Supervisor Gage Blames County Fair Flip-Flop on Mattel

Lead Poisoning Caused Temporary Spinelessitis

Just days after Supervisor Don Gage vowed to shut down the county fair if it didn’t turn a profit, he was singing its praises after it lost $416,000, the most since 1998. A few hours later, he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital where he was diagnosed with a rare form of spinelessitis caused by lead poisoning he suffered from the made-in-China, Mattel Big Big World 6-in-1 Bongo Band toy that he keeps on his desk.

A spokesman for the hospitalized supervisor said that there was obviously something amiss when Gage refused his cookie and milk after naptime and then didn’t engage with the other inmates at recess.

“He just sat alone on a bench catatonic-like while the others played kickball,” said the staff nurse. “We thought he might have ingested some glue, as he has been known to do on occasion, but clearly it was something more serious.”

Staffers immediately stepped in after the supervisor held a “mission accomplished” press conference near the monkey bars, saying that he was pleased with the county fair’s efforts and attendance and that it should continue for several more years.

Supervisor Blanca Alvarado immediately blamed his enthusiasm and support of continuing the financial disaster on “fuzzy math.”

Gage will be put on paid leave after his release from the hospital as he has to serve a three month detention for his threat to support a Grand Prix at the fairgrounds to compliment the county fair.

“We obviously hope Don’s recovery is full and quick,” said Supervisor Alvarado, “but talking CHAMP car is just plain heresy. He needs serious medication.”


  1. Rick Doyle immediately filed suit and sought a TRO and Preliminary Injunction to force the County not to steal CHAMP car from the City of San Jose.

    In a stunning move, Mr. Doyle immediately offered to drop the suit and pay the County $75 million in anticipated attorney’s fees as a cost-saving solution for all sides.

  2. Don Gage ma belle
    The job your doing is swell
    You’re as graceful as a gazelle
    Please don’t blame Mattel
    It’s not the fairgrounds death knell
    For housing, the fairgrounds shouldn’t sell
    You, county and city personnel
    In losing money excel
    Devise a plan which will propel
    Fairgrounds, MHP, Gr Prix, money-losing cartel
    I hope soon you get well
    It’s taxpayers who belong in a padded cell
    So long and farewell

  3. Elected officials in Santa Clara County and the fifteen cities within the County should be required to smoke meth before making decisions.  Supervisors, mayors, council members, school board officials and all elected officials should smoke meth because their decisions would be better.  It also would help the meth labs located in the Central Valley during this economic downturn.

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