak dancing” is ridiculous.. this has been going on for over 20 years from middle schools to the 21 and over clubs.. what is new about it?

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